Seeing this in the bus right now
Seeing this in the bus right now
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What is this even advocating? The small text is unreadable.
>What is this even advocating?
I think it's about tackling little girls or something before they're big enough to work a can of pepper spray.
appropriation for little boys to be subjugated by feminists
whats wrong with this though? a lot of women do get beat up. did none of you Sup Forumsacks grow up with a mom getting random black eyes?
you wouldn't hit a dog, so don't hit a woman
Violence against men a ok.
The problem is the feminists will exploit a cause with a good intention, and turn it into huge emasculation campaign.
violence against boys is a bigger issue. always solve your problems in order.
Australian men are incapable of defending themselves against women.
What is this? 2004 with flip phones?
you in brissy mate?
>owning a cuckphone
>not using an old flip phone and a laptop instead
Anybody who beats the fuck out of their girlfriend isn't going to care about this and those that don't know it doesn't even apply to them.
Are you sure they mean actually laying your hands on a woman?
In the UK it is now a crime to argue with your wife. It is considered domestic abuse and is punishable just the same as acutally beating her up.
Reminder if a woman hits you you're a monster for hitting her back
>In the UK it is now a crime to argue with your wife.'re kidding
pedos man, tackle the little ones cos they're weaker and you won't have to get violent
>In the UK it is now a crime to argue with your wife.
You better be giving a source with that nigger
I honestly wish I was shitposting. This is life in the UK today.
> Implying a dog will ever smart-mouth me or say no to a blowjob
True, it's fairly easy to grab some loli and keep her in the basement for future purposes.
They're easier to carry when they're small, don't eat as much and they live longer.
You have munchausen syndrome, stop being an attention whore.
And that ad campaign is about "Don't disrespect women" and they are saying being non-feminist leads to women getting beaten.
>moving to the UK next month
Do they mention muzzies at all?
No? Hmm. Makes you think.
That is not source, that's a 6 years old dailymail article. Your original statement was also not that informative, having looked into it:
>did none of you Sup Forumsacks grow up with a mom getting random black eyes?
Lol no, I'm not a nigger.
>have silly argument with gf
>gf loses silly argument
>she calls the cops
>you go to prison
Pro tip - don't ever win an argument if you're a white male. This law also applies in the workplace.
Remember, they will NEVER say who is causing the rise in violence against females. Admitting it is like admitting obesity kills people.
They want us to bash shifty looking children. I clobbered some little cunt on the way home this arvo, blew straight through the zebra crossing and skittled him. He's not bashing any women in a wheelchair.
No it isn't, you cucklord
way to go mate
>woman says you emotionally abused her
>you go to prison.
>*spoiler alert* WOMEN LIE
And whats your point exactly friendo?
Clothesline some primary school kids for me and the fight against domestic violence, mate.
its about saving net neutrality
in a jiffy
Australia has one of the lowest rates of DV in the world (except for abos, they're at PNG levels of violence in general though) and it's been decreasing since forever. Baring a civilisation wide collapse, DV is not going to be a problem again.
>did none of you Sup Forumsacks grow up with a mom getting random black eyes?
No, I grew up middle-class. If a woman is middle-class or higher socio-economically her life is going to be almost completely absent of violence.
So you're saying I should only bash poor kids? the ad kept it simple ("bash children"), now you're making it complicated.
"Sexual harassment is off limits on metro and will not be tolerated: Report any unwanted touching, comments or gestures by using the train intercom, the station intercom, the sheriff's hotline,or Metro transit watch app. Remember, if you see something, say something."
>Sexual assault: it happens here
You're asking for it if you hop on that bus, imo
>did none of you Sup Forumsacks grow up with a mom getting random black eyes?
post a pic of your hand please
Bangbus has really gone downhill.
Budget went in the toilet, so they can't afford to hire the "models" anymore.
This is your fault. You complained about the lack of authenticity and cancelled the subscription on your dad's credit card.
>they can't afford to hire the "models" anymore.
I thought it was real, the...the delivery guy! The pizza man!
No, they were real, the girls were actors. Now everybody is real, because they just packed some hood rats in a bus with some drugs and malt liquor.
I'll start defending western women when they stop voting for their demise.
>Mom getting random black eyes
>user thinks this is normal
Jesus, that's the most depressing thing I've read in a while.
I grew up with a mother that knew how to fight back. They're still fucking married after 20 years.Women literally need to man the fuck up.
I have no problems with beating the shit out of women. They have it coming anyway.
I'm sorry for your childhood
If you were a kid I'd fucken wreck you mate.
This is a new ad campaign that partners with the new immigration laws.
It is to prepare (mostly) arab and african families for their children to be taken away by the state for (mostly) paternal violence against women and children.
Oh, it's /that/ campaign. The "please brainwash your children so it's easier for us when they grow up" campaign.
Yeah, basically young boys making jokes at the expense of girls means they grow up into becoming wifebeaters because toxic masculinity or some shit. Typical feminist campaign of "it's all men's fault and women are always the victims wah wah ;((((((("
This. You can also brainwash her to become a mindless slave. Women should have no rights or freedoms at all.
Correcting mistakes isn't violence any more than "coercion" by police is violence.
It's just helping them...nothing more.