Tired of winning?!?

No, but I am tired of losing. If Trump wants to be a two-turn president, he'll crucify that Paul Ryan bastard. If not, why the fuck should we bother putting another Republican back in office since they're the Dems' bitches anyway?

Other urls found in this thread:


It's "two-term" you idiot. Not "two-turn".

Also, sage.

Vote either one
>Same result
It's a a rigged system
>Vote for the obnoxious Republican
Lefty tears and salty butthurt.

It's kind of a no brainier user.

Going to have to agree.

Inb4 israel first queer mafia

It's worth it for this, though, wouldn't you say? Those were some great threads.

The teats were good. The judaism pisses me off. Nuke israel and ill be happy.

Tears. Fucking shit keyboard

Well, someone is going to do it. Let's not be delusional.

You should get a mechanical keyboard. I don't know why it would help you, but I have one, and it's keeping everyone in the house awake.

>fuck drumpf right
>making modest compromises
>not making every campaign promise come true within first 3 months
>man might as well vote democrat next time, right
>we probably shouldn't vote again, or vote democrat instead

sage this crap

Anger should be at Cuckservatives and Congress.

I think you'll find a difference of opinion here vs. the board you usually spend time on. I voted Trump in the primary and the GE. I voted for wall and strict budgeting + no wars in the ME. He bombed Syria, which was fine, since it seems to be a one off thing. He's going to solve the NK issue once and for all it seems, I'm cool with that. The budget passed today was a travesty, but he didn't use the Congressional Authorization from 2006 to start work on the wall. I know I sound like a retard, but he did too when he hammered wall shit nonstop during the election. Lay the first brick and I'll be satisfied. He still hasn't done that. He made sure to get his daughter a gubbmint job, though, no time wasted on that. Listen, he beats the shit out of Hillary, and I wouldn't change my vote, but get started on some of those promises so shills can use that crap as a beachhead to infiltrate my board. Know what I'm saying senpai?

Paul Ryan is a snake.

When he runs in 2020 we must make sure he is an epic failure.

Trump is making deals with Democrats now.

He's a Washington operator, just like Trump has become. BUILD FUCKING WALL and we will be cool.

They still need to pick the company and design.

But it is retarded people think the wall would be built or started in 100 days, Some actually sound like that.

So where's the initial planning? Who's the architect? Has the GAO costed it out? Why isn't it in the budget that was just passed?
Listen, I haven't abandoned Trump, but I voted for a fucking wall and there is no indication that it will ever happen, save for a 'believe me' from the prez. At this point I don't even give a shit if he can con Mexico in to paying for it, I just want it to exist. I'll give it until summer '18. If it doesn't happen by then, than Trump is dead to me and I'll go back to being a drunken asshole who doesn't vote.

>When he runs in 2020 we must make sure he is an epic failure.

He's up for re-election in 2018. And we'll make sure the fucker fails.

You can suck my beautiful pink asshole if you think you'll ever convince me to vote for a Democrat. I hope every one of them dies a horrible death of nigger gang-rape, as they deserve.

oops, read too much in to it. Primary guy against Ryan!

Have you not been following the wall you care so much about?

In April companies were able to turn in applications to build the wall. They'll pick the company this month and build in June.

>making modest compromises
Dems get funding for planned parenthood, Puerto Rico bailout, no wall, no cuts to the EPA, no increase in military spending.

Conservatives-we get Dems gloating that they got everything they wanted without holding political power.

>not making every campaign promise come true within first 3 months

Try next four years. Dems smell blood in the water and will flay Ryan and Trump alive unless Trump puts his foot down on Ryan and Pelosi's necks.

>we probably shouldn't vote again

I don't vote Democrats even if they pretend to be Republicans like Paul Ryan.

It's insane how Ryan can be so blatantly against everything the republicans and Trump ran on. How is he even speaker at this point? Everytime they try to do something Ryan presents some halfassed neolib solution (healthcare/budget).

pic unrelated

Link? I really haven't, since I have to work 5 days a week. Off Tuesday and Wednesday this week, yay blue collar shit!


Your post was invalid after this display of stupidity

All this talk about needing to build the wall immediately in every thread.

They're currently getting several companies to build prototypes and it's supposed to get started this summer.

I'm fine with holding the mans feet to the fire so it gets done but God damn Sup Forums it took Obama over a year to pass his shitty version of healthcare and 4 to be fully implemented.

Now why wouldn't you read down the 24 posts and make a meaningful commentary based on the comments in this thread?

Is it too late to call my congressmen about this budget?

I'm not being sarcastic or nasty, but I really don't understand why so many people here have a blank line between each sentence. It's driving me up the wall, and I can't really believe that so many of you automatically format this way. I'll be shameful and admit that I have posted on redditt in the past, but goddamn, it's driving me fucking crazy.

passed and done, sorry friendo.

if he doesn't BUILD WALL he won't get reelected and we'll get a far left piece of shit

God dammit I was working. Still think it's worth calling to tell them how disappointed I am?


