Would it be possible to implement a fascist system into the US while minimalizing the fascist aspects of typical fascist countries? Looking at Italy and Germany pre WW2 they had shit tons of employment and high production rates. I suppose it could work, thoughts!
Fascism without Rascism
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>implement a fascist system
>minimalizing the fascist aspects of typical fascist countries
what would even be the point
Mussolini would have a civic-national Fascist by today's standards
Possibly, although you could argue the Racism/Ethno-Nationalism, the strength and belief in ones country is what motivates the people so much.
falangism, the type of fascism enacted under franco in spain, specifically and explicitly eliminated the racial part of fascism associated with nazism.
No. Race is an important component of fascism.
Fascism is following God's natural law without compromise.
You could also implement a global nationalist policy while you are at it.
didn't read the full OP - even with falangism being the sort of "civic nationalist fascism" that it was, i don't see fascism taking off in the US any time soon. our country is an inherently individualist society, fascism is inherently collectivist. god bless america.
Well the US is very much a blend of races and culture, alienating one completely is not realistic.
And blacks and mexicans are inherently collectivists. Guess how your individualism will come out on elections.
Yer done, Johnny.
I don't think it would really be what we view as fascist without that racial element.
muh (((meltin pot)))
Thats why without blakanization, Murica will become as vibrant and diverse as Brazil is in the near future. A huge brown underclass, and gated communities for the dying out whites.
But at least you werent racist.
Civic National Socialism
I think he would still rather Italy remain completely ethnically Italian rather than shitskin land.
It's not that I don't want to be rascist, it's that racism on such a scale wouldn't be effective
Why is it unrealistic?
>Would it be possible to implement a fascist system into the US while minimalizing the fascist aspects of typical fascist countries?
It already has and already does. pic related
Define effective and racism.
If acknowledging racial differences and enacting policies and lawmaking based on that is what you would consider a step too far, i dont really know what to do with you.
Besides, you seem to think that by racism we want to make KKK membership mandatory and holoproject burning crosses on every niggers lawn in america.
Racism can be done humanely and scientifically, the apartheit system was proof on how different rules based on racial lines allow effective progress and development of all races.
Fascism is based on ethnocentrism. Anything that is common to all the citizens.
This can be race/ethnicity, but it can also be religion, culture, or even a set of values.
So yes, you can have a fascist state without racism, but you must then find something else to unify the nation.
Perhaps you have not been paying attention. The Fascist systems were designed on America.
At the beginning of the 20th century I would have agreed with you, but since then, the values that made your country great have completely deteriorated.
The US is today one of the most fractured societies in the world.
Its a catch-22. You can have non-racial facism, but for that the population itself has to be so homogenous the minorities dont matter.
Meanwhile the more diverse the society, the more extreme the measures have to be used to keep it in order.
Respect for other races is very similar to bigotry, except less painful.
Absolute respect would mean undoing all the fuckery that has gone on, particularly with 2nd / 3rd world, breaking open Scrooge McDuck's vault, and allowing each culture to restore itself to its former glory.
The result being a planet full of diversity, respect, and good feels.
I know what you are getting at, but you can't civie your way into Fascism. It's an all or nothing deal.
Removing race becomes a non-option when you delve into the spiritual racism of it. Like there are nigger souls and you need to be willing to wage Holy War, if you take the ethic to heart.
True Fascism transends genetics, it's not really a middle-ground sort of ideology.
Respect would be to cut off food aid to africa and let it develop on its own.
You could have a fascist state with non racial citizenship conditions but the gap would have to be filled with ideology.
It already existed. It was called national socialism and it wasn't racist.
The ideology itself even is not as important as prosperity is. Hell, the whole reason our systems worked for so long was simply that the west had enough money to throw at any problem to make it go away.
Sure, but at the same time remove the treasonous "lords", and give the people back all their diamonds, oil and assorted other resources.
I'm sure they would prefer that over a few bags of rice and an AK that never runs out of bullets
>removing the best thing about fascism
dont do that
Can you not be clever and introduce racism that isn't overtly racist?
Give everyone an equal chance to vote but only the people who pass the citizenship test (i.Q. Test, plus nationalist political dogma test) actually get to cast a vote?
That would weed out the majority of coloureds but there would be enough red pilled blacks still getting through to make it all nice and fair, avoiding counter revolution.
Democracy by merit, but limit the candidates to the party inner circle so control is absolute.
You can give it all any veneer you like but first we need control of the means of producing MONEY. All other means of production fall straight into your pocket that way.
The lords are the outcome of the peoples own desires. A violent people will put on power a violent man.
And if we start to go by that reperation route, then africa has to pay repperations as well for plundering white slaves in the middle ages from european shores. The inhuman conditions they subjected abducted whites is well documented. And at one point in time, more white europeans were enslaved by arabs than ever were shipped as slaves to america.
Already exists: Freehelicopterrideism
fascism without racial segregation would only allow Jews to subvert you quicker, thus ending your fascism
man with a strong enough democrat candidate next election both texas and georgia can and will turn blue
Everything you described was done in Rhodesia and South Africa. All it did was provide an excuse for foreign powers to intervene to "liberate" the under-represented classes. Besides, there is no way to be subtle about it in the modern day. People are finding "racism" and discrimination even in completely equal and colourblind systems, so anything that is actually racist will be called out internationally.
The only way to prevent an excuse for any other power from interfering in your affairs is to have a nation only compromised of homogeneous or non-competing peoples.
