Holy shit! This show wasn't what I expected at all.
Prepare for some major red pills.
Holy shit! This show wasn't what I expected at all.
Prepare for some major red pills.
Other urls found in this thread:
Like what
Make a list of the redpills
So basically we chimped out over nothing.
>redpill #1 - nevr relax around blacks
>#2 - its a shit movie
>#3 - predictably OP is a faggot
Get out, Califags.
no u
OP is a Netflix shill
Boycott nigger programming
>one post from this id
I watched this whole show.
This isn't what you think it is. The characters only use racial equality agenda for their personal causes. The black activists are portrayed as heavily flawed and often shallow people.
the main character is a black who tries to push racial tension to further her career and make a name for herself, meanwhile she's fucking a white dude and looks sounds and acts white.
that was the movie anyway, wasnt super redpilled because the point was people are cool or assholes regardless of race or skin color, because if you dont put a faggot leftist message out when making a movie you're pretty much ending your career.
List of red pills:
>DRUMPF is exposed
>blacks are revealed to have been Egyptians
>we wuz pharaohs n shit!
>blacks have the highest IQs after all
>whites just support DRUMPF
More red pills pending I only watched the first episode
I like sugar and I like tea, but I don't like niggers, no siree.
Watching people go out of their way to act like their ""identity"" is the most cringe worthy thing ever and not worth knowing what the general public is red pilled on.
..and in the final episode her hypocrisy is revealed and she settles down into an interracial relationship.
TV is too predictable.
lol kraut
Oooh if I were a nigger for a day, i'd hang around n live life the easy way. I'd steal from uncle Sam and make the white man pay, oh if I was a nigger for a day.
I downvoted that SJW bullshit as soon it was listed. Would've given one star if Netflix hadn't changed the rating system because of Amy (((Schumer)))'s terrible special bombing.
Now I wouldn't wanna work, 'cause I wouldn't have to
Guess what I'd do next, well, you shouldn't need a clue
I'd go down to social services like all the brothers do
If I could be a nigger for a day
Now when I'd sit down in that office, the office of welfare
I'd get food stamps, a medical card, and free child care
For all the illegitimate kids that I've got scattered everywhere
If I could be a nigger for a day
Now I'd have plenty of time, so I'd hang out with a mob
And I'd consume a little dope, or find a good place to rob
Now that would make me self-employed and I wouldn't even need a job
If I could be a nigger for a day
And when I'd need somethin' I'd steal it so I wouldn't have to buy it
And if the cops would apprehend me you know that I'd deny it
And I could call Jesse or Al, they'd come and start a riot
If I could be a nigger for a dayAnd when I'd need somethin' I'd steal it so I wouldn't have to buy it
And if the cops would apprehend me you know that I'd deny it
And I could call Jesse or Al, they'd come and start a riot
If I could be a nigger for a day
We are the niggers now!
dear black people,
don't care
>1 post by ID
Haha his truth bombs are delivered so subtle.
We oughtta send em all back to Africa, send em all back to Africa, they oughtta get the hell out of America, and leave the white man alone
If I could be a nigger, for a day
reminder that shills are posting here for college credit
>Dear White People
>Holy shit! This show wasn't what I expected at all.
>Prepare for some major red pills.
Not sure if sarcasm...
No movie will ever red pill you. Movies are propaganda. Nothing less nothing more. Hollywood is the most perfect propaganda machine ever created. Any idiot can understand what's going on in a movie. It lulls you into a belief that you're just there to be entertained, but in reality you are being brainwashed.
Remember the movie 300? It came out at the same time as all that Iran war talk in the news. I don't doubt for a moment that there will be a movie about how evil North Korea is.
Then there's tons of movies promoting degenerate lifestyles.
Yes, there are real movies, but they don't come from Hollywood.
My eyes have seen the glory of the trambling at the zoo!
>You may feel free to take Safe Breaks while discussing activism on this website
Except I'm somewhat sure that "perfect" is a superlative, everything you wrote is 100 accurate. One can't even begin to grasp reality before they accept this.
