So much amazing in one place.
Nice cock Ahmed, be a shame if something were to happen to it.
Wow, two frauds
Wow, amazing.
10 years old and already as much of a scientist as Bill Nye.
Fake scientist, Fake bomber. A disgrace to both their races..
So BillyGoy, how is his sex junk?
yeah that kid should be far away from Bill Nye. He says scary shit.
I hope they will use science to develop a revolutionary new clock together.
Wonder if Ahmed's dad likes that Bill is teaching him about butt stuff and 5000 genders.
Allah must love that.
I thought this nigger was still in juvie
U Americans are going soft
I thought this moved to Dubai or something because America is so racist.
Clocks are a spectrum.
Please kys OP faggotlord supreme.
clocks were invented to enslave you
just like scientists
Why? I was just posting some retarded shit I saw on FB.
did they do butt stuff with each other?
>going on fb
name my band Sup Forums
Science Fiction
Two fantastic engineers
Has that mudslime piece of shit coughed up the lawyer fees he got BTFO on.
-so much awesome
-adult as a verb
-sexy times
I fucking hate reddit.
They don't call him Bill Goy the Pedo Boy for nuffins.
Surprised no one posted it yet
I've been looking for that one for the longest time
Yeah they do. It's a meme started by dumb Sup Forumsacks who will believe anything.
I'm more impressed by that durable potato.
Bill Nye will successfully help Ahmed build a clock bomb to take out his entire school within your lifetime.
Really activates my almonds.