You have to go back.
One thing about texas and most southern states is that the whites vote as a single group, compared to more homogenous states where they fracture more.
The black voter turnout is usually low if Democrats have a non-black candidate, just as its low on mexicans if its a non-latino candidate. Texas will be voting republican for a long time, but thats only due to the whites being a single block, and even that is rapidly being grinded away by incoming masses.
> ifunny.co
Fuck off back to where ever you came from idiot.
With a homogeneous population you can make things work because people pull together. In Sweden they even made socialism work for a long time and were prepared to pay horrendous taxes if they thought they were looking after their own people. Only now that they are drowned with immigrants leeching off the system are they unable to make it work
I suspect it doesn't matter.
Think of it this way: there is enough resources, technology and ability in this world for every single person to be a multi millionaire.
Greed is not about having more than the next guy, it's about them having less and thus being able to exert influence over them for one's own sadistic desires.
Just a theory, ofcourse.
You could always exterminate the lesser races. Works fine.
>there is enough resources, technology and ability in this world for every single person to be a multi millionaire.
That is nothing but fantasy. Sure, energy is infinite, but the ability to realistically harness and effectively use our resources is very limited.
And greed is not the cause of all the worlds woes, its just an emotion. Giving such agency to a single feeling you have that its responsible for all the ills and miss-appropriaton of resources is greatly overestimating our means.
Yes, see history of Portugal under Salazar
I feel it would be insulting to both of us to reply with a concise retort, and so I'll just say this:
I beg to differ
No Taxes For Natives.
Racial violence isn't necessary. Most blacks in the US don't want to mix with whites, and that's not insulting - that's just sense. Sadly Southern Europe AKA;Africa is practically uninhabitable because god turns muslim lands into deserts (ask jews, they'll tell you).
I think we should all study some john locke and recognize where all the progression white-to-western people actually created came from. Rather than this constant rehashing of post-modernist european political shit.
you impliment a system that rewards people for creating wealth, which it does by meeting the demand of a population or solving a problem. It's called capitalism, and we already invented it yesterday.
It will never happen. Some WN are good people. But most of them are caught up in something they will never understand. That movement is a tool. They are being used. That's why they stagnate. If every WN and stormfag (aka jew-front fag) knows about the Jews, how come they do everything in their power to LARP for them? Here's a quote directly from the Protocols, which most stormfags think is true:
> FOR A TIME PERHAPS WE MIGHT BE SUCCESSFULLY DEALT WITH BY A COALITION OF THE "GOYIM" OF ALL THE WORLD: but from this danger we are secured by the discord ... so deeply seated that they can never now be plucked up.
>We have set one against another the personal and national reckonings of the GOYIM, religious and race hatreds, which we have fostered into a huge growth in the course of the past twenty centuries.
Now if the stormfags know this is true, why do they continue to LARP? LOL. They will try and twist and worm their way out of it. Yeah, I know political zionism is dangerous, but most of these morons don''t know their asses from their elbows. Seriously. They have no idea how ZoG operates.
The leadership being in on it, or them being retarded is the only conclusion.
Eh, another day then, Straya
What's the point of fascism if you're just gonna allow multi-culturalism to kill your country? Retard.
Probably not because there's something fundamentally wrong with the way fascists think, recruit and maintain indoctrination.
It relies on accusations and witch hunts and may purge rival fascists first but will resort to racism for new scapegoats eventually.
Sure, you'd have to kill most the blacks and a good chunk of the hispanics but I'd would probably work.
Original fascism under its manifesto is not racist you faggot. Learn the difference between fascism and nazism.
You guys realize that only white people think of racism as a negative thing?
You realize that it is only white people and white people alone who factor racism into their decision making?
> it's that racism on such a scale wouldn't be effective
Racism is the prime factor which made whites so successful and effective
I'm not racist, nonwhites just shouldn't be allowed to live in white countries ;-)
That's what we used to be. There's a reason our old architecture from years ago has fasces everywhere, and our motto is E Pluribus Unum. We were a nation that expressed collectivism, but NOT at the expense of individual rights.
>implying micks and niggers are people
Do you give your dog individual rights?
The whole point of this thread was fascism without racism. Claiming america was that at its foundation is silly.
This sadly. And like every great civilization near the end of it's life, you've now created generations of "people" who despise the very values that made your country great.
All other races must be wiped out first, starting with Jews
>open the gates and let a bunch of subhuman retard third worlders from backwards cultures in
We deserve to become Brazil.
That was just the last step in a long line of missteps. Same way romes death was not because the barbarians were let into the city, but by all the wrong choices done beforehand that lead up to it.
your first problem was thinking stormfags exist
the website has like 4 members and 3 of them are FBI agents
>You guys realize that only white people think of racism as a negative thing?
Man, shut the fuck up. More lies. "Whites are the only ones who don't stick together!"
Every racial forum I've to, the larpers always use this.
>"black people are the only ones who don't stick together. Look at whites!"
>"Asians are the only ones who don't love themselves. Look at Whites!"
>"Whites are the only ones who don't support each other. Look at Jews!"
>"Jews are the only ones in danger of assimilation. Look at the Chinese!"
Same old shit.
He would be correct if Europeans were the only people on the planet.
Is there any problem that can't be fixed by Genocide?
He is right in that there is no 100% absolutely pure race. But as said here that doesn't mean he would want Italy infested with shitskins.
>implying genocide fixed the new problem