Trump calls America like a 3rd world
He's making fun of us for being JEWED and BLACKED
He's right. The streets in my neighborhood are shit. Why does the money need to support wetbacks?
I mean. Is he wrong?
He's right. As IQ falls, infrastructure crumbles.
>Implying it isn't
But the roads and infrastructure are complete garbage up in Wisconsin.
Hey that's not fair, Texas is full of rocket scientists and NASA engineers while the actual native population are either dumb fat hicks or wetbacks/indians living on welfare
Interesting because out of the states I have visited the ones with low iq (especially California) have the fucking worst infrastructure I have seen.
Isnt California some kind of multiculti and tech utopia?
Why didn't they just make the dark green a pinkish white, and the light green a dark brown?
I like him again
The actual native population are the engineers. I can drive lakeside and throw beers back with dudes who build jets and have metalshop next door.
I live near Miami. It's indistinguishable from Haiti in some areas, indistinguishable from the Dominican Republic in other areas.
Only the Jews can afford to live anywhere resembling first world down here.
But the US infrastructure is complete utter shit from roads, railroads, public transport, airports, bridges, water lines, internet speed to the electric grid.
It's a shitshow from A-Z that has more in common with Cuba or sub saharan africa stuck in the 1960s then a developed western nation.
Found the canadian tourist
It's the second largest state in the country, Silicon Valley is only a very small and insulated part of it.
I don't know how the IQ test is scored in the southern states, but people getting their education in SC cities wouldn't quality for sped classes out in the hicks of NY.
I would know, was forced to move when I was younger. It was like regressing 3 years of classes. Even in high-school they couldn't do fractions, that's fifth grade material in New York FFS.
It says for infrustructure, which isn't too incorrect.
Bridge collapses have been happening a bit more frequently, and the "warranty" on a lot of bridges and roads across the nation are beyond expired. Top that off with the fact that inspections have pretty much halted, with most inspections of major bridges being as much as 5 years behind schedule. JUST FOR INSPECTIONS.
Most Americans believed it needed to be funded. But no one wants to pay for it. Not the right, and not the left.
Same areas are. Look at Detroit.
>california that low
I thought it was 3rd.
How does Texas do it?
Is it because they are all used car salesmen?
feels good to live in minesota. minnesota is one of the best and most underrated states in the union.
I mean, he's not wrong. I live in Pennsylvania, where the roads are all shit and the landscape is dotted with the rotting remains of the steel industry.
How is Texas so non-white, yet a 100 IQ?
Good. Outside of certain areas my state is complete shit. Tired of dodging potholes and getting my car damaged from shitty roads
NASA is based there.
Generally speaking Mexicans that come anywhere further than a couple dozen miles from the border to towns not named "San Antonio" or "Austin" actually put forth the effort to assimilate, and more often than not are here legally as well. Also consider people are influenced by both Nature AND Nurture, spics may have a lower IQ baseline but put them in a decent school and feed them twice a day and I garuntee you you're going to see a noticeable difference between Jose in Lubbock and Paco across the Rio Grande who has to go rat-hunting for dinner and is too focused trying to not get Cartel'd to learn basic algebra.
Also consider that this is the average IQ of the state AFTER the bigger influx by Katrina and Obama's throttling of ICE.
He isn't wrong. Lots of services in Chile are better than USA.
God, my internet is better than in some flyover states.
it is though.
You're goddamn right it is.
tfw montana brainiac
I'm visiting family pls no bully
We have Muslim's too, it's fucking disgusting. We can be first world again, America can be great again. But first all of these needs to leave
damn I didn't know hawaiians were so fucking stupid
He's talking about nigger communities where it's so different from white communities that it literally looks like fucking Africa.
NoDak is king. I wonder why?
He's absolutely correct. Our infrastructure is in a pitiable state, but Obama and Dubbya saw fit to spend the last 16 years waging war in the middle east for the kikes and the arabs. The "Shovel Ready Projects" which Obama promised would be used to fix America and give Americans good paying jobs was either stolen by the States, or the "projects to get Americans working" ended up hiring fucking illegal wetbacks to do.
