What's up with Australia?

So I'm visiting Australia and what the fuck is going on... Thought you guys were white, majority of people i'm seeing walking the cities of Sydney are asians. At this point your just a confused China, hahahaha.



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sydney is neo beijing
melbourne is fag central

rest of australia pretty fucking comfey my son

I spent time in Perth, Brisbane and Alice Springs and it was literally 99% chinks 1% abbo. Not a fucking white in sight. Where are the whites hiding?

Inside so we can shitpost on here

What's wrong with Asians, really?
They are basically the same, but they look a little different.
Disliking Arabs or Africans can be rational,
but disliking Asians is irrational

banter is on point mate

How many chongas do you see playing footy?

They're rude and autistic.

Other than that I have no problem with them.

majority are here on student visas selling uni to gooks is big bucks they all have to go home after their studies

>majority of people i'm seeing walking the cities of Sydney are asians.

No shit Sherlock. We've constantly pointed this out. This country is getting flooded with gooks and we fucken hate it.

what country are you visitng from?

also fuck off we're full. disappointed this took 10 posts

you fucking idiot thats the capital

course its gonna have johnny foreigners,its like going to detroit and asking wheres whitey you stupid fucking bellend

we're a diverse country

shit's changing my diggers:

In rural communities. I live in north west Victoria and its very working class. There's still coons and chinks but the chinks aren't too bad - just hard working farmers usually.

Cities are full of hipster shit cunts and chinks and even worse tier coons. Go rural for good aussies

If there's too many of them they might form a voting block and try to pivot us towards china, but that's about it. No real problems with them.

You're really trying to be the best Chinese Colony like Canada.
>Pic related, it's you. It's a typical australian.

fuck me dead dingoes, there're some cucked responses in that nyt opinion piece.
bruce almighty..

Don't expect to find Australia in the big cities. Just yuppie pricks and foreign students fucking up the rental market while their rich dads fuck up our housing market.
But start driving out of the cities. Keep driving past the bogans in the outer suburbs.
Keep driving past the rich retirees who want the country experience while still living within driving distance of the luxuries of the city.
Keep driving past the tourist traps like Alice Springs who only sell a manufacturered version of Australia.

Find a little place off the beaten tracks.
Find a tiny little town in the middle of the fucking desert and spend the day having a yarn to the blokes in the pub.
Hear about the bloke that caught a croc once, which always gets bigger with each retelling.
Listen the the old fellas talk about the war.
Watch some fucking terrifying bush sheila rock up and fistfight her dipshit hubby.
You won't find Australia in thr cities anymore

But Australia still survives in the dusty, forgotten outback.

This was the only uncucked response I could find:
"With all the articles about inequality and shrinking middle class, why is nobody addressing the root cause of most of the problems, which is central banks printing money and redistributing wealth to assets owners, at the expense of labor providers."
The rest are just bat shit crazy.
Mate tourists avoid Alice these days, jets go direct to Ayers Rock Airport (that's what it's still called, fuck oath)

Travel all up and down the East Coast, it's white paradise.

But yeah seriously, Sydney is fucked. Hey, let's take a trip to China! Oh wait, might as well just catch the train into the city. To tell you how bad it is, I hung out with a whole bunch of Euro's at an apartment back in January, partied there every weekend, was amazing. When people found out I was Australian, they were like "Holy fuck, you're the first Aussie I've seen in a while"

Sydney was sold out to the highest bidder. Fucking greedy developers.

lol developers didn't change the laws to allow foreign investment in residential property you fucking idiot.
that was kevin07 and every PM since then has been fuelling the fire. you need to learn more cobber.



at least they are covering themselves with the flag instead of burning it.

asians are two face cunts wtf is wrong with you cunts

capitol cities of all countries are cesspools of multiculturalism you fucking daft cunt kys

>obvious staged photo-op is obvious
pic related

>full of chinks

theyre not white /enddiscussion

On the contrary, we were never the superior Anglos, we were literally the rejects from Britain.

And we *still* did better than the Abos. We built a civilisation in the middle of a desert. That's how fucking useless the Abos are.

Australia is proof of anglo supremacy

Pffft... go out to rural Australia mate. Walk into an outback pub with that attitude and get yourself a real Aussie welcome.
Don't worry. Our hospital staff will treat you nicely afterwards though.

HAHAHA you cucks defend this shit
> Whats wrong with asians they r alright
> Hur Dur capital city obvs a multicultural-shitpit.

What type of logic is this, your country is being invaded and you guys are all doing nothing about it.

