Why wasn't she 50 points ahead?

Why wasn't she 50 points ahead?


I refuse to believe any of this actually happened

was she drunk?

Because she was a running gag 20 years before she even ran

Perhaps it's because she's purported to smell like a combination of urine and medical waste.

because American women love a good stroke and choke.

sexism,kgb,fbi,nazis,wikileaks etc.


rural and suburban retards

never forget they tried to push a double on us after she collapsed outside that car on 9/11

She fucked over bernie then the wikileaks shit came out.

Hillary should have won.

The average American is nowhere near redpilled enough to deserve a nationalist President, even a milquetoast civic nationalist like Trump.

A few more years of Obama style policy and middle class Americans would have been shouting 1488 in the streets.

Now Trump will just delay the civil war by another 20 years. We won't get a big happening in our lifetime now.

Because reptilians only understand cold logic, and their formulas told them she should be 50 points ahead

Reddit spacing... why?

Because like all of you she is a figment of my imagination

Did you ironically use an ellipsis? Or did you just out yourself while trying to out someone else?

hey it's that faggot!

that was at the point where all of her internal polling showed that trump was clobbering her and it was getting to crunch time. she was frustrated that up until that point (in her life really) she had been able to cheat, murder, defraud, slander and buy her way through everything but time was catching up and she hit a red white blue and orange road block.

I don't Reddit spacing is because I don't use Reddit.

I space my posts because people are psychologically more prone to read if you space, instead of a giant wall of text.
Your brain gets tricked into thinking it's shorter.

she was, but russians hacked the elections, did you already forget?

I might ask.

someone should really look at the ballets and polling machines closely to determine if there was any Russian ionvolvment

kys leaf