How do we fix lazy fat fucks leeching the welfare system like this guy who lives at

How do we fix lazy fat fucks leeching the welfare system like this guy who lives at

2396 North Berkleigh Drive, Fayetteville, AR 72704

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He has a job though

How can you be that huge and think, "Yeah, this is ok"?

Dude must feel like he's going to have a heart attack just going from the computer to the shitter!

How does he wipe his butt? In the OPs picture you can clearly see he can't reach his own ass.

That guy has more money than any of us here

Isn't he married?

i'd rather be broke and fit than whatever that guy is

I can only imagine people this huge don't wipe, they just get in the shower and use the shower head on their ass, like a bidet.

God, I hope that's what they do...

Is he collecting welfare? If so, fire up the gas chambers. If not, live and let live.

He makes a shit ton of money from his YouTube creating quality content. Check your facts Ya Cuck
He most likely pays more taxes then you.

Universal health care is a sham

Except he probably doesn't. Think about the future value of his money and time. If he has a million dollars and keeps up the Doritos and mountain dew lifestyle he'll blow through that in 5 years, then have a heart attack and die


>the Doritos and mountain dew lifestyle

>He makes a shit ton of money from his YouTube

Not anymore, if the YouTube ad apocalypse has hit him as hard as it's hit many other YouTubers.

>creating quality content.
LOL. I don't even play video games and even I know JonTron makes videos that are 100x better than fucking boogie.

He is indeed

> says a famous youtuber collects welfare
> famous youtuber
> yeah he's totally not making a shit ton of money off his videos

kill yourself OP, you look like a complete retard.

Fucking how?

r9k has no excuse.

sugar tax

She's not even bad looking at all

nice house, but 3k in taxes sucks.

I read that as Fattyville lol

>Fucking how?
Doesn't matter how beta and repulsive you are, if you have money then you'll have a woman. They're all prostitutes.

>How do we fix lazy fat fucks leeching the welfare system like this guy


>those buckled Fucking knees

because she is fat also?
plenty of single fatass whales out there.

A pretty girl married to a well-off guy who looks and lives like boogie does is absolutely cheating on him.

Would you blame her?

>tfw millionaire and still single

But i can see my toes user

I'm sure he should fall through that timber.

nope, she's not fat.not skinny either, but definitely not fat

fat fuck of a wife, marries fat fuck..
they are prefect for eachother

He doesn't know he's fat. He probably can't even look down at the rest of his body because of his enormously fat neck.

>2396 North Berkleigh Drive, Fayetteville, AR 72704

sign this guy up for shit, maybe subscription to gay news magazine or something.

Okay 'pretty' may be overstating it, but eh. That's her twitter.

literally flaunt it once

HAHAHAHA no fat.. lol.. HAHAHAHA


... Was she that fat before, or did she get that fat now? Holy crap.

Oh god, absolutelydisgusting.jpg

She probably still cheats on him, which is what's funny.

Boogie produces content to hundreds of thousands of viewers. Can you say you have the same influence?

That guy is worth a thousand peasants, even if he ate them.