>Lowest crime rate
>Low cost of living
>Highest iq
>No mudslides, street shitter or chink infestation
>No feminism or neo-liberal bullshit
>The Jew fears the samurai
How did japan get so based? How can the west learn from based Nippon?
>Lowest crime rate
>Low cost of living
>Highest iq
>No mudslides, street shitter or chink infestation
>No feminism or neo-liberal bullshit
>The Jew fears the samurai
How did japan get so based? How can the west learn from based Nippon?
I thought them islands was New Zealand, has Japan always been oriented like that?
Don't they have some issues with a specific nigger species getting in via loophole?
Yeah. Play shogun 2.
north korea won
japan is heaven on earth
wow shit holy fuck is thris true? praying for u
>Lowest crime rate
>trict gun controll
Bu-but how did they achieve this result????
They don't need gun control anyway, if America was as homogeneous as Japan and white even with all of the guns here crime would be very low.
You forgot
>Literally going to die out due to lack of breeding like the fucking giant panda
Nature is rejecting them.
Stationed here I have a qt japanese gf, plus I heard that 60% of tokyo is single.
>will literally die out with current birth rates
>insane suicide rates
>cultivated a slave-like drone culture where you only exist to please your employer (no doubt connected with the suicide rate)
>women don't want to fuck spineless shits, drool all over whites instead
>the most degenerate shit you can ever think of probably has its origin in Japan
yakuza does what the goodie government cannot
oh look, its another retarded shill tier argument "160million will somehow all die out because low birth rates"
Of course 160 million will all die out, dipshit. Human beings aren't immortal. Turns out you actually need to spawn children in order for your race/species/whatever to persist.
But do you need so many people? Japan survived with at least 20 times less than that. Pushing for higher population with such nonsensical arguments is classic globalist tactic.
They're only based because they were the most based in the first place. Culturally and politically they're fucked because the US raped them into consumerism.
It's not just population decline. An ever increasing share of the population will be useless old fucks, which makes stabilization and replenishment almost impossible. This is because the ratio of consumers/workers will get continuously higher.
>Economy grows even slower that birthrate
>We superpower now
No Russians
Two nukes. I think every country should be nuked twice.
Jokes on you. Australia doesn't have two places worth nuking
>2 nukes
Have you guys ever met any Japs? They are hands down the most useless breed I have ever met. None of them can swim, their men are weaker than Western and black women, they are scared of everything, have no social skills, can't eat for shit, they have no practical skills of any kind. I went on a speed boat trip in Thailand with swimming and snorkeling stops. The group were mostly Japs and a few Canadians and Australians. Halfway through the trip some Canadians and Australians openly conspired to drown them all, but none of them reacted because they couldn't speak a god damn word of English.
They don't have niggers.
You know, there were certain times in world history when Poles were considered niggers? How does that make you feel?
I'm just kidding; Poland didn't exist then
spoken like a true drone. having a lot of old people is normal after a period of peace and prosperity. this has happened several times before in history and will happen again. only a kike shill would really believe that the answer to this "problem" is replacing the population with africans
There has never been such a high ratio of consumer to workers. As for averting it, I favor undoing most of women's liberation to the point where people start reproducing again, as opposed to letting useless parasites in.
ofc a mongrel that wants his children to be mongrelized even more ,nothing new
Yeah, commies said that. And you know what else they said, right?
>low cost of living
in the kennels
Automation is going to smooth out any gaps in the workforce.
And they won't be swarmed with a bunch of useless "migrant workers."
Japan has always had a Japanese first mentality, with varying periods of either isolationism or foreign conquest.
They like tourists because it promotes "Japan is cool" but tourists leave.
They'd rather have a nation of superior old Japanese people than violent, degenerate young foreigners.
They don't have psheks! This is more important, Anglos will confirm!
Japan mentaly sick!
And yet they have the best country. Funny that.
That a weird way of serving spaghetti
That's a hotel dipshit, people don't live in those.
>Any different from a Scotsman
that is for drunk people to spend the night you stupid slav
although your file name says Japan hotel so I think you are baiting
japs are barely human.
fuck nips.
6 IQ points make the difference between.
>Living a rather quiet life and occasionally bumping into a creep who masturbates to a cartoon octopus raping a 10 year old
>Deciding that importing a literal death cult that has tried to conquer your land for centuries is both moral and necessary for your survival
Truely the most based country.
Amerryburgers like to go on about freedoms and freedom of speech but that is fucken NOTHING compared to comiket.
Japan = Freedom
Melbourne twice lad
With all it's flaws Japan is still making better decisions for it's future than the West.
Japan has a sick degenerate pedophilic culture. They all need to be gassed.
>Lowest crime rate
Lowest reported rate of crime, the police don't do anything without bribes in Japan and they book ahead when raiding the Yakuza.
>Low cost of living
This is objectively wrong unless you're comparing it Brussels
>Highest IQ
Israel exists, but it's definitely in the top 5.
>No mudslides
Gotta love them tsunamis though
Also gotta love building a Nuclear power station 14M lower than GE told you do it, so they could jew out of the pumps...
>street shitter
No litter true, but the streets are full of ugly wires and other visual pollution.
>chink infestation
meh, I'd rather chinks than moslems.
