What do you love most about Kekistan?


Other urls found in this thread:


That you are a nigger, and the day of the rope is coming, for you buzzfeed reporter.


>average kekistan cuck in real life


Get out you chav bastard



Quadroon of Cuckadia detected. Kill yourself.





Who else live long enough to witness this board become in comparison to a museum of ''counter-cultures''





When you stay on r/the_cuckold, where you belong. That's what I love about your cringe worthy movement.

You lot are the epitome of cringe.


you td fggot. go suck sargons cock again


kys nu/pol/


That they stole a flag from a Sup Forums user and gave it a stupid name.

the Theme song is my fav thing





is he in Los Pollos Hermanos?




nothing since its a ploy by saudi arabian intelligence agencies to cuck the alt right


this is now a nsheed thread




Nothing. Its a stupid forced meme.
Was fun at first, now its just annoying especially since some people keep saying it over and over and over.

Why don't you go back and ask that question to your kind, redditor?

Kekistan should be a welfare state

Laugh now, Sup Forums, but these people are closer to starting a white ethnostate than any of you are.

You will not divide us!

that guy should lift weights to create a better contrast so it doesn't look as cringeworthy as it did
like this dude