>America bad keep provoking and killing every1 trying to war everyone
>Israel dindu nuffin its all Americas fault
>If Russia was as powerful they would be good guys
Other urls found in this thread:
>Israel dindu nuffin
Perfect pro-government PLM (Russian: "HOĐ”") yelling babushka material in 50 years right there.
They grow so fast
Okay America can leave the Middle East and let the terrorists take over
But user, they've started this while shit in the first place.
2003, remember?
Shut the fuck up commie piece of shit, shoot up your dick with some crocodile and make your wife get an abortion degenerate Cunt.
>Im-fucking-plying they aren't trying to let the terrorists take over already
>terrorists go and start a civil war
>America goes to help
>locals get mad at America start blowing them up and send child soldiers to shoot American soldiers
I would get fed up with this too and just let the terrorists take over, fuck them arabs are the most retarded race on earth.
Which civil war are you even talking about? If it's Syria USA literally armed, trained and funded ISIS.
Ooof, why so touchy, leafy? Isn't islamic cock what you long for?
All you retarded ex commie countries need to be nuked. You're retarded, liberal, atheist shit holes.
Why are you talking about dick faggot?
(some pre commie)
Not an argument mr. [[[Current year]]].
Why are you talking about shooting up one self's dick with crocodile, making wife make an abortion and islamic terrorism?
Are you an abortion-enabling radical islamic druggie terrorist?
Haha yeah my friend it's the US fault the place is unstable. They were all just good boys minding their own business when the US suddenly invaded in 2003.
Islam is the religion of peace, remember?
Yeah, it is the current year and you're still a retard, atheist left wing nut job? When are you gonna grow up and stop caring about irrelevant subhuman shitholes? Arabs were made to be conquered by Anglos that's their faith. You don't want me talking about Russian culture?
>Support the "moderates" during Soviet invasion of Afganistan
>Destabilize the fuck out of the region
>People get radicalized
>le Islam is the religion of le peace, remember?
>t. transdumb fatburger
If anything, you should have invaded Saudi Arabia, no 1 exporter of islamic terrorism and not Iraq.
Mfw backup frenchtoast leafy teabong with no national history shitposts for countries to get nuked
>day of rake when
>his country is such a piece of shit that it wouldn't exist unless this country with no history saved it
I can't wait to go to war with Germany again so I can go to Holland and get a Dutch wife. Are you guys Catholic or Protestant though?
>You don't want me talking about Russian culture?
Which one? The modern degenerate one, or the golden era classical one?
At least my country has a culture to speak of.
>If Russia was as powerful they would be good guys
Like you were to the former Soviet satellites? Those that nowadays hate you and want you dead?
Coming from Cucknada, that's rich.
>golden era classical one
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA like the time your empire got BTFO by the Japanese?!? Or how your Navy lost to British fishermen!
>immediately sliding from the topic
Thanks for proving the stereotype, leafy.
>assad pins
>dugin armlet
Is she, dare I say our girl?
Everyone who's been around Russians hate Russians
do you honestly believe it's the eternal USA
Is it wise to indoctrinate this child so early?
I know Russians tend to be morbidly cynical but the kid should be out having fun and not ranting about noxious geopolitics
I know you're just shitposting but nevertheless:
Why are you shifting the goalposts? You went from USA is helping against the terrorists to USA is trying to conquer them. You sound like an amateur leaf. Going for quantity instead of quality shitposts. It's fine though. Ma man Justin is going to replace you with chinks and Mohammeds very soon.
What's there to say on this topic? You're a retard and Anglos should colonies the Middle East. Who cares if there's war there? DESU terrorists are good for us, it would weaken those countries and allow us to conquer more easily
Americans aren't Anglos retard
Everyone hate leafs, even those who weren't around
day of rake is near, leaf
Good, stay out of my country I don't need anymore retarded Russians coming here going on welfare
I want to kill poltards
I want to rape american women
You fought us we survived
Fear the russian horde!
Well anglos aren't goong to be doing any conquring anytime soon. Too busy getting conquered.
Should I believe in eternal dumbfuck if he time after time disturbes the hornets' nest?
>Who cares if there's war there?
Sup Forums collective does, since it directly affects the West as a whole as of recent.
>Conquering anything
Better to be taken over by immigrants in an Anglo country, then to be alone with other irrelevant Slav niggers.
The Anglo countries are superior, thats why everyone here knows our prime minister and nobody knows yours
Fuck off you literal slavic subhuman. Your country has created far more degeneracy on this planet by normalizing inhuman communism and supporting numerous subversive kike groups in the US. Most of the garbage kike-shit being peddled by universities in the US started from soviet saboteurs cultivating useful idiots in the US to try and destroy it from within.
Your country still supports Iran, which is just as guilty of being an Islamic theocratic shithole and supporting terror groups throughout the region, and you look the other way in Chechnya as long as their leaders keep accepting the bribes from your corrupt Oligarchy.
The difference between you and me is that I would gladly watch the US finally turn on the trash in Saudi Arabia, while you would lap up whatever shit falls out of Putin's ass. I am truly embarrassed by anyone who thinks Russia is the "good guy" on the world stage and not just subhumans trying desperately to be relevant again and doing whatever they can to destabilize the West. Fuck you.
How does it affect the west?
