What does Sup Forums think of ben shapiro? Should he run for president?
Shapiro 2020?
I prefer Cenk from TYT, but both would be better than trump
Who would vote for this guy?
Fuck drumpf and fuck white people
Conservative Jews and autistic college kids that browse Sup Forums.
So not many people at all.
Alex Jones 2020, check these
>highly intelligent
>No common sense or political intuition
>fans are the same, just with less intelligence
>Is joo
He has no chance
This is a shitty forced meme and you should kill yourself.
If he didn't have those lips firmly planted around Israel's cock rather than America's, then I'd say he'd be OK. He's still a neocon in a lot of way, and he has a real damning fault of continuing with something and pressing it even when he knows he's factually wrong. I'd imagine that if there were initial reports that Russia bombed Israel, and president Ben told the world that they have Intel that shows Russia did it, and America will respond, and then later if new reports reveal that it in fact wasn't Russia, Ben would still stay the course, insisting it was Russia, and kill us all.
He's rarely wrong in an argument, but when he is, it doesn't matter to him.
>no common sense
nupol everyone
Every single argument he makes is ideological and theoretical. Now he does that well, and I understand playing to your strengths, but one needs real world experience or a common touch to be elected.
He's like when you met a university lecturer with 7 degrees and a huge iq, but they can't change a tyre or start up a conversation with strangers.
I'd like him to be president, but doubt he'd get chosen in primaries
We already have full sized Jared in the WH so why the fuck do we need mini-Jared?
Also fuck off Jew cunt.
i like everything about him except his muh civic nationalism
what state you from lad?
president of AIPAC?
Is he Jewish or something?
It's cute that there are so many idiots who still defend him even after that Michelle Fields incident. How can you not have seen him for what he was then?
>It's like when you meet someone who might make some good points, except they can't spell everyday words like "tire"
You sure do love posting these threads, you filthy kike. Let me be clear when I say the following: Death to Israel, death to Ben Shapiro, death to Jews, and hail Hitler.
Correct. Tell your friends to ignore this rodent, German bro.
If you want to LARP as a nazi, /tg/ is that way >>>
Check the coloUr of my flag, champ
No. The sound of his voice is enough to turn people away.
uh huh
Your last pick is an incompetent globalist Russian traitor.
Your next pick couldn't be worse. Shit you might as well pick Hillary now that your current embarrassment has cucked you tardos.
I'm not sure that's entirely true, his arguments against single payer healthcare for example, are arguments of practicality as much as they are ideological
WTF i'm a neo-con now.
>fat shapeless weirdo and conniving kike
Christ, at least Trump is funny
are you upset?
He could win but only in a world where voters are intelligent and US elections aren't reality tv shows sponsored by the elites to get their favorite son, daughter or cousin of a former president into office to uphold the status quo
Hes basically a mix out of Ron Paul and Ted Cruz ideologically so there's no way they'd ever let him near any position of power cause he literally goes around saying he'd shut down the government
no he's going to try for scotus
his dream is to be america's first orthodox jewish chief justice
Too much of a politically correct, anti white, open borders fag. Not much to like there, other than "lol he has kewl arguments."
He's also a YUUUGE cuck. "Racists deserve to be hunted down and their lives destroyed!"
The only thing likable about him is "ROFL he tells people Mayo isn't a gender! So based! xD"
underrated bait
Yes, true patriots are mad at you pathetic celebrity worshiping degenerates. So easily tricked by Jews.
The mongrel races won't destroy the white race. Fat idiots like you will do it for them.
He's godly at banters, but he argues like a scumbag and talks over your point and throws every fallacy he can come up with at you if he can't win the argument.
forced meme sage
Not always, when it comes to gibs for Israel he can be very pragmatic.