These girls are twins
honestly, I'd fuck the shit out of the black girl.
also this
Go back to the the_donald
WOW a race mixed half nigger managed to give birth to an aryan princess, something that literally happens in 1 out of 1230123809831290839201 nigger births.
Race mixing clearly isnt a threat to the white race now, gonna tell my gf to get impregnated by Tyrone now. THANKS BURGER.
>2 eggs released in the womb.
>Mother fuck's Jamal after fucking Steve.
to me, right one has more attractive facial features tbqhwys. Thick lips, eyebrows that dont look burned, overall mixed girl is more attractive, except for the skin. Color of shit is really unattractive. If she were white, she'd be 8/10 easily
The kike knows how it works. Congrats you passed both your biology and sociology class
she would look even stupider with white skin you fucking croat
A finn and a swede
Slluuuutt mom 100%
you can see the left one has facial characteristics not typical for whites. no offense to all samis out there
She looks like an irish woman to me.
Nice source faggot!
fraternal twins. Different fathers.
stranger things have happened.
She is not black though.
Also twins.
this hit me hard
Nice surgery.
God went out of his way to make her a blue eyed ginger. If she doesn't give birth to an English Hitler I will finder her and drown her.
God is such an asshole.
what movie is this?
Give me the name of such a surgeon.
Actually, they have the same father and mother...
Skimmed it and didn't see anythingbabout paternity test, so I asumme the jammaican wife was a cheater
Two mixed two egg twins where one is a ginger who plucked her eyebrows to be thinner and straightens her hair. The darker of them is obviously a few pounds heavier which gives her a fuller face. They have similar cheek bones, similar noses, both have wide faces. I'm sure there is a bunch of make up magic to make them look as different as possible too.
He has a pretty nice sense of humour.
She looks Slavic to be honest
God never made that guy eat like a pig
Even were it that the Jamaican were a cheating whore (which is likely in all fairness) the odds of it spawning an aryan qt like that are basically fucking 0.
honestly, I'd fuck the shit out of the red headed girl.
Not really, slavs have round faces
She has some sort of slav-asian mixed look to her, to my uneducated eyes. I would definitely insert my penis into her vagina, though, if you know what I mean
Telegony: the Only Explanation (tm)
the leftovers
One drop rule.
Is that their sister?
What fat can do to a face.
based black lady
black women can be just as hot as white owomen aaha
Physically dissimilar, but half negro mongrels nonetheless. Your point?
you see what GAAAAAAAAD just did to us bro?!
its still race mixing though my dude
>aryan princess
nope. a pale nigger with bad hair.
It's the good looking one's gf
I bet the one on the left smells better
Looks like the mother was fucking around and got pregnant by two different men.
>aryan princess
Odd, The black sister, has more Caucasoid sketal and facial features, while the white one has more negroid. Very odd
>black girl is hotter
not even suprised
Typical swede.
see that look? lol!
koch is a dirty kike,
sam's a white goddess. i saw her last week in sydney, i waved at her and she waved back, i want to smash her gash!
Look at the bone structure and face of the left vs the right. Left is very african while right is very european minus the nose.
>race isn't just about colouration
Yep she has curly hair in her childhood pics.
This is the most plausible theory. Imagine being the product of an interracial orgy. That must make you feel so special as a human being.