William Shatner has been btfo'ing feminist scum on his twitter recently. The replies are fucking hilariously; All those boomer and x gen women who followed him getting supper triggered
>age 86
>guy literally paves the way for an actress, a black one too, to take her place as a serious cast-member on a popular television show, even going so far to kiss her, the first interracial kiss on American television
>lol what a meanie old man
Every day I am more convinced that women are the most retarded creatures on earth.
They are just not intrested enough in this sort of thing to concentrate, debate properly and learn etc. Women just say stuff because they are told they should care not because they actually do. 90% of the time.
This is what they believe in the future in year 2265!
>old man BTFO's feminists on twitter
fuck I dream I can look that photogenic at 60 even
You mean millennials. Plenty of women of the older generation remember this. You don't see 40-year olds doin this shit.
misandry the a hatred for men. So what he's saying is that you can't hate men? I don't think he's saying what you think he's saying OP
misandry is the hatred for men*
You are fucking retarded, dude.
i get it now, he's saying the term toxic masulinity hinges on the concept of misandry. his wording fucked me up
sorry i just woke up
>american can't read
Why am I not suprised?
He's referring to the fact that most feminists think that misandry isn't an actual think.
nah he's right, you're retarded :)
still love u tho brother.
Is he dare I say it............. /Our captain?
Not an argument
Found the Shatposter. (oh hi Bill)
Bill, do you support gassing George Takei or do you think he should just be put in a concentration camp again?
Also not an argument
>Feminism is great
>BTFOing feminism
Pick one. And by the way, being opposed to third wave feminism does not make you an anti-feminist.
jesus christ, he literally looks like he is in his early 50s. I mean, he's gonna die at some point right?
>(((William Shatner)))
Fuck this gay thread
Someone should have posted him in that thread where fucking black girls were talking about who does and does not age bad
obligatory leaf
NO! He will live forever.
Are Jews honorary Aryans?
I'm watching this episode as we speak.
This is right after Spock says: "You would make a very convincing Nazi."
Is Bill Shatner, dare I say, /ourguy/?
Women are only capable of thinking as far as "what will make me more popular with my friends?" This drives every single decision for them, from what major they take, to who they date, to what products they buy from their choice of store in what house they bought. Everything is about what Jenny, the next door neighbor, would think about her if she did this thing, and nothing more.