The leftist Twittersphere is trying

He is trying to get it.


boy I wish I was simple-minded enough to think I was this smart

If that's "trying" that's pretty sad.

wtf is that?

Because we keep attributing white supremacist meanings to completely benign things and retards on the left keep buying it, he's trying to be clever and get us to drink out of toilets.

Meanwhile, on the left, pic related.

gas the abduls poo in loo now.

Who is he again and why is he verified?

Correct. He is trying to co-opt a co-opt campaign.

>haha the alt-right will now drink out of toilets I gotem good!

>oh my god! the rainbow flag is a hate symbol! I always knew the gays were white supremacists!

why does anybody listen to these people?

I don't know. Not the singer for Train, who has the same name.

That's part of leftist culture that they can keep.
Drinking from toilets would be cultural appropriation.

Merry, what the fuck are you doing? Stop.

>a wild normie thinks he is clever


this guy will never get a scent of pussy ever again.

better delete your twitter

Is he taking the piss out of that mentally ill kid who was tortured by those niggers?

Not cool Man not cool

>that manlet tapped this

I'll stick with milk, thank you.

tbf drinking out of a toilet bowl is a better idea than voting trump

I bet this guy thinks he's pretty smart

>tbf drinking out of a toilet bowl is a better idea than voting trump
Your candidate lost an election rigged in her favor, silly proxy poster.

You have already been infiltrated by Antifa, bet you're shaking now, shitlords


That's the left all right

>I am already drinking from the toilet all the time


This image is highly accurate

Why do I think he will totally fap to this? Or rape a child like they always do?


where are the cancel colbert threads?

>Top kek

This is like watching nerds trying to pretend to be cool jocks

Oh jesus christ i know her.....

>Implying anyone here is going to feel shame or deny masturbating to Wendy
You're out of your fucking league, son

Sounds like an accurate documentation of events

i like watching Sup Forums slowly uncover weird leftist twitter

that community is one of the worst things in the world, it's like the worst combination of esoteric injokes + being legitimately not funny on any level and i hope we end up going to war with them one day

It probably would work the other way around if you invent some sob stories how some slaves had to drink out of toilets...

>Oh jesus christ i know her.....
I wish I did

>low energy, low meme-mana normie attempting to summon frog magic

Fucking normies, they have no idea what is going on.

What are the largest accounts on Leftist Twitter?

You're thinking of Dominic Monaghan

chapo boys probably

Square patties make me hard

kek this only works on them

His name is DRUMPF!

We're not the ones running around unironically claiming things are dogwhistles or hidden signals.

Do you mean actual "Weird Twitter"?

That was a whole drama during the election because Hillary fags tried to meme that shit here.

found this awesome pic through that twitter

thanks @pattymo

also, he retweeted something by another lib that made me realize leftists think Sup Forums ACTUALLY co-opted the OK sign to mean white power before that meaning was attributed to it by leftists
>top kek

>the left get cause and effect reversed

That's hex, I fingered her in a nightclub once.

Oh Boy! This will really trigger leftists guys, Im going to go drink a WHOLE BOWL of toilet water right now! I'll post it in the subreddit

Uh oh I already filmed a five hour documentary about the importance of toilet water to the white supremacist movement.


Wtf normies,can you at least even try before making these pathetic tries at copying us?Jesus

a-are your trying to tell me that my cat is a white supremacist?

Holy shit....they're on this board

Rejoice, for He has graced us with His presence!


Was he redpilled all along?

this image is excellent

it describes precisely what happens whenever I shitposting, the only difference is that I am not girl and I don't wear clothes, also lying face down and type on 2Bluetooth keyboard 1 for each hand

there are but two genders

>That's hex, I fingered her in a nightclub once.

Only Australians will get this.

who is wentdy
I want to masturbate from her

So like the kidnapped white guy who got forced by a bunch of Chicago thugs?

Forced memes suck.

This is why the left loses the culture war EVERY TIME. Memes naturally develop over time, these retards don't understand that a meme is like something you harvest when it is ripe and cultivated enough. It must develop naturally and share heavily similar sentiment when more people view it.

Burger wench.

The joke is that idiots see white supremacists (WS) everywhere so you take a normal symbol and turn it into the boogeyman's symbol.

Somehow, this absolutely moron, thinks that his boogeymen are doing crazy things and claiming they're representative of white supremacy...

But his joke is satire, claiming that the WS should drink out of toilet bowls in order to troll liberals... The underlying belief here is that it's the left that are mocking WS by encouraging them to do stupid things...

This post is perfect How can someone be so out of touch, so stupid and yet think they're making some snarky remark?

I think I found a nazi

yeah bunch of autistic unfunny goons writing blogs about each other's lolsorandumb antics

is he a good boy?

MFW I've been drinking out of toilets for as long as I can remember.

Meh some memes here are entirely forced sometimes user.

The defense department collects and creates memes they then use for properganda and they can sometimes trick anons to create oc for them.

Yes, he is a good boy.

This country never ceases to disappoint me.

Drink your own piss or you're a kike loving communist

I havenĀ“t cringed this hard in a month

i wonder if leftists will ever match the right in memetic warfare

>still using the term "own"

wtf my dog is more redpilled than me


Doggos drink from toilets and bark at blacks a lot. Racist doggos

We should make drinking out of water fountains a white supremacist symbol

>"Hey, white boy, that's our drinking fountain"

Getting your pic taken displaying your hairy twat is a Marxist symbol. Antifa HAD BE-
Shit, too late.

That's not how it works, fag. Git gud.