A legal precedent has been set by the European Court of Justice.

>dutch streaming device 'filmspeler' provoked them to punish it's usage due to offensive marketing with claims of free media like current movies
>this precedent may well be used to terminate the legal grey area which tolerated streaming without punishment

He wants your money. And you will give it to him.

good thing we're leaving then ;)

You're only leaving if El Benis wins, otherwise the US will look for new strategic partners in the V5 countries+EU.

You really should be shitposting for France these days, or your vote will mean shit.

what do you mean illegal streaming? Explain this more deeply


This is a meaningless verdict.
It is a crime that cannot be proven. They would need to prove your intention of wanting to watch the movie or whatever. Merely clicking the link will certainly not be enough. Besides, these streaming websites don't keep logs anyway, so there is no way for anyone to even get to you.

More so, in Germany the "Abmahnkosten" for distributing movies via torrent are capped at something like 150 Euros, so how much money could they possible get for just watching the movie?

fuck this drunk nigger

t. streamer
It's time to find a real job you nigger. Playing video games ain't no work.

>filthy niggers are raping our continent
>lets punish people for partaking in free escapism, surely this wont blow up in our face

Hopefully all the normies that spend time streaming shows look out their windows to see their countries burning

Wtf I love unelected authoritarian supranational governments now!

just pay for the movies you jews

Good.This will just make euristan more hated


Probably used to finance whatever paedophile ring he or his friends belong to.

based EU,
i hope all you degenerate criminals ends upp behind bars or with a heavy fine.
that would teach you a lesson that stealing is wrong and degenerate

I would give money to show creators if I could buy the episodes as they come out, unfortunately I cannot as I either have to order an entire season way after it comes out or watch the episodes on TV when they come out, and most popular shows aren't immediately broadcasted in my country.
So I just stream that shit.


>implying i care
>implying our government will care
Can't outjew the seajew.



Hahahaha he thinks he's hurting us but really, he'll just end people's access to constant propaganda.

>it's a Juncker is delusional and power mad episode
this will cause more support for Nexit, it's all good

This has nothing to do with streaming video games you retard

None of you fags understand why we have copyright law do you?

It does, you just don't realize it yet.

Yet another reason why so many Europeans want out of the EU.

this tbqh it's theft anyways

offering a streaming service of copyrighted material was always illegal. consuming a stream of copyrighted material isn't illegal and even if they wanted to make it illegal it would be vietually impossible to prove intent.

Out of curiosity, in Germany can you get a speeding ticket if the police cannot prove intent? By that I mean, if the police accuse you of speeding, and you attest that you did not intend to speed, can you nevertheless be given a ticket for speeding? If so, what is the burden of proof? Is ignorance of the law no excuse, or do they need to prove that you were aware both of the speed limit and that you were exceeding it?

god I hope following this announcement they release new seasons of One Punch Man, ATtack on Titan , Hunter X Hunter and Mob Psycho 100 just for spite.

>polish intellectuals

There's a difference between watching a movie and speeding in a car. One is completely harmless, and the other can potentially kill people. It's also impossible to prove that you knew it was an illegal streaming website and not authorized by the owners of the movie.

fuck you. i literally finished one punch man 30 minutes ago

>implying the Bundestrojaner isn't already logging everything, even your activity time with IP

Kek Europeans are the most cucked people on Earth.

I pay taxes on every electronic device I buy that goes towards the poor starving artists because the device MAY be used for copying copyrighted content
I still don't have access to any quality content legally

honestly, I don't care anymore, I'll never pay for any content other than books. Never. I don't mind so much if I can't watch/listen to any of it anymore. These fucking parasites feed on me AND they fucking dare show their faces all the time to tell me how I should vote. I hope they suffer before they die.

>One is completely harmless, and the other can potentially kill people.

Well, to make a point, speeding doesn't harm anyone until you hit them.

The question is more directed at whether continentals have strict liability.

Revolt of commons when?

You're not white. You never will be.
At least we were.
Your existence on the other hand is lower than that of a dog's. You are dirt. You are trash. You are nothing, just genetic shit.

Kikes defending kikes

Seriously fuck the EU. I wish that Portugal would just bite the bullet and leave those fuckers.

How did the Common Market end up like this

the absolute state of the EU

>it would be vietually impossible to prove intent.
pretty sure you don't have to prove that in the EU.
In France, you're legally responsible if somebody breaks into your house, plug into your network (or, more likely, hack your wifi from the street) and download illegal content. It is explicitly written in the law that they don't care whether you did it or not, you're responsible if it's your IP, and it's your responsibility to secure your network.

