The EU killed They attacked us where it hurts the most.
Fuck the EU
it's very hard to understand what this anime, manga, comic book, etc type bullshit should represent. I speculate it might serve as medium to encrypt and deliver information. It's just hypothesis based on their orchestrated approach ballooning and inflating all software. Think of web browsers. 15 years ago any browser was couple megabytes eg firefox v 1 was 3 megs. Nowadays any given web browser is in the range of 40-50 megabytes. Do we get more browser? No. We get less. So we have to install all those addons further bloating it.
Was is the EU? Source?
>tfw Le Pen is unironically going to save anime
It's just regular down time. This happens every month.
Big mouth for someone I don't even know the country name by looking at flag
It's officially dead, check twitter. It's not coming back.
>No prompt
isnt anime haram
It's time to kill the EU, they will find out what it means to be the target of thousands of furious autists
weeb genocide best day of my life
Sup Forums's tears atm are glorious
Based yuropoors
bring back megavideo
is not if you are not maslimfgt
I think you need a geography lesson mr highest virginity rate
They went straight for the jugular. Politics was a mistake.
Shit you weren't joking Nyaa is down. Where will I get my degenerate childrens cartoons now?
dumb r*ddit please fuck off
I guess TT or private trackers are the only option left
Or CR if you're a faggot
Fucking globalists and shills destroy anything. I just hope that all the autist getting their source of entertainment taken away transform it to weaponized autism and help take down this globalist hellhole.
The autism unleashed by countless frog weebs will push Le Penn to victory.
Just be a good goyim and buy a (((Crunchyroll))) subscription
TT is, and always has been better than Nyaa.
Daiz plz leave.
wtf I hate the EU now
this desu(actual desu)
What is TT? please help me out user
>only $7 a month to watch only what aired yesterday at 320p!
Based Algerian. Fuck the EU
>Globalists finally coming after the weebs
They know not the terrible flood of autism they attempt to stir. The day of the rope will come and it will be ramune-flavored.
not fucking cool, bro
now I have to actually go to Sup Forums and ask for magnets
That's it. They overstepped the line. Even in war there are things which are holy. Attacking is a crime.
I never wanted to join the AfD but that's it. They are the only anti EU party and I wanted to vote for them but it looks like it needs more.
anime torrents were my power limiter
Tokyo Toshokan
The leaf gets it. Also, who fucking cares. HS/CR subs all good shows anyway. And once HS inevitably goes down too, I'll just buy a CR subscription without giving much of a shit, because I'm not a poorfag.
>downloading anime in 2017
Just stream it like any other normal man
Thanks user :)
Doesn't even work
shoo shoo reddit-kun
Here are some working alternatives
It's called go back to XDCC, fucking casual
>normal man
That's the problem, we aren't Chads like you.
For once im thanking the EU for doing something right you fucking weeb.
They always temporarily shut down whenever Nyaa goes down so they don't have to deal with the traffic.
>The leaf gets it. Also, who fucking cares. HS/CR subs all good shows anyway. And once HS inevitably goes down too, I'll just buy a CR subscription without giving much of a shit, because I'm not a poorfag.
The biggest problem is region blocking, Amazon buys the global streaming rights to some then blocks all but a few countries. Then there's a sony division that specifically buys streaming rights in Aus/NZ just to block CR and similar companies, they don't even have their own service.
If there was no region blocking I wouldn't care if piracy went away nearly as much.
Redditors are not welcome into this animated cartoons website
Haruhi Chan
>shut down because their server can't handle a few hundred extra neets
>"S-so much better!"
>HS/CR subs all good shows anyway
What about the old anime who are lost now? Or all those OST? Or those games?
>buy a CR subscription
>paying for bad quality streams and shitty subtitles
>giving the jews money for doing worse than fansubber did
Streaming is illegal now aswell. Also,
It's just temporally
CR subs are god awful though. They'll change shit that didn't need to be changed and rewrite whole jokes because they thought their way was better.
