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Where's the video of the arabisk dance yet?

>blocks your path

that boy is ADORABLE!!!

I heard nmr got btfo

Brainwashing your children to think our society is filled with nazis should be considered child abuse.

Getting blowjob from your dog should be considered animal abuse

No, its good so many came to stop the nazis. 50 nmr against 10.000 anti racists. They lost

I hope she gets gangraped by a pack of niggermuslims

They had almost double the amount of participants in the march, and success with online on their stream 8000+ viewers
No fighting, police kept anarcho-communists away from them

>double the amount of participants compared to last year, 300 then to 550 now

Because nazis needed protection.. There is a reason nmr barely have if any videos after they arrived at the square... Nazis btfo by the people

post the video fucker

You wont find much. The nazis got the police to remove journalists from the square, and since they got smashed nmr won't post shit


The brainwash going on is ridiculous

I wonder if she's single. Pretty hot


Nice diversion from my point

why is their logo crooked?

i knew it.

Keks and Checks

>blonde mother with blond kid
She's done better than most of Sup Forums to be quite honest with you family

Can someone post the gif with the Nazi flicking a cigarette at his Jew gf

looks like fun I don't seethe problem

She's gonna lose her virginity to a guy with a swastika tattoo who looks like Edward Norton in American History X. That's how grills work. If you rail against niggers constantly, she will grow up to fuck niggers just to rebel against mommy and daddy. The same female psychology will drive her into the arms of a NatSoc Aryan.

where is a truck of peace when you need one?

She's cute. 10/10 would take out for ice cream and give headpats

Yeah, and i knew nmr got smashed. Won't find shit after they got to the square and met the regular people, because nmr got SMASHED.

Topkek, it is a reason you had to resort to some piss that I am a foreigner, instead of showing how nmr somehow even was close to having a good day


what the fuck is wrong with you?you write like you got dyslexia or something
are you ok?spent too much time in the basement?

I love black cocks so much

>if you keep repeating a lie, it becomes true
The post

Muh smash the fash.
Take this (you) and fuck off.

Thanks for proving my point. You got nothing to come with. That so called Nordic Resistance Movement got smashed, and it was funny as fuck.Now you nazis are roaming Sup Forums doing damage control and your own media is silent.

Tor-Geir ta det litt rolig, du må ikke glemme å ta medicinen din.

If nmr had a good day, they would spam pol, and nordfront would be bragging with videos and pictures. Instead, silence. Nothing from the square where they met resistance and got btfo

>mfw a refugee is going to rape and kill both of those kid
>mfw they'll blame it on not being diverse/accepting enough

t. underage ahmed
immigrants often dont pay attention in school


Then show me, show me something from the square where nmr was. Oh... Nothing. All you got is calling me shit, no pics, no videos. Fake and gay

>nordfront would be bragging with videos and pictures

see Nothing after they arrived at the square and got btfo..

Here's a video of the whole thing


We should hide.

>speciest bigot
It's 2017 shitlord. What's next, having sex with a kid is gonna be wrong? Are you ageist too?

Hey goys, lets stop filming when we are about to get btfo. Hahaha, fuck nazis. INGEN NAZISTER PÅ VÅRES GATER!

Where are all these nazis? How do these people think they're around every corner? This is why they're inventing things like milk, ok symbols, and cartoon frogs being nazi symbols. They'll never be able to live with the embarrassment of admitting their panic was wrong, so now they HAVE to double down, which of course makes it worse.

top kek


There was a gathering of actual national socialists in the town though, Nordic Resistance Movement