Young cunt here.
Why did the blacks in LA burn the city down and shoot firemen in the La riots in the 90's?
Young cunt here.
Why did the blacks in LA burn the city down and shoot firemen in the La riots in the 90's?
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Rodney King, a black man, was viciously beaten by cops during a traffic stop which was caught on video and made public.
Basically niggers.
Also this is around the time gangsta rap became big in LA (I'm an LA fag and witnessed the riots firsthand).
So Straight Outta Compton was out, Death Row was on the rise, so it all fueled the fire. It kind of cooled down towards the end of the 90's.
There was a high speed police chase, in which when the cops pulled him over beat the driver.
The riots occurred when the officers were found not guilty of excessive force.
A few years later, people have claimed the not guilty verdict OJ Simpson received was in part because of the LA riots.
What was it like?
Its was all a black op to distract from clibtons many scandals
Dont the cops shoot nigs now?
Why dont
They riot anymore?
The same reason they did the same things in Baltimore in 2015. Blacks find civilization oppressive and lash out against it whenever they think they can get away with it.
Sorry I just searched this and you're true. Rodney King fuckig kek!
so you're watching LA 92 on National Geographic tonight user???
Yes but I missed the start. The Koreans are bad arse
Rodney King was resisting arrest and high off his ass. Police were trying to arrest him but he was too fucking drugged up to respond correctly.
>Rodney King, a nigger addicted to crack cocaine and enjoyed beating women and flashing his dick to young teens was beaten by cops after leading them on a crack fueled high speed chase which put the public's life in danger.
The burned down LA because the (((media))) showed an edited clip of Rodney King getting beaten while deliberately excluding the part where he was resisting arrest and did not provide context to what lead up to the beating.
The typical "he dindu nuffing" media hoax which they have been pulling forever.
And 916 buildings burned down.
That's insane
if only we chimped out just as hard
That is what they are afraid of and is why they try to suppress white identity so much.
Cant have the tax cattle breaking out of the pen can they.
Yeh, it's up to the bit where the Korean's had to take the law into their own hands, but it was abt the beating of a black motorist after a high speed chase. Some white cuck video taped it with his video camera which showed the cops bearing the crap out of Rodney King, the black motorist. The police officers were charged by the city of LA and were found not guilty, then there were riots in South Central LA which was predonminatly black. Priot to the case there were accusations of police brutality by blacks against the LAPD.. it was brewing for a while and it was tied in with crime associated with black neighbourhood gangs in Sth Central LA in the late 80's and early 90's.
Because american Sup Forums was too much of a pussy to get out and stop them.
>What was it like?
A literal shithole.
LA is pretty big with different suburbs/areas, so South Central (which is towards West LA) was a big fat mess. This is where niggers live. Also Inglewood was a shithole too.
Other parts like Beverly Hills, Hollywood, San Fernando Valley were doing A-OK.
It's the compressed areas where dindu's live that was a total mess for weeks on end.
I remember my father used to work past South Central and he took me to his workplace once and we passed through the area and there was literally shit everywhere. I think they declared a state of emergency at the time after the cops who beat Rodney King were acquitted.
>Dont the cops shoot nigs now?
>Why dont
>They riot anymore?
Sure they do. LA Police Department used to be VERY corrupt in the 90s. Cops wouldn't dare visit these neighborhoods which were full of gangs like crips and bloods for a very good reason. Cops would make drug deals on behalf of gangs, steal evidence, etc.
But overall criminal activity has died down, so shootings are less and less. Also niggers in LA have calmed down a little bit. The 90s were a turbulent time in America, it just isn't the case anymore.
They don't riot much. If nogs riot it's probably in middle America like Ferguson and shit.
Overall LA is very liberal (except some parts) and we've all learned to accept that you can't really change niggers and we let them chimp out as much as they wanted so we accept them like a thorn on our heads.
But deep down inside everyone hates niggers and people get uncomfortable when they get near one. Spics are just as bad.
i heard the koreans shot at the black rioters from the rooftops with machine guns to defend their stores. that's pretty cool. i wish more countries treated their nigger protesters like that.
That's what happened user.
OJ wasn't guilty though, his son did it
A nigger criminal attacked the police, then the media kikes lied to the other niggers.
Wha... You saying...
Good God, look at those tits...
oh god i want milk
Niggers Gonna nig
Because they are fuckin stupid
Helicopter footage of the happenings:
The reporter is the guy who became a tranny and threatened Ben Shapiro a couple of years ago on television.
Trannies don't produce milk fagget, now slurp your pozz cum
>why do niggers nig
jesus fucking christ aussies are getting dumber than us burgers
Niggers saw a fellow nog get what was coming to them, so they used it as an opportunity to go full nigger
Basically just niggers being niggers
>fake tits done by back alley doctors
Typically dindu nuffin story got all the niggers riled up and burned everything down.
Rodney King in the 1990s, Mike Brown in the 2010s, Emmett Till in the 1950s. Nothing new under the son. For as long as blacks have lived in our society, they've been chimping out because police respond to their violence and crime.
come one, its niggers we are talking about here, you really think they are smart enough to organize riots? the LA riots happened because a jew gave almbums to nigger groups and it spread like cancer causing them to chimp out
>black dude does PCP and goes berserk
>cops unable to restrain
>cops finally beat him down and cuff him
>cops extra pissed off over the ordeal for some reason
>cops beat the living hell out of the black dude with mag-lites
>video showing this leaks
>cops don't get in trouble for it
>blacks start tearing the town apart
>koreans start shooting them to keep them away from their convenience stores and dry cleaners
>some out of towner white trucker dude who was unaware of all this gets ripped out of his truck and beaten so badly that he has brain damage and is disabled now
Nigga, I was 8 when the LA Riots happened. The fuck was I supposed to do?
The police were ordered to stand down.