Who cares if Arabs shoot each other, it only affects the west because retarded Europeans want to make Europe Arabian. If the EU just declared war on syria and had their armies shoot all the invaders coming from turkey there would be no problem in Europe but now the Arabian army is raping, looting and pillaging and killing your men
>the leaf wishes for the extinction of his kind
>brainwashed Russian supporting a murderous mudshit
I thought Putin was supposed to be the savior of the white race not a muslim lackey
>Better to be taken over by immigrants in an Anglo country
Enjoy being bred out of existence, you imbecile.
>Should I believe in eternal dumbfuck if he time after time disturbes the hornets' nest?
It's just average race for power, even 6 million mustache man knew it, nothing special about it. USA is still an Israel lapdog, so.
Everybody knows your prime minister because he's a meme not because your country is superior.
>communists help fund terrorist groups in Africa that fought against the European owners of the country creating modern day Africa
>destroyed South America by introducing socialism to them
>took over half of Europe and made them all godless degenerate backwards countries
Has Russia ever done anything good for mankind?
that's a meme, putin only interested in staying in power
It's better to be the last Anglo in the world, than be a degenerate subhuman
Thank you, I will enjoy my high standard of living, my weekly wages being double the monthly Russian wage (even though I never even finished high school) and the fact that I can sleep in peace knowing that I'm not a piece of shit Slavic ape
>sleep in peace
Until Mohammed comes and rakes... I mean rapes you.
>not degenerate subhumans
My sides are in orbit.
>Fuck off you literal slavic subhuman.
Oh look! It's another 'American is telling others who is subhuman or not' episode!
>Your country has created far more degeneracy on this planet by normalizing inhuman communism
Communism was invented by a German jew.
My ancestors were victims of jewish ploy, just like your nation is in the process of becoming one.
Iran, afaik, only ever threatened Israel and is not responsible for the creation and the continuing support of ISIS.
I could care less for Putin, but the US is shit at policing the world.
what did that little cunt say?
I dont speak Communism
Iraq was secular under saddam dumb burger.
Face it, we're responsible for the mess in iraq and the middle east.
>Americans are literally retarded
I don't live in Scarborough, you see here in Canada we have what's called a suburb. It's a piece of shit where there's zero development except for houses, no shopping districts just strip malls and no public transportation. That's where all our immigrants go.
Pic related is a typical city for immigrants in Canada, we basically pack them into a giant ghetto city nobody cares about that's away from all the white people
Don't try talking sense in a country with 60%
Can smell nigger blood in him.
Or they live in areas in the city like this
Maybe US just puts estrogen in the water to make big tits
There is no conspiracy to turn men into cucks
The CIA just wanted to make a master race of big breasted patriots
>muh amerikantsy
Why don't you Russians fix your country first instead of complaining about others.
>took over half of Europe and made them all godless degenerate backwards countries
Except it's the opposite.
USSR influence created a strong reaction in these nations. Unlike in the West, which is becoming a godless backwards regressive cultural-marxist dystopia at an alarming rate.
>muh 60% means everyone is mixed race
Nice zog propaganda.
Iraq was a shithole waiting to explode, just like most of the other "secular" middle-eastern countries. They're all ticking time bombs because at it's core islam is a barbaric and militaristic religion and the only thing that can contain it in those countries is a ruler who is even more barbaric. But as we've seen time and time again eventually the citizens turn on that ruler so they can finally implement their islamic law and live in the absolute squalor that they long for.
The problem is the religion and the ultimate solution is the destruction of it.
>They're all ticking time bombs because at it's core islam is a barbaric and militaristic religion and the only thing that can contain it in those countries is a ruler who is even more barbaric.
>So we go and depose barbaric rulers 'cuz muh dead minorities, muh dead children, muh opressive regimes, muh violation of human rights, muh WMDs and muh chemicul wepns!
>Burger logic.
God, you're dumb.
hohol stfu
I never claimed I supported the war, but the argument that Iraq was "stable" is idiotic. It was run by a despot.
The problem with the US is it thinks it can appease Islam and they will stop attacking us. The problem with Russia is it thinks secular dictators are a viable long-term solution. When these countries inevitably collapse, the hatred of non-muslims grows even greater for supporting those dictators all those years. You're a fucking idiot if you think that's the ultimate solution to the region.
>You're a fucking idiot if you think that's the ultimate solution to the region.
Name ONE fucking time when a Middle-Eastern despot was deposed by radical islamists without the outside help and when the region devolved into chaos afterwards.
Name ONE time, I fucking dare you.
Other countries may have helped them depose of their leaders, but the initial conflict was always started by angry Islamists, every fucking time. Just because other countries swooped in and took advantage of the chaos doesn't mean that the chaos itself wasn't started by Muslims.
>inb4 every uprising is some CIA inspired plot
2 Roubles has been deposited to your account :)
>Russians actually believe this
Do you even realize how many million natives of other countries you guys deported and genocided?
Only to be recolonized by russian finest settlers, aka inbred yokels.
Those countries struggle to this very day to sustain the eternal damage done
I am not going to argue with your points. Even if they were true, how do they relate with this fact:
Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Estonia, Latvia, - basically all of Eastern Europe are hardcore nationalists when it comes to immigration and fierce anti-communists who don't support rampant degeneracy.
>Those countries struggle to this very day to sustain the eternal damage done
As does Russia.