"Safe Breaks"
If I were a snake, I'd slither right under a lawnmower. I fucking hate this timeline.
Also, what you're refering to is called Agitprop.
Nice fake quote. Fool many low IQ dullards with that bullshit?
Kek. It is from the show though.
Wuuuut?! Is this for real?
So its basically Sup Forums slideposters the sitcom
Red pillz:
> White """people""" are racist
> Yall look like marshmellows
> Yall unathletic and have no rythm
> yall gay as fuck like for real
> slavery
> you keep taking credit for our sciences
> little pink dicks
> Mike Brown
> yall a bunch of cops
> Trayvon
> lmao you listen to Moby and Enya (wtf)
> your welcome for the peanut butter
> stop shooting us for no reason
> Bernie should have won
The Jews are at it again.
Fuck off racemixing niggerkikes.
dat fucking face
Honestly ive watched the first 2 episodes and i thought it was going to be a lot worse. The fact that the main niggress falls under the spell of white cock was pretty funny. I'll need to watch more. Still plenty of sjw material though.
holy shit is this real? this is some top quality ravioli
Oh hey, it's the 55% African DNA woman again who won the genetic lottery of not being born with shit-skin brown eyes.
Well, at least they are finally getting real world hands on experience.
watched first 5 episodes so far, it tries to humanize black extremists.
Dumb bitch black female character says she doesnt feel safe on campus and feels out of place...
on a campus with a black dean...
and a black head of student council...
living in an all black dormitory...
in an all black sorority...
they intentionally segregate themselves, and the main girl logs into the facebook of a white student who was going to throw a "blackface party" (because we know how often that actually ever happens in real life) but decides not to send out the facebook invites when his dad says thats a dumb idea, the black main girl sends them out anyway and white students show up in blackface.
so they engineer this reason to get pissed off and cry racism and trespass onto the houseparty, attacking white students and ripping off wigs, causing destruction of property til the cops show up.
later another house party, one of the "woke" black supremacists gets in a fight with his white friend for saying "nigga" as a lyric in a rap song everyone was dancing to, saying because the white friend wouldnt get offended if they sang "cracker" or "honky" in a song is priviledge/oppressing blacks, even though it was the black rapper decided to use "nigga" in his song. >next is where the real self-masturbatory fantasy comes in.
The black supremacist and the white friend start shoving, Campus cops show up, ask for black guys id who refuses to comply and the cop pulls his gun on him in a crowded room in the middle of a party (cause that happens) and the black supremacist slowly hands his id finally, then goes to him dorm room to cry ever so traumatized.
they try and create sympathy by having the main black power girl having sex with a white liberal hippie, but its just sex and she cucks him when he says he wants a relationship, later hanging out with her black supremacist friends they get really racist on him saying he is trying to ease his white guilt or show off his token black gf to show how liberal he is, the black supremacist guy gets aggressive, the white guys says "hey are you going to hit me or something?" and the black supremacists says "nah thats not how I fight but I SHOULD HIT YOU FOR THINKING I WOULD HIT YOU!!" showing how the white guy was right and acting like the primative aggressive monkey he claims not to be, thinking his comment was so witty and insightful.
Go tell your college professor that you failed class
>their improper use of common Sup Forums terms (shill, redpill, etc.)
>their refusal to use common racial slurs
>posts irrelevant or subjects off topic to current events
>thread shows up about this she's awful ratings
>exit thread, refresh Sup Forums
>new thread about this show appears
>this time about all the "redpills" it contains
Fuck off
You realize that what you see on (((tv))) is not real, right?
How could it be anything less than Diversity pushing, race mixing, Anti-White garbage?
Look deeper into the agenda.
They're not doing us any favors.
why people think this shit is redpilled ?
when the only two white "caracters" have no development more then "i am this___" one of does a black face party for not reason at all .
it kinda wants to put the" extrems are bad kids" shit but then the black group of separatist get in power and mainstream so who cares
also at the end they just show that the director of the uni is a sell out proving furder that the black group is justefied ,for no reason at all
so yeah op is a fag