Funny how the court of law and basic human rights matter when it comes to rapefugees but not so much when (((artists))) lose money

Fuck Juncker the fucking pedo and Verhofsdat!

Wrong on all accounts.

t. someone who recently got busted for torrenting and just paid the fines

you're the biggest police state in europe leaving the EU won't save you.

Wrong senpai

We're the biggest CCTV state - our bobbies have dwindled in numbers for quite some years now.

Must suck being a EU fag right about now

>our bobbies have dwindled in numbers for quite some years now.

The remainder just watch you getting beaten up by pakis on a monitor.

I hope he uses the money to drink himself to death.

These laws never reach my lawless land get rekt other EU cunts. We are under ACTA aswell but nobody gives a shit, brb downloading shit tons of torrents atm

Kek, Our Courts doesn't care about minor stuff like this

Your ISP rats you out you idiot they can see everything you visited

>illegal act soon to be punishable
upvot dis post if u cry every time ;_;

If I had a nuke I would set it off in Bruessels without any hesitation.

At least we arnt American.

What is a VPN?

>european we wuzzing
it's begun

It would be illegal for my ISP to hand over my information to a third party. Its in my constitution which over rides EU law.

A thing that you forget to connect to when drunk.

>Potato nigger


go suck some british cock wanker

Unironisch dies.

American states arnt even countries and your federal government deliberately moves Somalians into the whiter states to end you.

Good bye.

Just leave already. They're not doing you any good.


If the US dislikes the EU, clearly the EU is a good thing.

As far as I know that's how they catch them in Germany. I know 2 guys who got letters from their ISP and court

Private contractors actually.

EU will make Sup Forums illegal next. After all some EU bureaucrats have been talking about a sanitized fenced off EU only Internet for a few years now.

On another note the amount of pro EU shilling today across multiple boards on file sharing, streaming, brexit and what-not is fucking amazing and not obvious at all.

Did the EU just accidently ban porn?

>dad gets free cineworld vouchers from his work as corporate benefit
>still get free movie

Suck my dick lol

>Private contractors actually.

That's an odd term for fetishist.

Why is VPN relevant to my response to the german user you retard? Did I say that you cant protect or hide your browsing? No. Why are you so retarded

My gf is German. We stream everything. We dont pay for any media service. We have never got so much as a letter about it in Ireland. We take no precautions. They simply have no legal way to get our information and prosecute us due to protections in the Irish constitution.

The first time she streamed in Germany she got fined.

You've achieved terminal autism.

The US is the enemy of all free people.

Yea I only know how it is in Germany but thanks for the info about Ireland. No wonder gorillions of croats emmigrate there. Have a spot for a green eyed soon to be a MD :^)?

That's why your dumbass ancestors fled to the US when you were unable to farm enough potatoes.

>to farm
>fucking potatoes


lol. You traded in the UK for the EU without a second thought. Admit it: you like being ruled.

We sent all our unwanted to the US just like the UK. You are descended from convicts, the starving, the homeless and our slaves.

We can always use more doctors.

Arnt you getting cozy with China?

Can Britain take us with them?
We'll be good bois, we'll be loyal to the queen and everything.

But there is a big chance you have Irish blood :^)

There is a bigger chance he has mexican blood. Its 2017.

No, be good EU goys.


Nah nigga, both sides of my family trace back to Germany.

>no nyaa
>no streaming

Enjoy living in a post-anime society yuropoors

>shitskin posing to be european
And shilling for the EU ontop of that, still waiting on your family's visa? Or did their little raft sink on the way over?

>A cuck on both sides
That explains a lot

Damn totally cuck tier, not even Canada and the states have that relationship, we used to thou before 7-11

nothing jew er I mean new...

t. american whos internet gets cut of if he visits a torrent site

Replied to the wrong burger, dipshit.

We must nuke the EU.

nyaa and other sites are literally being deleted as we speak

please kill me

This, first they take anime and now porn. They're actually anti-degeneracy. Soon they will fight for white people. It was fourth reich plan after all.


The Brexit could not have happened any latter. The UK will look back in a few years to realize they dodged not only a bullet but a nuke!!!


user... I don't know how to tell you. A law in the UK was just passed that made torrenting an actual crime with prison time of up to 10 years.

We're absolutely fucked.

Every day (((they))) take more and more freedom from the population of the world
Im yet to see a single (((government))) with net negative restriction record

>it's illegal therefore it won't happen anymore
