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what really erks me about this is normal band-aids arent even the skin color of most white people.

Just import them from Africa.

They have plenty of black aids there.

As always somebody but fuck stupid blogger hasn't nothing better I do so makes a non issue into something the shitty news outlets will gobble up and shit out as their quality content

>Not the fact that Sweden is so over run with dark skinned people that it needs darkie bandaids for all the refugees
>Not the fact that once almost entirely white Sweden is now half black in just under a decade

Band aids are 'white' for a fucking reason, to see how much blood has come out, to see if it has stopped bleeding.

You wouldn't put a fucking black bandage on a guy that just got shot in the arm, would you? You'd choose the white one any day of the week because you can see what the fuck is going on.

These idiots always love bringing up race.

Can't they just make them transparent?

>is now half black in just under a decade
Nigga.. You know very well this isn't true.



Because they aren't made to. They are just the natural color of the material they are made of.

shut the fuck up retard. sweden is much more non white than a few decades ago but they're still like 85% + swedish

america is the one thats turning half brown in a decade

It's just a fucking band-aid for crying out loud, who gives a shit what they look like. My mum used to get me spongebob band-aids when I was a kid for fucks sake.




>they need to start making a lot of bandages for black people as quickly as possible

that sounds like good news to me


Paula ((((((((((Dahlberg)))))

10 posts in and nobody mention this?

Australia wins again

As a black man, I'm fucking sick tired of this social justice warriors. They care too much about irrelevant shit that literally doesn't effects anyone's life. I don't need any favorism, all I want is equal opportunities in life that based on my fucking skills and merit, not my skin tone. Fuck this cry babies


Wait till the old people start dying in sweden and the rest of europe. Half the kids in schools are non-white, so it's all going to go to hell very quickly.

So not one nigger was smart and enterprising enough to fill the gap in the market and make shitskin friendly band aids?

This is why they have spent millenia living in mud huts.

Why can't they use clear band aids?

This. This is too tan for me.

Well said Kunta, well said...

Because a lot of Swedish names end in -berg

explains a lot, doesn't it?

i could live with that

Straylia brings the bantz!

Sweden is so fucking racists and sexist.
I can't believe it's the year 2017 already and such scandals still keep popping up over there.

They are referred to as flesh coloured.

I don't see a problem here. Niggers demand lower quality healthcare because they think receiving what whites get is racist and now they get their lower quality healthcare without it harming white patients. I hope the next thing they come up with is completely stopping eating food because they see whites eating food and starve to death because of their own stupidity.

>New Zealand
You are close to them you should know the difference

go back to redd1t

Based kiwi

I am also erked.

Oh, Frodo...


I'm not sure if it's cuase of exsessive autism in your genes, or just you were born retarded, but either way your mongol mentality is absurd, Pekka.


I think I got those too and probably cars band aids it was great

>t. I spent so long in a sauna I turned black


Took me a while but THIS is funny!


Can we talk about how well of a job band-aid has done branding themselves? They've done such a good job people just refer to small bandages as band-aids, their company is the term for their product. All their competitors who want to sell bandages as "band-aids" needs to pay them. Unreal.


As a black man, you need to go back to Africa, nigger.

lurk more.

I will, but only when you go back to Siberian mountains, Pekka.


African genetic admixture doesn't exist in Europe and never will. It's on a little visit now but eventually it has to go back.



>African genetic admixture doesn't exist in Europe and never will
So is mongol genes my friend. Go back to North Asia, blonde hair doesnt equate being white or European.

Jesus how many times has this shit been posted?

Everybody knows that public service is leaning heavily to the left in sweden but that redpill is so basic that even the left accepts it. A common saying in sweden goes something like "in 1968, an entire leftist demonstration marched into SR (Sweden's PS radio) and stayed there."

They are basically all a bunch of "venezuela's not real socialism"-commies. I'll give you three attempts at guessing what they've been saying about Trump.

Your nigger IQ can't comprehend genetics, so it's not a matter worth discussing. You're like that "xyyman" from Eurogenes, who was banned permanently because he couldn't be reasoned with. But go ahead spam those pics. It's good to know the weirdo who sometimes popped up in threads was all along you (a nigger).

Oh pekka getting all emotional and shit over here. Listen sweetheart, you deny and ran away from your mongol genes. It's a well known fact, instead embrace it like a man and be pround mongol perkele! Did I mentioned that I'm as finnish as you, of course minus the autistic and retarded mongol side.

