Why did the Nazis consider slavs sub-human...

Why did the Nazis consider slavs sub-human? I can understand mongrel Russians but Poles and German shared many similar features and Nazis sometimes integrated "German" looking children into the third Reich.

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Racist people tend to be stupid. Don't try to reason with them.

They didn't.

"Hitler’s plans for extermination of Poles were first stated in his 1927 book Mein Kampf. He called for Germans to give up their attempt to regain their former colonies (lost after WWI) and to revert instead to their ancient “Drang nach Osten” (Push Eastwards) so as to conquer new territories for German expansion (“Lebensraum”) in Poland. Twelve years later, in a speech to the leaders of German armed forces on August 22, 1939 Hitler ordered: “Kill without pity or mercy all men, women or children of Polish descent or language. Only in this way can we obtain the living space (Lebensraum) we need. The destruction of Poland is our primary task. The aim is… annihilation of living forces.”"

>Twelve years later, in a speech to the leaders of German armed forces on August 22
Also, I'd love to see evidence of that. Got a recording of that speech?

fake news

I think you guys may be right, I can't find a source. More Jewish lies.

>it's an episode when a Hitlerboo tries to argue against a notorious fact that was demonstrated in practice by asking for "recordings" or a time-machine to see it for himself
For fucks sake it wasn't even a Nazi idea. Drang nach Osten predates Nazis. Nazi Lebensraum is just a logical continuation of it.

>Our strength consists in our speed and in our brutality. Genghis Khan led millions of women and children to slaughter – with premeditation and a happy heart. History sees in him solely the founder of a state. It’s a matter of indifference to me what a weak western European civilization will say about me. I have issued the command – and I’ll have anybody who utters but one word of criticism executed by a firing squad – that our war aim does not consist in reaching certain lines, but in the physical destruction of the enemy. Accordingly, I have placed my death-head formation in readiness – for the present only in the East – with orders to them to send to death mercilessly and without compassion, men, women, and children of Polish derivation and language. Only thus shall we gain the living space (Lebensraum) which we need. Who, after all, speaks to-day of the annihilation of the Armenians?[13]

>more quotes with no source or evidence
Okay, Dragane.

Obersalzberg speech, if you put it in Google you would find it easily.
In any case most of people in Nazi hierarchy weren't idiots, they knew their racial ideas were flimsy as fuck.
But they were all German ultranationalists. Poles were inferior because they were in their way.
Croats were fine because they could be used as cannon fodder in Balkans.
Same with Albanians, Bosniaks, Slovaks, Romanians, Hungarians.
Some of you love Hitler but you don't understand that he actually wasn't opposed to Yugoslavia. He even offered Salonika to Yugoslavia if they let his troops cross over to Greece.
They were mostly brutal pragmatists.

...and while you people disparage quotes like this, you use quotes from Nazi collaborators about how Nazis were "pan-European" and what not.
I mean, connect the dots, such people have all the motivation to push that idea. They needed a good excuse as to why they were serving foreigners. That's also what they have been told.
It was propaganda to motivate foreigners to die for German interests.

In Hitler's time environmental scientists were hysterical about notions of living space because it was theorized that the farm land Germany had access would not be able to sustain it's population. The Slavs to the east were sitting on a lot of farmland that wasn't being used efficiently and were not able to defend it militarily. Hitler severely underestimated the industrial might of the USSR and believed it would be able to be completely destroyed within a year. So there you go. Similar notions of living space motivated the japs as well and their ambitions to the fertile lands of mainland China.

This. And any notion that Hitler was "fighting communism" by invading anti-communist Poland together with Soviet Union is just laughable.
>b-but massacres of Germans in Poland!
Never happened. Actually, opposite happened, Germans there rose up and started killing Poles after invasion.

They only reason why they stated Croatians are "aryan" was to divide the socialist Yugoslavian state.

Kingdom of Yugoslavia wasn't socialist breh, but at least you're half right.

Pretty sure it was them being dirty commies controlled by dirty Jews

So Hitler gave a secret speech to his top generals and for some reason it was committed to paper despite not containing a single actual order or something that needs to be written down. The only explanation for Hitler doing this would be that he wanted to appear genocidal for no reason.

And Hitler wasn't all that popular with the high-ranking members of the army before France got BTFO. Why would he trust them with information that he is preparing to commit war crimes on a massive scale?

>implying that the other side wasn't serving foreigners as well

The killings of Germans in Poland did happen, naturally not as much as propaganda claimed, but no one believes that's why Hitler invaded Poland. He did so because Poland chose to align itself with Britain and France, and France even had a pact with the USSR, the purpose of which was to contain Germany.

When you're surrounded by a pack of niggers with clearly aggressive intentions, throwing the first punch doesn't make you the aggressor.

Everyone east of the Hajnal line is inferior.

>I can understand mongrel Russians
>USA is melting pot
And by the way slavic/german tensions were strong during Austro-Hungary times and looking in Mein Kampf, I believe this is the case

>implying any "race meme" shit was relevant
>implying there werent tons of subhumans in German army

Whole war and Reich chimpouts was only about influence. In Russia they need Baku oilfields and Ural mountains. In Poland - coal and fertile soil.
I can't nderstand those neonazi retards who fell for race memes, while even in Waffen SS there were niggnogs and muslims.

Anti-slav sentiment was developed once Albania became Italian protectorate and balikombtare soldiers invaded along the italians. Before that nazis were neutral on slavs, afaik. Wiki: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Slavic_sentiment


>The killings of Germans in Poland did happen, naturally not as much as propaganda claimed

Bullshit. Poles and krauts lived peacefully within new borders after 1918, but suddenly in the 30's poles said "hey you know what ? Let's massacre some germans, will be fun right ?".

That was just a pretext to attack Poland.
