Marine Le Pen will win with 52.19% of the votes

Marine Le Pen will win with 52.19% of the votes.

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proof of gtfo.

>no digits

Kek is #WithMacron

Le Shills need to get off my board

>Implying it wont be at least ~60%

If singles Le Pen loses!

not a bad guess OP

We already have our digits:


Le Pen will lose, Europeans in general will silently roll over as they are demographically replaced by by Arabs and Africans.

Americans will fight back, but the whole world will intervene on the side of the nonwhites because they will want to topple US global hegemony.

The fate of the West is sealed, the will to fight was sucked out of whites after WWI. The western world has been a dazed, confused mess for the last century following WWI, similar to that of a man at recently suffered a concussion.

It's been over for a while now.

kek has already spoken.


If doubles Trudeau will rule over France after the great Leaf - Baguette war of 2017.

this was a test thread, to see if Sup Forums is still banned by my ISP

she's 41% in the polles now with a 53% that say that never will vote her, the debate is tomorrow I think, let's wait

Praise Kek, let it be so.

Kek wills it

she just so cute


Praise the Kek.

>Le Pen ever winning the 2nd round

You stupid fucking cunts. Le Pen has absolutely no shot at winning this election - Absolutely NONE.

And FN wants it that way, as they always go out of their way to make sure they're unelectable by pulling so many frequent blunders, the latest being ripping off a speech. FN doesn't want the power.

Le Pen will win. Nature will prevail.

Aswell as how trustworthy are the polls, could be and trump hillary polls stitch up again


Nice Try Shill but you CAN'T STOP OUR RISE

I can't wait for the debate tomorrow
I bet Macron is losing sleep over it

Yesterday I watched Le Pen's and Macron's meetings
She's a thousand levels over him
All he did yesterday was damage control
"plz don't vote for fascism" "think of the children" LITTERALLY

She's going to absolutely destroy him
It will be great



It's the same shit every decade, you dumb fucking unemployed frog leg eating Algerian cunt.

Right wing wins the first round, then everyone center and left teams up to vote against the right wing in the 2nd round.

This will be no different.

Kike puppet

even if he loses the debate the media will say he was the best

Italian analyser made this chart referring to other analysis about Mélenchon/Fillon electorate will.

if the FN doesn't win this election they will win the next.

Spread those fucking memes now, all over the Mélenchon and Fillon pages which are the best catchment area.



It really doesn't matter
a few million persons will see it live with their own eyes and ill have to admit macron is terrible

Only the wealthiests would vote for an ex banker financed by Rothschild.



I want it to be real but at this rate even after all the shitstorm Marcon will probably get close to 60% of the vote

Is this an affirmation from KEK


Confirmed by your 000 trips. Kek has spoken.

Support to Macron from Quebec. Federation is good for everyone

Sounds familiar.


You'll always be English Canada's bitches

Seems like the north of france is much less cucked.
Is it the Nordic blood?

I hope LePen wins. She said she'll outlaw (((dual-citizenship))). Imagine the kvetching


>le blackpill
>don't try goy just let it happen

Fuck off shill.


Nadeem Walayat has already predicted 45% for Le Pen and he is literally never wrong. He has said he thinks 45% is a good result though and thinks it will see her win in 2022 if she is still leading FN.

there will be unlimited rigging

Macron will win with >30% fake votes

Macron is a puppet of the Jew. Le Pen ALL THE WAY.

doubles and it gets confirmed once more

le pen wins trump starts ww3


Trump can't get funding for anything he wants, he is powerless.


>implying she won't win with 64.88% of the vote

Actually no, the right wing only won the first round once in 2002.



No it's the Belgian influence obviously

Le Pen wins and mass deports 99.9% of nonwhites from France

Paris becomes like vintage movies again

>implying the average French normie knows that

Based Brother Nathanael did a video on this:

> implying MLP is not a part of the french political elite

Why is that good? please explain.