BREAKING: Black @UTAustin Slasher Is White Genocide Reenactor

Kendrex White was taken into custody Monday by police following a machete rampage on the campus of the University of Texas at Austin that left one dead and three injured. In 2012, White, now a student at the university, made a video at his Killeen, Texas home that showed White and classmates reenacting the murders of whites, including with knives.

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so the racewar begins....

He also seemed to be a hebrew israelite DAS RITE type of nigger


good comment


>"white" started the race war

I don't like where this is going.
Would be a good meme that if a black person being recognized as literally "white" started race violence.

The irony is amazing.

we wuz race warriors n shieeeeeet

how come I haven't heard about this on the news?

We are only allowed to hear about the white guy in San Diego that shot black people. This doesn't fit the narrative that CNN needs to project against 'ebil whitey'.

Maybe he just had ADHD and he didn't realize that people gurgling blood after a machete attack was an indication that he had done a very bad thing. Like how refugees with ADHD don't understand that girls screaming and crying are objecting to the dick that's been shoved in their asses.

An honest mistake.

He warned them and they just sat their like privileged idiots

delet this

Killeen? That's right outside of Ft. HOOD!

Odd coincidence

Also the town of the Luby's massacre. Never forget.

> Killeen, Texas
Every. Fucking. Time.
Whenever something fucked up happens in Austin, the bastards are from Killeen.

'member this fucker?

Can we build a wall between Austin and fucking Killeen?

Shit good call. I was literally just thinking about him but still didn't put it together even though I had years ago read that's where his was from.

apparently it's an actual thing. crimerates there are fucked.
googled around and found more examples on the first page of google results:


nigs cant even LARP properly

Um wow clearly this young man had his mind ruined with racist white teachings at school. Who can honestly look at this video, of what his teacher made him do, and not think education is to blame... wow yet again an innocent black man didn't do anything wrong and Sup Forums shows their true colors

>"white" started the race war
The guy he killed was named Brown.

kike MSM is not covering this at all

>showed White and classmates reenacting the murders of whites, including with knives.

> Published on Nov 12, 2012
> Our project for History!

I don't think that the video has anything to do with his knifing spree.

Pretty sure there is a directive out to tone down on covering racial violence. The nation was going to tear it apart the way it was going. I think the news got a talking to about inciting violence

In their defense they might be waiting for positive verification if he knew them or not.

Unless another cop shoots a black guy. Then it's non-stop coverage for weeks.

Creator of Stormfront is Don Black.

His father works for the U.S. Army in Killeen.
>Kendrex Jermaine White graduated from Killeen High School in 2014, according to his Facebook page. He says he is a resident of Killeen, originally from Hawaii.

His father works for the U.S. Army in Killeen.

White is a junior biology and pre-med major at the university. According to his Twitter profile, he has been studying to eventually become a doctor.

“Aloha. I live life to the fullest, because this can all be gone tomorrow,” he wrote. “Future Doctor #UT18 Bio Major pre-Med. Hawaii will always be my home. Smile.”

White was a member of the Black Health Professionals Organization on campus, the group’s president, Melody Adindu, told the Associated Press. Adindu said White was passionate about his work and was “very interactive and easygoing.” She said she is shocked by the news about the stabbings.

>White was a member of the Black Health Professionals Organization

Im already seeing tweets that he was a good boy, that he posted about Jesus and that he wanted to be a doctor.

>Future Doctor
A hack doctor. >:3

>White was a member of the Black Health Professionals Organization
>From their facebook page

Damn good thing he did this in a gun free zone, otherwise he might have been shot before anyone was injured.

>a bunch of chads dying

> the Black Health Professionals Organization on campus, the group’s president, Melody Adindu

>Melodu Adindu

why do the universities have to be on their side ? we pay for this shit.

I wish people would stop calling it a tragedy. A tragedy like a natural disaster or a misfortune. Someone dying early because of a disease is a tragedy.
This was a murder.

They call it that because he's not white and therefore it's not evil

This isn't fucking /r9k/. America was founded by chads

No. No it wasn't. Who the fuck are you, anyway? Some self-hating Jap. Get off our cocks.

braindead nigger stooge


>America was founded by chads

Literally raised his wife's sons. Had no biological children of his own.

George Washington was an absolute Chad you cuckold.

And no I'm an Amerifat raising the birthrate of Japan

Holy fuck. Did anyone else know that classes were shutdown today for a mayday rally at UT ?

How was this not in mainstream ?

>Reportedly four people were violently stabbed resulting in one fatality on campus at the University of Texas during time the May Day walkout at UT Austin campus was scheduled to start. Students and teachers were planning to walk out to protest in solidarity with campus Communists and Antifa

The dude was infertile. Doesn't mean he wasn't fucking. He could've been a fucking king if he wanted to. So aside from the cuckolding aspect, he was a fucking chad


Like seriously ? These things are not at all related?

