This needs to stop.
This needs to stop
I agree.
Gervais needs to shut the fuck up and stick to his on stage comedy.
animal population control?
These suburban guys pay tons of dosh to shoot these animals. That money goes to feed kids and preserve these areas.
You want these savanna niggers to stop doing safari tours and instead start mining for minerals?
Absolutely, they need to stop shaming our proud hunters
Why is the life of an ant so judged less than that of a giraffe. Education 101
if you shot him he would probably stop tweeting
>i thought gervais was funny once
Hmm but i also thought my dad was stupid for telling me that asylum seekers are bad people.
hey guys
if evolution is true
where are the short necked giraffes?
What the problem? Killing animals is normal?
Have you ever been in a slaughter house?
And these faggots would have stepped on many without a care in the world
>it's a social media screenshot episode
What is it about giraffes that needs zu je controled?
Who does that hunter think he is, a Danish zoo?
tlou babies
There is no evidence of macro evolution. But there is a large amount of evidence for micro evolution.
Cuts deep
Hear me out, boys.
Have you noticed how all these organizations being funded by (((them))) have a token celebrity to vanguard their cause, and every celebrity reaches a point in their career that they get behind a cause?
always wondered how giraffe meat would taste like
you can't mean...
Guilt for being rich from doing essentially nothing special.
>and every celebrity reaches a point in their career that they get behind a cause?
They're massive egotists and its one way to keep themselves relevant
Likely similar to Horse and gamey
Really made you think, huh?
>Feeding Africans
Okapi. You're welcome.
man, those fuckers are huge. based hunter putting down that monster.
imagine one of these stomping through your front yard.
Ricky Gervais is a fucking joke.
Damn, already collected you.
you are the short necked giraffe
>liberals can't comprehend the concept of a safari #28810
Do they not realize that this guy probably saved hundreds of animals with the money he paid to kill this giraffe?
Probably similar to horse.
Fucking retard.
The difference isn't the size it's about whether you enjoy it.
Enjoying killing something for the sake of killing it is degenerate. Pretty sure he'd have the same opinion about the psycho kid on the corner burning ants with a lighter.
The problem is the tweet ! Why do you have to put a photo of this on the net ? It is exactly the same as half naked selfies that chiks make .... both are attention whore's !
If he REALLY cared he could have just donated the money without killing the giraffe
Seriously I don't understand how you people's brains work.
You can eat giraffe if you have like 30k to spend on exotic meat...
They kill one for you..
the absolute state of him though, saving many so he can kill them, so no selfless nobility, rather it is depravity
Culling raises both $ and food for the local population
They are not smart people so this is how they survive
They also don't just choose any animal.
This one was probably ill and had to be put down to preserve the others.
I imagine he didn't really give a fuck BUT he did inadvertently help the other giraffes. Life isnt a Disney movie, kid. Grow up.
This is charity, you cuck, it's a transaction.
He pays money to kill a giraffe.
The safari uses the money to save other animals.
we love in a capitalist world son, you exchange money for something
you don't just give it away for free, im sure ricky rich could donate a couple million if he felt like, but nah. complain about the guy who just wants to experience a once in a lifetime thing.
you again, kys.
I understand that but exonerating him because he paid money that happened to go to a charity is fucking retarded. Chances are he didn't care where the money went and if he did actually care about preservation there was no need for him to pay to kill a giraffe to donate it.
Yes, I'm sure the money was helpful, but that doesn't make killing the giraffe for fun any less degen.
Giraffes are actually becoming endangered. Go figure.
Fuck this trash though. They all have micropenises.
>he thinks that's what a safari is
>Do they not realize that this guy probably saved hundreds of animals with the money he paid to kill this giraffe?
this is hunter's propaganda. it's pretty far from being that cut and dry.
in other threads you people make it sound like africa is a totally disorganised, 100% corrupt hellhole but for some reason take it as fact that they have an incredibly well-organised and uncorrupt system for hunters where the money earned from each animal shot is directly funnelled into the welfare of "hundreds of other animals".
the naivety of people like you gives me a chuckle and a half
I bet you a nigger forced him to do it.
>implying it doesn't go to the darkie who drove them there to buy more child prostitutes and drugs or to some corrupt nigger politician
Good goyim, providing education to brain dead nigg... I mean oppressed Africans is more important to the world than bio diversity!
Sure but no one can claim he is being charitable, and I can agree with Gervais in a certain way here, it isn't a great thing or challenge to shoot an animal like that, rather it is depraved exotic fetishism.
Ah yes, the noble african wildlife preservers, surely the money is in good hands
And I guarantee it's not because of legal hunting practices you cedar sneaker fag
Do Japs really take their cats to the theaters?
This guy gets it. The less morally questionable comparison would be buying a t-shirt or a wrist band from a charity instead of giving money directly. People want something for their money. A lot cant just give their money away and get nothing back in return but who cares because the money is still going to help the people the charity care about.