Another race i keep running into is Indians, your trains were full of these animals... People in my country told me Aussies are racist and this was a white country and being a non-white you get made to feel unwelcome. Can't wait to tell my people you're cucked as shit.

> tfw Australia has fallen

What country are you from?

Auschink we know it's you

>live in a small town
>only minorities are the abos that everyone avoids and the indian family that run a restaurant
Feels pretty good.

Come to Northern Beaches, catch ferry from CBD to manly wharf, walk through the corso to the beach, turn right and walk along to shelly beach. Go up thr steps and walk up on to the rocks. Beautiful view and walk.

Countries with losers of asianmasculinity, aznidentity, full blooded asian larping/pretending to be mixed/hapa to push the mem against white men and asian women but push the meme for asian men and white women, full blooded beta asian loser tyger pretending to be mixed in eurasianwriter fanfics, and they sometimes spam nigger shit and anti-white male memes:


When you think that was "Australian" making "banter", in reality was asianmasculinity spaming niggers and anti-white male memes, but some white australian not aware that was asianmasculinity, accepted and started to use this too, but basically, they were manipulated by anti-white male jealous asianmasculintiy losers.

Australia is lost. People seem to think it is some sort of exclusive white enclave but it is now probably less white than even the United States.

Unfortunately it's impossible to know the truth of the matter because our government stopped recording racial data in the census. Its almost like they didnt want people to know until it was too late

Even the country is getting cucked now. I grew up in a rural town of about 100,000 where I saw maybe 3 of 4 non white people in my 20 years of living there. Today whenever I go back, I see considerable numbers of Asians, pooinloos and dindus.

Most Aussies dont spend a lot of time in the city. The majority of the population chill in suburbia. CBDs are cancer, full of degenerates and ethnics.

The shit that happens in the outback is insane. There are some truly wacky cunts out bush.
Great yarns tho.
Northern WA is a really weird place, tons of abos.
I lived there for a while when I was young, might have some stories if anyone's interested.

Like my fly fishing go to all these small towns in VIC and NSW I look woggy but whitish got an accent NEVER had a problem,,,always a good experience drinking with Aussies and sharing stories...chinks or muzzies a very diff story...been here 27 years.

dumb fuck thinking Sydney is our capital, do you even geography much?

>sydney is all of australia
I bet you're a yank



why would anyone go out in such heat?

>Perth, Brisbane and Alice Springs

all shit-tier


every capital city is like that but as soon as you get out you find anglo homogenous areas

there was a census map put online and the only areas with non australian heritage were cities.

When we brought in the program to make foreigners live in the outback for a few years before they become citizens NONE of them stay out there, they all run back to the cities.

people in the city should have a vote value of 0.01 for every country person

>sydney is the capital

you are a retard

I was in australia 2 years ago. melbourne was very similar. lots of gooks.

went down to tasmania and there were fewer.

Umm it's called WOGSTRALIA bro

Why would you go out in such poo?

>Perth and Alice Springs were 99% chink
You haven't been to either of these places

Why would you go out in such Maple syrup?

I don't have a single nice thing to say about a single Australian I've ever met.

All the city centres are full of Asians, go out to the suburbs where the everyone else is.

Why tho?


Nigga how the fuck you think our voting works

Alice being 99% asian, did you go to bizzaro-alice by mistake?


Didn't you fucktards settle this county? Ought to know details bout your empire mate. Also kys tea drinking nancy faggot. the actual fuck are you on about cunt? Jesus its trying to understand an abo. Fuck mate get tested

Hi pol I'm Neville Beckworth
Who wants some beer with me?

adelaide is full of chinks also

I'm fine with them burning the flag so long as they wrap themselves in it beforehand.

Yea this cunts right. Adelaides got a few chinks but is mostly white. I would say check it out but fuck off we're full

I'm visiting from England, it is almost completely white apart from the abos in the park lands who everyone seems to ignore


your cities are full of niggers tho desu senpai

> So i'm visiting America and what the fuck is going on... Thought you guys were white, majority of people i'm seeing walking the cities of Detroit are black. At this point your just a confused Africa, hahahaha

Sydney has been Asian for a long time. Melbourne is lefty. Brisbane is alright, but they're a "special" breed. Perth and Adelaide are probably the capital cities you want to see. although both of those places are starting to tip in the balance too.

Yes, the cities are multiculti af, "white" Australia only exist in the towns and small cities, and makes up less than 50% of the population. You got me.

Probably because the whites are at work whilst everyone else is unemployed/tourists?