Why is Marine Le Pen not winning? How are people so blind?
Why is Marine Le Pen not winning? How are people so blind?
They aren't blind. They see what is going on and they actively want it.
fuck france and fuck white people
you can't post those pics if you are French. We even have a llaw against redpill called "appel à la haine raciale" that means any angry darky can shut you down immediately. Because of course, the police takes a molotov in the face and do nothing, but damn will they be at your door in a few hours for such horror.
Cuckolding is a national past time in France.
It's the same in most Western nations now. (((They))) have won.
People are retarded and democracy is a scam
But why? Even when I was indoctrinated I never wanted to actively destroy western society, I just wrongly thought minorities could fit in as well because I wasn't shown the evidence they couldn't. The evidence is very clear and visible here. France is still around 85% white right? How can so many crave the destruction of their own nation and culture?
People see the disaster that is happening in the u.s most likely. Le Pen is a big government authoritarian whose father is known for nazi views.
>Everything is nazi
I don't understand, why are free speech laws so fucked up in Europe?
Democracy is a scam because people are retarded.
What disaster? Our economy is doing great, Trump taking a while to get his agenda through sure, whether because of cuckservatives in congress or he was never that dedicated to it in the first place, I'm not really sure. But thats not really in any way shape or form what would be considered a disaster, more like just typical democracy shit.
Are you being serious Pierre or just shitposting?
Or they're being lied to by the jewish run media.
no, he is right.
>85% white
Dude. The demographics are way worse than that.
Ce tweet ne rentrerait pas dans l'appel à la haine raciale.
France needs a revolution.
They dont want to be racist, they would rather die.
You're populism movement is dying. It only gets worse. 4 years from now everything will be back to left wing as usual.
So tell me French is the right in France still cucks who stick up and sniff the ass holes of police like they do in the USA or have they realized that direct action/violence is the only thing that authority responds to?
I just noticed the hand salutes.
I knew you had it in you France, you became Nazi.
Uncle Adolf would be smiling from above but completely pissed off that you surrendered to the 3rd world in the process
The only thing they do is HARDCORE Tolerance.
Because she's a communist. She wants to nationalise shit and her party is literally full of ex communists.
because /pol is in english.
The (((left))) is a parasite that wants to destroy every host country it infest.
The (((left))) wants you dead. Simple as that.
I for one will enjoy watching the cucks in France be destroyed by (((their))) policies. I just hope the death of the cucks happens quick so I can live to tell future generations of what being a cuck to (((their))) agenda gets you.
France I hope you die a quick and painful death for implementing (((their))) agenda.
It's called national socialism.
Uncle Adolf knew that of all European nations, France was the most dangerous, as the true cradle of Bolshevism. He said as early as the '20s that France was engaging in self-negrification.
Hate to say it, but if any white nation actually deserves this fate, it's France for exporting their shit ideologies to the rest of us.
culture isn't a static phenomenon, it changes, embrace it
No she's basically following the route of the USSR.
They are not, this will only help Le Pen.
My 2 cents:
France media showing that britain is going to worse from leaving. this makes frenchies scared to leave.
Want Le Pen to win?
Convince the French people that UK are better off for leaving - by that, I mean FINANCIALLY !
And people will vote to leave, Easy as ;)
>Why is Marine Le Pen not winning?
She can win, but media brainwashing is a hell of a drug.
this chocolate is right on point.
Who is this retard David Vance?
Most of the French rioters on May 1 were white anarchists since, you know, France is a majority white country and will be for a very long time.
It's definitely not dying among the youth.
The only disaster happening in the US is the utter shambles which once was the Democratic Party, lol. Fuck off
white europeans would rather die by mudslime rape then admit cultures are not compatible.
Say thanks to donald trump
>jews actively want to destroy their own safe havens by allowing radical muslims into their country
>well, it might get rid of white people, too..
>they really hate white people
>so, they hate white people more than radical muslims?
Honestly, have any of you conspiracy theorists actually thought this one through to it's end?
Have you read the protocols of Zion?
It literally states by voting for liberalism the population effectively kills itself and the country falls.
All descending third-world countries are socialist and liberal, really makes you think
And then what happens to the Zionists?
Bad economic program
Le Pen's family is a mafia
Will not have a presidential majority
when the cities are overrun by foreigners, it stops mattering how many people are natives or not. The cities control the country.
because muh nazis. We've done this to ourselves, though the American propaganda machine isn't innocent in this either.
the people on the pics aren't white, so yes, they can get it reoved and shut your account immediately unless you are "the press" and give a narative that makes this guy "a victim of the system" too.
Finland looks like a chinaman
We are fucked nuke us pls !
So it's like this.
A few countries decided to try something different. This whole populism thing. So Brexit passed. Then Trump was elected. And the world waited to see the results.
Well, soon enough, they came in. Britain's economy is in the shitter, and Trump is a raging moron that has alienated his own voters.
So the rest of the world said "yeah, we won't be having that" and things are going back to normal.
You had your chance, it was a fun little experiment, but it failed. Miserably. The results really speak for themselves.
Yeah, I'm not buying that one, mate. One example of culture changing could be the annihilation of centuries of human development in favour of tribalism and savagery. Telling us to just "embrace it" is fucking retarded
>justifying the invasion of sovereign nations by the nazis
Hitler did everything wrong.