The giraffes auctioned off to hunters are old males with no hope of reproducing anyway. Killing them changes nothing
>in other threads you people make it sound like africa is a totally disorganised, 100% corrupt hellhole but for some reason take it as fact that they have an incredibly well-organised and uncorrupt system for hunters where the money earned from each animal shot is directly funnelled into the welfare of "hundreds of other animals".
Good point. I'm sure some of the money goes to good causes, but you'd have to be very naive to think that most of the money isn't lining some nig's pocket
>stop liking what i dont like
who cares if he's being charitable, there's typically a net positive provided to the local community from these things
if hunters weren't willing to pay to shoot these animals they would be worthless
fight capitalism if u dont want animals to get shot.
These hunters spend a lot of money that goes into the local economy and conservation efforts. Probably does more good for the ecosystem in the long term
>but killing animals is bad!
no it isn't
It's a stuffed giraffe that visitors take a picture with. God you people are so fucking gullible.
>high velocity
What the fuck do they think this means?
>implying that we aren't talking about the practice as a whole
well sure. if you presume that the LARGEST CONTINENT IN THE WORLD has a unified culture and government
or maybe
some places in africa are fucked and others are not so fucked.
Pretty sure it's a reference to the long rifles they usually use to do this shit with
if white tourists did not go to these areas, the din do's in africa would depopulate the entire continent with in a generation. fact
>i have literally nothing better to do than whine about the humane death of one of the most worthless animals in existence
That the bullet goes faster and is louder so its scawier!!!
were not on the same train of thought here, I'm not about the cappie way of things, or about muh animal protection, rather I'm about how this is a depraved exotic fetishist power fantasy that is being enabled here, pretty much a symptom of mental disorder
This is disgusting
as opposed to those low velocity rifles that just kinda phut the rounds out the muzzle and onto the floor
Gotta make thing sound scarier. God forbid he used a rifle instead of having a few guys chuck spears at it
There is a technical distinction
but yeah he probably just included that to pad the tweet out
Celebrities and their followers exercise little thought when it comes to safari hunts. Safari hunts are crazy expensive and most places tag and designate animals that are past breeding age. You're eliminating aggressive males and raising funds to maintain wildlife preserves with these hunts.
If celebrities would collectively displace the revenue that safari hunting brings into these organizations every year, maybe I'd take their pretentious asses seriously. But, like always, it's virtue signalling that misconstrues the facts.
killing and raping a fresh dead giraffe is on my bucket list
What practice? Taking pictures with animals that have been dead for 10 years? OK fine that needs to stop. We should use fresher dead.
>this is a depraved exotic fetishist power fantasy that is being enabled here
>stop liking what i dont like
how about you fuck off
Yes exactly, stop liking mental disorders
>everything i dont like is a mental disorder
>muh feelings
fuck you and stupid ass giraffes
>american education
Genetic profiling. Vestiges in say whales. That eyes evolved independendly from each other several times and lots more.
You do not deserve Ricky Gervais' respect if you don't do your big game hunting exclusively by blowgun.
Here's the thing. It's possible for people to donate without the incentive of shooting the animal. It's possible for the safari keepers to put the animals down themselves.
I'm not questioning that the practice brings in money. I'm just saying that the way it brings in money is degenerate.
The argument that the hunters do this because they want to give to charity is BS. They're mentally ill old men with tiny dicks that want to kill something for fun to feel big. Posting the picture online just verifies that.
they are either sick or old specimens that only hold back the herd
>everything i dont like is degenerate
Fetishist power fantasies are symptoms of something wrong in the head yeah, fetishes like that themselves are spooks of the worst kind
It's just a big deer. Nice hide and lots of meat. Are they threatened/endangered? If not it's just the circle of life.
>moral relativism
No wonder Australia is slowly turning as mussie as the UK
Nothing stops people from donating to reserves already. You think the local Africans give a shit though?
>They're mentally ill old men with tiny dicks that want to kill something for fun to feel big
And thats being exploited splendidly. Be it a hunter or a safari keeper, the critter still gets shot the same way
>niggers are making species extinct
>shooting elephants for worthless tusks, leaving the body to rot
>shooting rhinos for a worthless horn, leaving the body to rot
>shooting everything that moves for fun, leaving the bodies to rot while people starve to death
>''''''''''''''''comedian'''''''''''''''' posts a white guy shooting a giraffe, even though white hunters are an extremely small minority of poachers in Africa
Really makes me think
Here's what is interesting. If we killed all niggers in Africa we would save so many animals that we could send every dentist in the world to go shoot some animals, and you would still end up having less animals getting shot.
cry about it
Its not like all the whinny tree huggers ever do anything to help the preserves.
This man has probably done more to help protect the giraffe population then all the cry babies pissing their pants over him.
Read my posts further down
meh, I wouldn't mind shooting animalist faggots, but that's illegal
>flying thousands of miles to africa and paying tens of thousands to drive out into the middle of the sahara in a jeep to shoot a giraffe you need neither for food nor its hide at a distance of 200 yards is "the circle of life"
You're straight up delusional.