Why Trump's children look like retarded?
Why Trump's children look like retarded?
I think kike offspring
only Barron has stable genes
> Look like retarded
Because Trump is retarded
Retarded people have retarded kids.
He's pretending to be retarded.
They're half Slav.
after a lifetime spent lighting your cigars with $100 bills you end up with a lot of nasty shit in your body from the ink
Only Barron is
Why does he hate Tiff?
on this old pic, yeah, they look like retards
While donald jr now is pretty handsome, Eric still looks pretty damn mental
Trump is a weird looking guy, so are they
I don't know he's a high IQ emotional psychological idiot on Gold digger number 3
Do I believe he's doing 4D chess against globalist, yes
Does that make him right on everything, fuck no
He's not smart enough to pretend
Because trump himself is retarded, trust me.
I think her mom, marla maples, is trump's hottest wife, but damn, tiff...
They look like average Americans and average people look retarted.
they all need jaw surgery. except ivanka.
>Ivana Zelnickova
>not Slavic
Now post a pic of your face, slavic Untermensch
Tiffs a qt.
>as i sit here posting on a mongolian pictograph board eating under my budget of ramen seasoned with vegemite as the orange idiot sits in his tower of gold worth billions and the leader of the free world
fucking just find a bridge to jump off of already holy shit man
Ivanka has had work done.
A lot of work.
Russians probably think it's fine to drink while pregnant
Eric and Tiffany look pretty retarded, the other kids are fine.
American whites are a mogrelized mixture of various European ethnic groups. Sometimes it can work, sometimes it doesn't, in this instance, fucking hell.
show me your teeth, fag
>the leader of the free world
im sorry but merkel is the leader of the free world, trump is just the puppet of the dying white middleclass FUCK TRUMP AND WHITE PEOPLE
yeah PUMPF is a retrerd, Merkel is right the imigrants good for Europe also I can soon bring familiy here too we get welfare and only have to make german speech course I have seven childern Inshallah
Back to t_d you faggot. Don't come back
THIS. I mean, just look at these fucking people.
omg this is so anti semitic, i cant believe i read such horrible things on that website
ouh yeah? you see all these "brexiteers" politician soon backed the fuck out when the brexit happend, NO BALLS; VERY SAD!
you are always welcome Alhamdulillah
cocain nose
He would literally be wealthier has he invested his inheritance in an index fund tracking the stock market average. He'd have surpassed $10b. He underperformed the markets during a fucking real estate boom as a real estate magnate. Rofl
Its coming into Winter. The water's cold.
No thanks.
>muh jew puppet
At least that user isn't sucking Israel cock right now.
Stop showing me your teeth, I know they're nice and white, but you don't really need to show them all the time. I won't even call smiling to what you americans do, you just show your teeth bc it makes you look good. Hah.
So thats howyou call retardation now? Weird?
Because they are anglos
Ivanka is hot.
Yeah, she is. The brothers look like fucking dopes though.
Look at their parents.
>Stable genes
>Is autistic
Stop kidding yourself, mate.
Because they have rotten souls. Ivanka is probably a good person, that's why she looks decent.
Because they're billionaires and can fuck anyone they want, why should they care.
they look like stupid teens of the 90s
I get something similar when I min-max the sliders in Dark Souls.
Something must be wrong with me.
I like the way she looks.
the most stable genes are the most autistic user, what are you, a normie?
Weak chin/jaw genetics
Great for daughters, bad for sons
Former Trump supporter here. Not going to lie, it's fucking hillarious watching him crash and burn. But seriously, we can't let him get the nuclear codes.
i dunno
i like women with a strong chin/jawline desu
inb4 gay