I've done this on Sup Forums back before "is Joe Flacco elite" memes where common. Seeing text stretch on forever in desktop view gets obnoxious.

> Get nothing
> Give everything
> """Modest Compromise"""


hurrrrrrrrr we can't get the money for the wall and border agents durrrrrrrrr let's spend $650 billion dollars on our military industrial complex, let's keep funding USAID and give aid to countries that hate our fucking guts.

i am so fucking done with Republicans. just as bad as Democrats.

>"That's it! I'm voting Democrat!"
said the cuck who was With Her.

We need to start meme'ing ryan right fucking now. Really put the screws to him. I think a good plan would be to portray him for the snake he is. We can even use the snake poem. We should also shift all the delaying and losing on him. Trump hasn't failed Ryan has Failed. Shill against him hard as a complete failure and worse yet a cockblocker that is stopping Trump from getting shit done.

As a democrat, this is delicious. I'm really glad Trump saw the truth and stopped being racist piece of shit. Obama was great, Trump is getting better.

I'll still vote for him for more tears. The alternative to so much more frightening.
Are you in the Army or a cuck teaching English to heathens?
We tried that, for some reason he is indestructible.

Of course you're a democrat, and of course you like nigger. Don't you wholesale import somalis to enrich your country?

I'm Hillary Clinton. Thanks for voting for me, and thanks for continually shilling for me and the Democratic Party, too. Unfortunately, I can't cut you a check at the moment. You'll just have to do it for free.

how i feel right now. get rid of all these spineless fucking Republicans.

2018 can't come sooner.

Much less than Sweden, we should import more because we have room.

It's because the reply window is naturally tiny so a single sentence looks like a paragraph. The "Reddit format" looks good in the reply window, and then you actually post it and realize how silly it is.

So Army then. You're welcome for all of your free gibs.
You have lots of room for the Somalis and their 10 kids per wife (4 wives per man). Keep 'em coming, what could go wrong?
So why don't they drag from under the scroll bar so they can see how retarded they look?

Recall ryan. You have to constantly remind these globalist cunts what the people want. And trump needs a kick up the ass.

Vote Warren/Chelsea 2020.

That would make for some great threads. I really hope they do it tbqh.

Drumpf lied to us?@!

I never voted, I wanted Trump and told everyone good things knowing he would be a better option, just waiting on war and/o the economic collapse.

First Native American President. Very historical.

Well no one cares about your opinion because you were too lazy to go vote
That would be a first, and it would be very impressive. A victory for high cheekbones!




>Actual discussion
>Calm and collected
>Based upon things literally everyone with 3 brain cells could have guessed

Guess Sup Forums isnt lost after all. This anti-Trump shilling has gotten out of hand recently. No one minds cricticism but especially with the recent Muh Nupol bs, that is so clearly Divide and Conquer it hurts, it has really gotten out of hand.

he did not lie, he just did not imagine what he was getting into like he though, it is not a business environment, it is a political position and arena

two months in they took control of him, he maybe even in danger along with his family

>making modest compromises

nope was lazy at all, I am too redpilled but you don't care, do ya

Ye, what's sad though is that Trump gets blamed for a budget that is written in the house controlled by republicans where Ryan is the speaker. Lets hope Trump dosen't sign off on it or lays out some long term plan as to why they would pass it. Their communication is pretty bad desu.

Sup Forums, and Sup Forums in general, has always been at each other's throats and calling each other newfags and shit.

Trump said he would sign it though


Patience Ed-Boy!

I'm glad you can appreciate my position. I voted for a goddamned wall and no more war the in the Middle East. What's throwing me for a loop is the potential NK conflict. I really didn't see that coming. Everyone is mocking Trump for saying he would meet with Kim Jong Un, but I could imagine him convincing the guy that being the world's adversary might be a bad idea. I'm 100% in still, but that goddamned wall better start by the time the next midterm elections start.

U r dum

If I was american in this day and age I would not vote Dems right now

If everyone was the Dems bitches I just wouldnt vote

If anything this isnt a reason to vote Dems because I still disagree with them and if all I can choose between are Dems or the Dems puppets then into the trash it goes

So nice try Demcruiter, atleast you tried to be subtle

ya I seen that too, you got me

That sucks, he better come out and explain why. The budget seems to be a really bad compromise.

So why did you vote for a clueless candidate?

it is duopoly, always has been, both parties are really one and then they really need to cater to the electoral college

I did not vote, I just told people Trump was better, never voted ever in my life

Well, I hate all of you closed minded non Trump voters, but this is a channel on YouTube I've been enjoying. Expand your minds niggers.

How can you build something you have no funding for?

This is FY17 spending, so it only goes until Sept 30. This budget was essentially set in stone before Trump took office - that's just how shit works on the Hill sadly. FY18 budget will be the real litmus test. If the Republicucks cuck on that then it truly is a victory for Dems.

That's why I set my deadline as summer of '18. WN Trump 88 was stupid, we all knew he was a NY Jew lover. Let's see if he puts his policies where his mouth is. I still have hope, and I had none before he entered the race.