>So aside from the cuckolding aspect, he was a fucking chad

nu-Sup Forums, ladies and germs.

He is known as the Antifa Slasher.
This was published 6 days before the Antifa terrorist attack.

April 25, 2017

>In the past week, vandals have repeatedly defaced property at the prestigious University of Texas-Austin, spray-painting a hammer and sickle symbol and words like “rapist,” “racist” and “kill frat boys” on at least four fraternity houses.

>Last Friday, the vandals published an anonymous manifesto on It’s Going Down, a website that describes itself as “a media platform for revolutionary anarchist, anti-fascist, and autonomous anti-capitalist and anti-colonial movements.” In it, the vandals urge students to join them in terrorizing fraternities.

>The self-professed “Vandals of UT” say they are responding to no specific incident but “the everyday crisis that is rape culture, white supremacy, and elitism.” Their goal is “the destruction, looting, and emptying out of these halls of power by the force of the unruly masses—the excluded and exploited,” adding that they hope to “inspire other insurgent acts.”

>tfw Australian media still reports about Dylan Roofey

>tfw Australian media didn't report at all about the black supremacist massacre in Fresno

>tfw they reported on this latest attack and didn't mention the attackers race or motivation at all...and then devoted half the article to gun control

Kek kek kek

Is there an actual race war in America now?

Kek is trying to communicate with us

Fuck off with that cringey shit

No, media wouldn't let it happen. This will stay silent. Keep an ear out for the next white kid who kills 2-3 niggers because he was bullied by niggers all his life though.

No, but ironically the left is pushing for one really, really hard and getting a hell of a lot closer than the Neo-Nazis and KKK ever did.

Pretty funny really.

the Jew is always behind everything even when the Jew is a nigger

Ah, but check his digits, user. It checks out.

There's never going to be an actual race war. It's just a meme. White people are simply going to be bred out.

You're a fucking faggot

>ironically the left is pushing for one really, really hard
No, they're just pushing for dead whites.
And it will continue to work because 90% of whites are at best cuckservatives that think racial solidarity is evil.


Buddy, you're going to need digits to make such a risqué assumption.

You're a massive fucking faggot leaf who needs to go back to facebook memes

You're always so easy to spot

Your singles say otherwise.


>another white nationalist race traitor
r/hapa was fucking right

>Cherry George
Top fucking kek, learn your history before you rape those schoolgirls
Eat the rice, pay the price

It's very easy for the nig nogs to get into med school, so it's not unrealistic that he would have operated on White people in the future if things had gone a bit differently.

>America was founded by chads
Not really, but still Chads are good.

So let's recap.
A Jewish black guy who's name is White killed a white guy who's name is Brown.
Do you believe in so many COINCIDENCES?

Texas executed people. Nigger's ganna fry.

What a surprise



So antifa is killing people now?
This is just the first, next there will be shootings, and then bombing. Something seriously needs to be done, and don't hold your breath waiting for them to be named a terrorists organization. It won't happen. People commit more crimes in warmer weather, it's only may this shit will continue. If you live in a college town or any major city with a antifa presence get a gun, a knife, pepper spray a fucking crossbow I don't care which. But we got to stop holding our breath hoping that the government will do something.

>So antifa is killing people now?
No. Pay attention, retard

Who cares. Nothing of value was lost.

oldfag here.

i remember that massacre

if he has family or relatives, they should be killed to make sure nothing like this subhuman is ever created by them again, and as punishment for creating him in the first place


Am I being super autistic or is there a pattern in the bible references.Numbers- dates, etc...

It is unwise to disrespect Kek.

we cant let this man have the nuclear codes!

his dad is Army. What is going wrong at Ft Hood?

>free tuition
>cancellation of student debt
>15 minimum wage

what are these niggers smoking.

Haha as if

Some BLM nigger literally killed 12 or so cops midway through last year and nobody did shit, not to mention just generally how for decades on end niggers have been nogging and ruining your cities and nobody's done shit.

Then in Europe 2016 started out with the mass rape of white women and there had to be a period there in Ramadan where there was more than one Mudshit attack a week.

White people are fucking pathetic and not one person in the entire western world is going to do shit.


lol at this larping

Yes pay attention retard, he had links to antifa my dear autistic.

Sounds like you're a schizo

>everything I don't like is antifa

You got a deathwish or something?

Its to the point that I can barely recall the last white mass shooter or spree killer. Roof?

Dindu nuffin

I'm glad that he never became a doctor. He would have butchered his patients!
