Why do military berets look so faggy?
Why do military berets look so faggy?
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Worst example ever
compare to this guy
They wear them weird now. My dad was a Ranger back in the 60s, and they still looked dumb, but no where near this faggy
America has a thing for ridiculous and uncomfortable hats
They need to bring back the old style hats imo. Every army has berets now, we're not French God damn it. We used to have very wermacht looking uniforms in the past. Fucking 90s ruined everything.
Woah. That much alphaness hurts my feelings.
im convinced that there is an unspoken competition in every military to see who can cover up their right eye the most
Both of those have way too much excess fabric. The fold thing should not hang in your face like that.
They don't, it's just letting them hang over your face like an empty sock that looks weird
It kinda looks like his hat had stroke.
The meaning behind his and his actions make it better, I get tradition but let's be honest at least it's not a Stetson or Dixie cup
Most foreign militaries have berets too though
How does one get this sorta jawline? Like what race is he? I'm German/Swedish so I'm babyfaced but have a jaw.
Our hats > your hats
Some, like the ones the Chasseurs Alpin wear, are oversized by design. They do look pretty goofy, regular berets are fine.
*American Berets
He should of been imprisoned and made to breed with thosands of 8 plus women
We need to bring back Napoleonic style hats
genetic lottery
The slouch hat is best hat. Our officers used to wear them up until helmets really became a necessity in WW1. Around then they switched to the front brim style one they use now.
They're almost as bad as the sock berets.
What exactly is the point of having one side of the brim peeled upwards?
Because anyone who joins the military is either oblivious to what's happening with US inflicted terrorism (RETARDED) or just actual faggots. Typical head in the sand white American
Not sure why they switched tho
Here have a (you)
In German Irish with a jawline
Angles are attractive to the human eye
Even worse than US military berets. So far this is the worst-looking military hat I've ever seen. I could never take anyone seriously if they were wearing that.
>Like what race is he?
Some sort of mutt. Note the brown eyes and dark hair. Definitely not white.
That snakes is alive too. Fuck what a badass.
Then again maybe the snake was just a chiller.
Who the fuck am I to say?
I just wanted to legally kill shitskins for a change.
Berets suck and it sucks that our military is even using them
Care to give a real answer?
A beret is a beret. This is like saying there is a difference between a left and right sock.
Style you fucking autist. Why dont your marines just wear shirts and pants instead of a UFO saucer hat?
>Why dont your marines just wear shirts and pants instead of a UFO saucer hat?
didn't know they weren't wearing shirts and pants, Auscuck.
I believe it was because early cavalry/mounted inf could not unsling their rifles on the move properly if the brim was not turned up like that
What the fuck did you just fucking say to me you little bitch?
the right side of the brim is peeled upwards so that they could carry their enfields without it knocking their hat constantly. To start with it was just for comfort but it eventually became uniform and tradition to the australian army
thank you for not letting me lose complete faith in Australians
Berets used to be much more rare, and then the army decided to give everyone a fucking participation award so fobbits don't get ptsd.
we're not all shit cunts m8
How about a sailor's hat?
sharts are retarded
Nothin' makes an 88M's dick harder than wearing his blue flash for all the trailer trash pussy back home.
Because that's a perfectly logical reason to be the cause of the destruction of this world. Kill yourself scum. Have fun dealing with PTSD for a country that doesn't care about you
they were invented by the french
You seem upset, sunshine.
Bring back the Stahlhelm
Say that to my face, fucker, not online, see what happens.
Absolutely kekworthy
Wonder who OK'd that
because you wear it like retards
>they were invented by the french
It was actually Spanish types in the Pyrenees.
It's not berets, it's Americans that look faggy
Tam o Shanter best head-dress.
They were originally hats for women.
lol wut
I-Is this chad?
I don't have PTSD, and did disaster recovery. Oh right, every veteran is unhinged according to the liberal arts professors, better go eat a baby now.
Apparently there is a modern variant that is being used rarely for parades
>It's a "let's cherrypick couple ugly Finns to prove that our pure Nordic blood is ugly" episode
t. ugly fatass American
forgot to include also seen here
Good looking uniforms t.bh
Chile would like a word with you.
lol wut
You know you want one
No, they were the hats of shepherds from the Pyrenees region
Idk, drill instructors look pretty badass when they're chewing someone while wearing that hat.
What's the point of the chin strap?
I've heard "so you don't get strangled" but in that scenario isn't it just going to fucking get caught on your mouth / eyes instead of your neck?
Why not just have some form of button connecting the strap so if any extreme enough pressure to fuck you up would just detatch it?
Not gonna lie, I've always liked that style. I tried doing that with my boonie in trashcanistan but someone would always get pissed.
>gets pulled over for speeding by this guy
>laughing at his appearance
>"nice chinstrap"
Jesus fuck that's a disgusting beret...
They can look pretty aesthetic
For the wind you tard. What you heard is why guys in 'nam tied their chinstrap to the back of their helmets, the reason was "so they (VC) can't pull your helmet back and slit your throat" or "so explosion shockwaves don't break your neck"
I thought Korea was the origin of the neck slitting bit, I might be confusing it with leatherneck
Go ahead and call one of those guys a faggot to his face and see what happens. Internet tough guy.
Leatherneck come from Marines on ships that wore neck protectors to prevent slashing from swords
Czech'd. Toothpaste faggot BTFO.
yeah this is him, this is literally the one guy whos been tormenting all of us for years, he is the
>upset because youre destroying the world one civilization at a time
truly an unjust reason to russle some jimmies
Good berets look awesome.
nice edit
Pretty aesthetic, but the helmets are too polished for my taste
The bongs should be the only ones allowed to wear a beret desu
look at them. look at them and laugh
why do burgers want their marines to look like total faggots?
Because reasons
Friendly fire incoming
Fuck off No tree Lebanon
That looks good
That's just asking for a nigger hand to be edited in.
There's no way that is the real flag they used
Jesus christ
I don't know, its the only copy I have. If someone has the original please post.
>he doesn't like getting his helmet polished.