Is the food you eat fake? Here's the truth behind what's really in the food you eat every day...
What Are You Really Eating?
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just military psyop by shit martini stirrers. It's not designed to educate or inform - it's designed as psychiatric attack. Any and all information is chewed and delivered through similar prism of tabloid "journalism" even most scientific or medical. So you have to understand that we live in open society that is encrypted. So think as living in area 51, but everything is on the need to know basis. If you know the password all open sesame caves are yours for the taking.
Quit eating red meat and eat what the Bible tells you to eat
My grandfather hunts mooses. We get meat from that.
It's realfood facebook bot
You expect me to stop eating pork like some slime?
>and eat what the Bible tells you to eat
Yes, it's unhealthy for you, lardass. Fish is superior.
All sorts of things, just not unhealthy meats
This guy is an idiot. Not even joking. Nor does he cite his "sources." Teh Honey ISNT HONEY. Fuckin retarded.
feels good not being an american
if you care about your health, cut carrageenan, xanthan gum, MSG out of your diet.
Is baking on aluminium foil safe?
it's prety know, and you can just look at the ingredients and know.
but honey here is 100%
I think it's better than baking paper
Everything there is 100%, can't poison fellow Shlomos with same shit that goyims eat
My maple syrup is real, and it's all I eat.
Is easier cleanup worth no pan scrapings to make gravy?
the way he pronounces 'honey' makes me irritated
honey is probably also 100% in your county too.
North America has the worst/fakest GMO poison food. That's a main reason why I'm moving to France come Fall
Do Come we have some spare room !
Enjoy your slow mercury poisoning
Anyone else afraid to eat anything that isn't organic or certified non-GMO?
You mean like every single vegetable on the planet? GMO does shit to plants. Learn how your digestive tract works. You may have a problem with pesticides but GMO? Come on mang.
Olive Oil is fake? wtf? how?
I'm probably just crazy but I keep seeing Romanian posts, who knows maybe same guy, who keeps saying surreal sounding stuff that makes loads of sense.
Like there he makes an analogy that perfectly snapshots the meaning in a train of thought. This is vital. The brainwashing is too severe for people not to just keep hearing white noise which they label as fascism when we try and argue. Even normies who can see reason will always come out with "yeah the world is pretty horrible but meh" or "I don't really care if I'm spied on really they've probably always done it" type stuff when backed into a corner. I keep thinking if the right phrasing can be found, where the fundamentally different worldview we have is communicated such that it suddenly makes much more sense than the narrative, then we might stand a chance.
My own experience was like pic related. I understood there were many horrific theories about how the world works and that if you lined up the right coincidences then you could see the world as corrupt and enslaved, but the equally reasonable narrative was better supported and happier so I could choose to see it that way instead. Then it was different to pic related. I could no longer see the narrative as a plausible view I couldn't stare at the picture and make myself see the rabbit, I could only see the duck. This is what needs to be induced.
i'm from lithuania.
>I keep thinking if the right phrasing can be found
grappling with age-old fundamental problems of perception, user. How can one relate an "ah-ha" experience to another? Humor is the best method I've seen, but you'll never know whether the other individual truly "gets" it in the same way that you do, either. Same problem comes up in education and teaching; the world is truly a lonely place.
To clarify, I wasn't ignoring your comment re willful ignorance--I don't know of any solution that isn't shocking and violent, at which point it's usually too late. Best of luck, though.
>This is what needs to be induced.
you're wrong. if it's induced it's just different encryption for the same slavery. so you paint the stonewalls of the prison in different color where those outside the prison are prisoners, but those living inside the secure location are the ones who in fact hold all the levers and strings to operate free range freedom is not free safari type concentration camp - open society. It's open, but everyone carries with them at all times individually numbered communication devices almost like tattoos. those little mirror mirror on stonewall like devices are loaded with MS windows to reach your soul through the forbidden fruit of your eye.
Other user is right. You talk almost exclusively in mixed metaphors. Do you speak that way in the flesh?
Oh yeah so you are lel. I did mean Lithuania if that helps.