I'm glad he's finally doing infrastructure. It's the one campaign promise that's an easy win and would have his presidency on a much more stable and accepted ground.
Actually our freight rail is near the best in the world, it's just that our passenger rail is shit when it actually exists.
>his pledge isn't to fix the problem
>his pledge is just to spend a shitload of money
holy shit the Jews really did get him
must have hollowed him out and now there are a bunch of really tiny Jews crawling around inside pulling all the tendons and things
I live in Austin and the Mexicans here are alright. Not nearly as bad as anywhere south of here.
you actually think the kike in chief won't do the same?
>states closer to Mexico are dumber
Austin's kind of weird with it though, whereas normally you'd have the second and third-generation of immigrants assimilate to greater Texan culture, in Austin you can find kids going full La Raza when their parents are completely normal. I will concede that it's mostly University faggots that go that route and a good chunk of them probably are from out of state.
where in california? most of our roads and highways are in considerably better shape than the rest of the country. construction and highway maintenance is a daily occurrence.
Faggot normies just do what's trendy. When right wing views are in they'll be claiming to be white aryans.
Do you think it's done on purpose, or are they dumber?
He's right you fucking idiot. That's why we elected him. We didn't elect him to say America is great. We elected him to MAKE America great.
IQ is generally detached from education level.
California has more people than Poland.
It's pretty much Brazil, a pocket of (((elites))) live in luxury in their own areas while the non-whites flood the cities and whites run farms in the cooler region.
Also brainwashed commies.
He's not wrong desu, whenever I'm in the states I always notice how outdated and poorly maintained a lot of the infrastructure is.
New Jersey is supposedly above average, yet it's got the shittiest roads I've ever driven on.
I'm liking this cunt less and less by the min. To think I supported his ass once...
Why would you lie like that on the internets where everybody can open new tab and see that you're wrong in a matter of seconds?
Sorry, read it wrong.
And fucking engine won't even let me delete my stupid post.
I visited nevada and california last October and it honestly felt Romanian tier in terms of infrastructure
In 50 years, the future Afro-Mexi-Arab nuAmericans are going to have beautiful early 21st century crumbling infrastructure to marvel at. There will be some impressive overpasses under which to sleep on a rainy night during the balkanization wars.
im laughing so hard because the areas with the lowest IQs have the most mexicans
Pretty sure I remember him saying something very similar during the campaign and he's right.
I still find it hilarious that CA has lower IQ than Alabama
Good luck, Mr. Trump.
Interesting Obama pledged 300billion on infrastructure, and ended up doing almost none.
So basically the only thing in the stimulus that was any good never happened. I wonder where that money went to though. The question is can trump beat the regulators.
>Democrats build system of leftist environmental regulators.
>Democrats want to build infrastructure (actually a decent idea).
>Environmentalists tell them they can't do it, and they must agree.
There really is some irony about it, but you know it was bad for obama so we were never really told about how the environmental stuff cost him the bulk of the stimulus (a massive failure that went largely unnoticed).
hyperloop WHEN
>in cali
Can confirm, IQ here is low and roads are shit
We'll he's not wrong, our infrastructure is ass, all our Bridges are rusted out and our highways look aids stricken
So, nothing is going to happen in 8 years? Trump doesn't seem to likely to deport any muslim anytime soon. The wall is most likely not being build at all. So what's america gonna do then? playing world police just means you'll end up with more muslims and other scum.
How can you take BONDULDPH DNORPF insulting your home country like this!? He is a disgrace for the free wolrd and Merkel should speak up against this bigotry!
USA still use FAX for some administrative demands for shit sake.
That is demonstrably false
>He's never driven through northern Indiana.
Why does Chump keep btfoing his own country
He's right though. Visit Netherlands or Germany and you'll see how roads look like
Florida is the epitome of the third world. It's basically a South American country, swamps, trash, and incredibly poor people everywhere, and a couple insulated bubbles containing American housing developments.
Well, is he wrong about that?
Mainland Europe rarely has infrastructure older than 60 years (often much younger, of course, as this was - and still is to some degree - a popular means to combat unemployment), can US say the same?