Top photo is by Andre Zucca, it's literal propaganda
Im not commenting on the nazis and whether what they did was justified or not.
I'm saying the western propaganda machine fucked everything up for decades. You couldn't even bring up immigration without being declared a facist for the longest time.
Look what we have here, a true PvdA voter
30% of the French population is of foreign origin
and these people vote
Its enough to permanently keep France from uncucking itself, and France doesn;t have an electoral system you can gerrymander like Trump did in the US
Le Pen will win with 52.19% of the votes
>double doubles
I'll allow it
>britains economy is in the shitter
[citation needed]
Looks like AC Unity.
they get a middle east that's free of muslims, duh
france is just not ready for a female leader
too much sexism
charles martel is rolling in his grave
You give the kikes too much agency, they are as dumb and shortsighted as the most brainwashed liberals with this. This is just cultural behaviour that has been imprinted in them for centuries and it has worked great for them right until they took over Israel and made the muslims hate them. Before that the jews were for the most part great friends with the muzzies and often acquired alot of wealth, rights and priviliges by helping muslims take over. The jewish community had a Golden Age after they helped the muslims take over Iberia.
Basically jews advocating for multiculturalism is part of their cultural and possibly genetic instincts, not some well-thought conspiracy
You can help ->
Just get people not in France to post it.
Demoralization, wish someone non-lazy user start a subversive general. Google Yuri Besmenov to get started.
Yes but now evil right-wingers such as yourself are set on destroying everything
You fell one way after everything since 2015, but most people probably stayed the other way and over time the people who fell your way will have their anger fade. "As long as I have food, entertainment and a place to sleep everything is fine. Were there always these many Africans here? America has always had them and they're fine (Even though they're not). Who cares.", is what most people will probably eventually say. Tomorrow's conservatism will become today's leftism and the cycle will continue as it always has without anyone doing a thing.
She's winning, we just don't know it yet.
Fuck Macron and Fillon they don´t have the guts to be like Le Pen. I want Euro Dead!
I hate France and I feel sorry for them at the same time. Strange feeling
If you're putting your hopes on France you know you're in a seriously bad place. Don't expect them to do anything right and you won't get hurt.
>If the country is poor, everyone is poor
The 0.1 percent will be in positions of power, the same that brought the country down, it's already happening and will continue to do so goy :)
It's the EU's fault. Krauts made this law a pan-European one, pretty much.
Fuck I hate having no sovereignty. Elections mean nothing.
The pill
she is a jewish puppet
I would be fine if culture changes because the people change it, not because a bunch of new people move in and change it
Fucking shit. This sucks Frankanon. How can you even fairly participate in an election if you can't even argue your position.
>and France doesn;t have an electoral system you can gerrymander like Trump did in the US
The Federal government in the US has literally nothing to do with setting up voting districts to favor republicans, only to preserve majority minority districts.
there is not a jewish conspiracy, its just that jews have their own culture so they don't care what happens to the culture of the host country. They can just move to the next country if the host goes to shit.
The simple fact that they don't need to worry about the well being of the host country means there incentives are thrown out of line. If importing a bunch of muslims is beneficial in the short term then they are in favour of it, even if in the long term it destroys the country, since by then they will have left.
This is bait right? You barely can place three european countries on a map so stop posting any time.
I don't know, I just can't give up yet.
I know that feel, user.
We hate them for what they are doing to their country, but love them for their culture and history
>inb4 hurr durr surrender monkeys
they said Trump wasn't winning too, it's all bs. she's cleaning up.
Yuri's demoralisation is different from the commonly perceived meaning of demoralisation. In the common meaning it means removing morale, but you could see through his interview that Yuri meant not that, but removing morals.
Questioning is never bad, it allows people to restrategise and move forward. It is not right to be overconfident about Sup Forums's beliefs, or that what worked in 2016 hasn't now become tired or anything, because as we've seen from the two successes last year it is better when we are the underdog and the other side rests on their laurels. Now that Trump is president the other side is more motivated, and they certainly have reserves of normie idiots they can more easily convince to their side than we can as we saw with the rerun of the Austrian election.
OP's post in itself is pretty worthless but behind it there is still something to consider.
It's simple.
You can't.
This safespace is not an accurate representation of the world at large?
For example, Trump won because less than 30k people in a dying rust belt were desperate for jobs, not because half the country is full 1489.
Even if she won, (((they))) will add enough votes for that rothschild banker. America has an electoral system that the democraps don't understand, but Europe is done.
Paris is an absolute shithole
Hecll almost all big cities are, the real France is voting FN everyone else are either foreigners or traitors
I'm a legal immigrant btw, but I'm European
I'll let you join my Kingdom user.
The funny part is the fact Macron manage to be what was wrong with Hollande (his blatant incapacity) and Sarkozy (a snake) combined.
>It's another American pretending to know and care about France
Old boomers isolated from the horrors of mass migration still carry a loyalty to all the WW2 mythology and its implications that liberal attitudes = moral purity
That's why the older you get, the less likely you are to support the NF. Because the media did its job well in the 70s in 80s.
There's also real trepidation about leaving the EU and moving off the Euro. People might agree broadly with illiberal views about migration and 'global finance', but are worried in a very simple way about their savings and job stability.
The electoral college isn't gerrymandered. Gerrymandering effects mainly congressional elections.