>No feminism
False, there is a huge feminism movement in Japan, but the oldtimers in charge don't give any fucks - the next generation will fail to lack in fucks and will ruin it forever, mark my fucking words.
>neo-liberal bullshit
This is true.
>The Jew fears the samurai
The samurai are dead, the emperor ordered it himself....
Cap. Obvious? I now what is this! But you should now that the average Tokyo apartment is 323 sq.ft.
>How did japan get so based? How can the west learn from based Nippon?
Did it really all change when the yanks dropped the nukes?
If we dropped nukes on our homelands in highly populated areas such as the 2 biggest major cities what would happen?
In the UK London and Birmingham would go, so mostly immigrants and muslims but depending on the goverment they would open the door because we need 'muh immigrants' to rebuilt our stuff.
You are right as fuck!
>japan 38 png
>clearly Korean characters on the left bottom
>obviously Kimchi
>Ruskie can't read Korean language
low IQ subhuman
Im satisfied with the detonation of your ass! But be honest, mostly Japanese live in small cramped rooms!
Not Japan
>Too much mess on floor
>A Bed
>A Couch
>An Xbox
>Shoes in 'main' room
The size is right, but that's not Japan.
All narrow-eyed are mentaly sick!
1) Hate or distrust all foreigners, whaitu piggu
2) Be irradiated, twice
Cost is high and low pay
70% of Japanese living in residential home.
pic related.
...what's wrong with you?
Sorry, I don't understand shit!
Obviously, if the only thing you do is work in teaching English in eikawa system, Sven McFucknugget.
why you subhuman keep posting korean children pic you peado.
>source: an anime pic
Also people live with parents or roomies_ that's not freedom of cost
I don't know, why is it that the white crime rate in the US is on a similar level to Europe with their strict gun control?
Hell, how come the Asian crime rate in America is even lower than the white one, comparable to that of Japan with their strict gun control?
Could it be genetics?
Don't try to fuck Sup Forums! Pop density - 347 p/sq.km., urban pop -94,1 % - 2016 y. Only 1/3 of the land is habitable! You are a liar!
Ok, one more!
America saved japan by nuking them so they would surrender unconditionally before the fucking soviet union could get their paws on it and turn it or a portion of it into a communist hell hole.
Japan has a long history of liking western ideas/inventions and did well as a vassal state to the USA.
yakuza literally murdering people in front of everyone and the police covers it up or just doesn't investigate any further
Also, unlike most of Europe, Japan stayed loyal to the US after the Cold War, seeing how we made massive contributions to rebuilding the countries we broke.
A good try, but it will not! Don't project your illness on me! It is your! It's part of your culture!
I feel you're trying to trick me, but yes that looks pretty damn Japanese.
The clutter looks right, it's an Apple Macbook (you'd be surprised how much xenophobic nips, who won't buy anything that isn't henche en nippon, love Apple products) the 'seat' and futon look right.
If that pic isn't Japan, it's a very homesick Jap national abroad.
There are many spineless white pieces of shit. And pol is afraid of arab jew lead miscegnation, but one day no matter how macho people perceive the hordes invading europe, trust me when i say women will also make muslim emasculated spineless pieces of shit.
Proofs? Or do you just take movies as real news?
>>Low cost of living
Japan can you tell me why i have a hard time finding Japanese products here in Germany? We used to be friends.
This. Its 3rd best one after Rome 1 and Med 2.
>lowest cost of living
Doubles for melbourne
I lived in Japan for 3 years.
>be jap
>wake up at 3:32am for salmon and steamed rice breakfast
>abuse wife
>bow to her
>she bows back
>bow again as to not be rude
>she bows again as to also not be rude
>literally walking backwards out the front door bowing
>accidentally back into neighbor while bowing to wife out the door
>bow to neighbor
>go to train station
>buy new passmo card from attendant in window
>bow to attendant
>walk into station
>immediately slammed into by a 90 year old woman who walks with a 90° arch in her back
>assume she is bowing so bow and apologize
>run into 65 more people on the wy to train
>bow to all of them
>get on train
>everyone is sleeping on other people
>see schoolgirl
>touch puss
>she cries quietly but bows to you as to not disrespect her famiry name
>bow back
>get off train
>bow to train
>go to work
>39 1/2 hour shift
>go get drunk
>bad teeth
>ugly women
>shit tea
Japan is just the britain of asia
>Male youth are more interested in fapping to anime than starting a family
>Has an ageing population
>towns are dying left and right
wow what a great place
> + inferiority complex that they are not white and they have small dicks!
Japs are always based, cordial, and cool. The real useless cunts are those snot nosed, fish head fucking ricenigger Chinese. Literally African tier people.
Koreans usually fall somewhere in the middle.
>complaining about ugly woman, shit tea, and socialistic government
sounds like a good life but not enough bowing
The gameplay is cool but it gets boring quickly since the faction are basically just nips with different colors of armors. Loved Fall of the samurai though
Yes, London. You know -
>Cup o' tea,
>bad food,
>worse weather,
>Mary fucking Poppins,
It's because asians don't report their crimes, duh.
>Low cost of living
>Low cost of living
This is bullshit and you know it.
Depends what timeline you're from. Answer this question without looking it up, then look it up. If your answer is different, you've jumped timelines.
How many planets are there in our solar system?
Still take Japs over niggers, sand niggers, kikes, or spics.
Tyron, get off Sup Forums.