Induced is the wrong word true. Sparked is more appropriate, the point is that it allows someone to disregard fee fees for a moment and see reality more clearly. I agree the point should not be to introduce a new illusion of our making.
>Humor is the best method I've seen
Absolutely, and this is why we have memes. Yeah its hard, and then you realise a lot of people with lots of money and influence have a huge head start at understanding and manipulating perception. Bugger.
i only plants.
>Ancaps will defend this.
That fag and his shill face makes me want to endlessly punching it.
I live in Italy, so no.
>Induced is the wrong word true.
you're succumbing to another psychiatric trap of snake oil origin where those who start any kind of spiritual or self help path do not realize that they are not like the others. so they try to give what they need. so they look like con artists themselves. nobody is equal to each other. so one mans treasure it's garbage for the rest of us.
I've been lied to. i was actually drinking coffee while watching this video, disgusting. but i kept drinking...
I always buy whole beans.
You need to buy beans, get a grinder, a French press, boil water to make a real coffee. Or buy a cheap espresso but the taste wouldn't be good enough.
Instant coffee and other shit are made from fierce.
What are those?
murdered potatoes
Doesn't that go against the NAP?
>don't eat honey
>grind my own coffee beans
>buy my steaks from a local butcher
but I have never seen glued together steaks at the supermarket, the butchers there will cut you another if you want. they don't come prepackaged and they cut them on a bandsaw.
you can watch them since they have a clear window.
I think most honey is pasteurized in the states. which removes pollen and other constituents heating and filtering process
That video is some facebook level bullshit.
Smug bong basically ripping the American food industry apart and all done and shilled on here to promote the "real food scarcity" agenda.
It like you kids don't ever go shopping
so much fake news
Wait? So did Egypt have a plauge of pancakes?
Everything is possible in the Bible.
The pussy I eat is real
>fake and gay news sperged on youtube because they don't have a real audience apart from retard autists
>lel didn't watch
Yeah, and Jesus didn't actually turn water into wine, but he turned it into mountain dew. Copyright problems forced the writers to change it into wine.
If you kill an animal you must wait until the new day to eat it because it could give you diarrhea. The meat must be cold down.
Jesus Christ
The only meat I eat are the fish I catch myself. But even they are affected by the chemicals in the river. Fuck.
what if there is not other way but slavery for the mass and rule by the few? :-o
You can achieve an incremental liberation but that's historically always jumping into a new cage. A matter of, are you one of those how jump higher in the power reshuffle? Are you willing to sacrifice for it?
they been at it for millenia: what religion is. A template for mind control. Now they have tech.
your argument doesn't make sense only for simple reason - the demographics. they keep breeding and farming humans, shuffling them around the world just like slave trade 500 years ago or whatever is written in their orwelled history.
is he red pilled?
legit, how can that image ever be seen as a rabbit??? all i can know about it is duck outside of it being named duck-rabbit.png
>implying we're not just the test subjects for whats to eventually arrive to your country
not clear what you mean. I dont think we disagree here. every revolution (agricultural, industrial, tech) are increments in the life quality of the slave and possible reshuffles of power.
How cant his be fake?
How can the chickens I raise be fake?
Buy a house with land and grow your own food.
Italian olive oil mafia cuts the oil. Real olive oil is expensive!
tu iti permiti intr-o tara cu mai putina agricultura industrializata. in Vest nu mai pot hrani atatea guri decat cu agricultura foarte mecanizata care inseamna much deception and nasty
Why would you trust a (((certification)))?
What's the average price for a 'real' bottle of olive oil? 20-35 usd?
I really don't give a shit. If the worst possible consequence is me potentially eating myself to death I think my life was pretty bad ass especially compared to my ancestors who Fucking starved.
slaves under the slavery are not alive. they are objects of the OOP. so their quality of life is not improved. algorithms of enslaving the slaves are. They only start revolutions once the algorithm becomes too tight in process choking the slaves. So they breath life into the slaves calling it a "hope". You know like exchanging fresh carrot instead of already rotten one hung in front of donkey.