I'm 100% mad right now. Who do I need to kill to save anime?
Jean Claude Juncker, Angela Merkel, Donald Tusk and just for fun Guy Verhofstadt.
We need to nuke the EU.
>copyright laws are being enforced for anime now
What the shit?
I guess Macron. If Le Pen wins she will dismantle the EU.
If Merkel dies Schulz will take her place. He is even worse
Just you faggots killing a website that hosts torrents, nips still don't really care.
I blame the refugees.
Actually it's the US that is enforcing those stupid copyright laws in the entire world, you should only blame the USA
>Just you
If I was the EU I'd be currently retaking Constantinople and not dealing with (((copyright))), user.
so how do we get revenge on the EU?
>nips don't care
They're mad as fuck too. Nyaa had a lot of raws.
>Old anime
That's what pisses me off. I used bakabt to download 70s and 80s stuff and nyaa for my Dr. Slump.
>Not hoarding entire animu series on harddrives
Leave a bag of dog poop on their doorstep every day for the next ten years. The psychological aspect of wondering who's leaving the dog poo on their step will get at them and drive them insane until the EU collapses.
Give it time, it will come back online by someone other just like it was down with kickass.
The hydra can't be killed for a reason.
>HorribleSubs is confirming the domains are scheduled for deletion
Those fucking EU niggers crossed the line
oh boo hoo the manchildren wont be able to watch their cartoons anymore. jesus fuck go back to Sup Forums. no one here gives a shit
They fucking come for anime, they'll come for something you love eventually.
Go back to plebbit you insufferable faggot.
Do you even know what website you're on normie faggot?
Without us you would be saying Madam President right now
It's a symbolic attack
Satan speaks the truth. The region locks are the biggest problem here. Which is why piracy is necessary. As official shit is doing a shit-tier job of importing my animus and mangos. Also, not everything is included in said import.
If I see that fucking kawaii neko-neko one more time!
Sad Panda is next isn't it lads?
Not. Allowed.
Can someone post the eU cuck law under which it was shut down?
>bakabt goes private
>nyaa goes down because of the EU
>EU says they'll crack down on streaming too
>brits are pushing to ban hentai altogether
They're coming to shut down Sup Forums next lads, the biggest fight this website will ever see will be based on anime. Chanology, gamergate, 2016 US elections won't compare.
>Some guy on Sup Forums is already putting up a mirror site
Fuck copyright cucks
Nah man, half of their shit is hosted P2P
Baka are going private? I thought they were just upgrading their servers
Did you pay attention to the threads? Baka went private weeks ago to keep retards out.
It's literally going to be "Sup Forums and anime versus the EU"
What a time to be alive
Pulled up an old thread for this. Fuck the EU for killing anime.
And the EU will end up losing to a bunch of autistics.
You gave me false hope leafbro.
I do it for the (You)s.
>the power of anime liberates white man from the tyranical European Union
We will see unprecedented autism for this outrage. Many Sup Forumsnons became Sup Forumslacks because of this bullshit.
>Nah man, half of their shit is hosted P2P
Doesn't matter, Nyaa was struck at the DNS.
The entire Nyaa website could hold in a stickdrive, it's all magnets and .torrents
Here's the cuck law and court ruling that made the takedown happen.
Anime has accomplished in bringing people together far more than the multiculturalism the left has pushed for decades.
While Anime can get pretty degenerate, it is far more free compared to ((western)) work.
Why dont you lazy niggers pay for your Chinese cartoons?
There's a massive shitstorm going on in Sup Forums now
Jesus that's awful.
Looking forward to the future where you just have to rent temporal licenses for any content you want to enjoy.
(((They))) are definitely winning.
Is it because copyright? Or anti piracy laws? the eu fucked up big time.
youre my favourite poster
>Le Pen is unironically going to save anime
I bet she saying how anime is too degenerate for french people.
OK POL you know what to do
Most TT torrents seem to be nyaa redirects, seeder stats dont even work, what am I missing here?
Nyaa and sukebei is ded