Do you like my meme


What's the cognitive dissonance like when Sup Forums is the only place where you can hold these views, but every time you go outside you get eyeballed by the whitest-looking motherfuckers who constantly look down on shitskins?

just put a brown bandaid on his forehead and it's gold

these already exist



made this one as well it's a bit more comical

There is literally nothing wrong with this.

Fucking frodo

Dayum son.

>trans people triggered because their band aids don't have a penis shape

>What's the cognitive dissonance like when Sup Forums is the only place where you can hold these views, but every time you go outside you get eyeballed by the whitest-looking motherfuckers who constantly look down on shitskins?

Pekka, you and me both know thats only one thing is true about that stuff you just said, and that's >'' motherfuckers who constantly looking down'' and we know the reason is due the lack of self confidence. Now put down that Koskenkorva bottle and embrace the reality my fellow home boy

Just tape this to his fucking head.


No, monkey, Finns hate immigrants. You know it and I know it, which is why you are here trying to "get back at the man." Being outside is so stressful for you, but online, on anonymous boards, you can finally pretend that you're not a nigger.

Kike, I.....

What is this. Norma bandaids are already brown as fuck. How black can you be?

I wouldn't hate immigrants if they assimilated and behaved like civilized humanbeings

I can't imagine how proud tax payers must be to see their money being spent on this.



Sweden is like the front-line of a losing battle. The best strategy would be a strategic withdrawal to less-cucked nations, re-group, and then counter-attack.

Let the libtards deal with the mess they created after the whole thing implodes. Sweden can be a great lesson for other European nations of what not to do.

>whites make their own bandaids
>blacks would never ever consider starting their own bandaid-making company
>stomp their feet until the whites make them what they want
same thing with employment, niggers don't want to start companies, they demand that white companies hire them, even if they suck at the job

That's a bit of a chicken or the egg situation, because you never know whether they are acting on behalf of external failures or is it because they simply can't. Reminder that no country below 90 IQ is able to hold a functional democracy, e.g. Turkey can but just barely.

The band aids are fucking brown

>Finns hate immigrants
Well, the thing you should be asking is, do I care about whether some historically and culturaly peasant nation and its autistic awkward people hates me? Absolutely fucking not, and me about going outside and shit, I can make sure that your mongol sisters dig me more than they do about you. Its great not to be autistic, but you wouldn't know that. And FYI, I'm not a nigger, but a fucking huipputyyppi.

Mikko, can you elaborate by what you mean ''behaved like civilized humanbeings?'' By that if you mean being a drunktard fuck who participate a semi incestious shit like going to sauna naked with his mom and sisters, then you can fuck off back to Serbian mountains you belong to. Fucking immoral degenerate pleb


Why the world needs Sherri Few

They do, niggers just don't buy them I guess.

Kiwis bringing the bantz

>muh dick the argument
You can take the monkey out of the jungle but you can't take the jungle out of a monkey. Hey, what were the PISA and prison statistics of your people again?

M'gongo, why don't you go back to savannas and cure your aids by raping a baby?



>manufacturers presuming their costumers to be white by default
>in a country that was made by whites
Yeah how dare they.

Sweden needs Sherri Few!

>nigger moves to sweden
>complain that sweden is too white. Apparently swedes are not allowed to be a majority in their own nation cause a nigger moves in.
>muh bandaids are white supremacists because they're different from my nigger hue the blogger says
Getting really fucking tired of niggers, they're too fucking stupid to see that they're stupid or they're doing this shit on purpose to be catered to. Either way i don't care about it anymore.
Why don't the nigger blogger go to africa and start a black band aid company and sell to the african people. Fucking niggers, we clothe them feed them dig wells for them even provide electricity in some cases to africa cause they haven't done fucking shit for themselves. And then they fucking move to places like sweden where they have ZERO excuse for any kind of victimhood mentality with regards to swedes, and then proceed to play the same stupid tricks they try to play on white americans.

OVER A FUCKING BANDAID? oh btw. is the bandaid white? NO it's not even white.. it's fucking light brown you stupid fucking niggers!

i hate niggers and muslims? why.. because it's a ticking fucking timebomb, the more there are of these assholes in your nation the more it gradually turns to shit.. I don't hate them as individuals or over some thing like that, i hate what it is they do to society/what it results in having too many of them in your nation.. And i loathe that people just sit and put up with it and let it happen and then act so fucking surprised when it eventually turns to shit because of them.. When it's so extremely easy to predict..and so easy to avoid by not letting too many of those assholes into your nations..

>2015 article..
Fuck you OP.