This is the face of Jesus Christ according to reconstruction studies. Makes sense providing the region he was from (today's state of Israel) was and is home to people with these racial features.
Where is your fair skinned, blue eyed, auburn haired God now?
This is the face of Jesus Christ according to reconstruction studies...
How can they reconstruct someone's melanin and hairstyle?
Middle Easterners have caucasoid skulls, there's literally no way to know.
t. Not a christian
This is Jesus drawn by atheist Jews
An 8-year old girl drew the real Jesus
like this?
no, that's a crazy Spanish cat lady, I mean this one you floating artillery range
>This is the face of Jesus Christ according to reconstruction studies.
while in no means a smoking gun, i think this lends a small amount of credibility to the gospel being true.
if Christ were THAT hideous, he wouldn't have the charisma to have and gain as many followers as he had if he were a handsome fella. it would've taken a miracle.
This is what Jesus looked like.
If he was born in the middle East he has dark hair and skin.
Sorry to break it to you user Jesus isn't white.
that one doesn't match the shroud of turin which was scientifically tested and proved to be genuine
this one however does match
I think the photo place sent you the negatives by mistake
Egyptian who were black had controlled Israel for centuries
>shroud of turin which was scientifically tested and proved to be genuine
a couple 100 years off is not genuine in my book
please reconsider
kek, now I know why people say I look like jesus when I let my facial hair grow; it's eerily like looking in a mirror
Wrong. He was born in Galilee, a protectorate of Judea. That area was also very close to the homeland of ancient Aryans. Also that was very close to the Roman empire. There is no physical description of Jesus.
>most important, influential, written and read about man who ever lived, which is an indisputable fact regardless of your religious views, was a nigger
Sup Forums eternally BTFO
What's wrong, he looks like a spaniard, be proud.
>it would have taken a miracle
But isn't Jesus supposed to turn stones into bread? He's basically the miracle man
that particular test didn't take into account the effects of transient cyclocarbon compound exposure from boll weevil larva
People in Spain are racially very diverse. While the Antonio Barbossa meme applies to Andalusia, people like Basques, Galicians, Catalans or northern Castillians are white as milk.
>turn stones into bread
i don't remember that story, you might be right
but yeah that's my point
if he was charming and handsome, he would have an easier time duping people and gaining followers, giving more reason to doubt the gospel
if he were hideous, he would have a tougher time duping people and gaining followers, lending a slight amount of credibility to the gospel
No, this is the face of the average man from that area during that era. It's pretty much 'Jesus probably shared some features with this image here'
>according to (((reconstruction studies)))
So if a nigger is born in Europe he has blonde hair and white skin?
reconstructed based on what?
There's contemporary Roman documents saying he was fair with ruddy skin and with light hair and eyes.
In other words he wasn't a oil monkey.
Religion is voluntary lobotomy.
This jesus dude looks lika a classical jewish trickster
All you faggots are wrong jesus was korean and ripped.
>this one however does match
Don't make me laugh. That looks NOTHING like the shroud of Turin.
Jesus was an ugly Jew from the Middle East, why the hell should he look white?
> jesus was a semite
> the bible makes clear he was a JEW, and a FUCKING RABBI
thats some trenchant mindblowing news there paco.
So if a kid was born in a garage, are you telling me the cunt would run on diesel fuel.
No (you)s for you guys.
Fuck off with this shitty slide thread.
What about the expermient where they shut down a threatpart of the brain, where the religiosity and the anti-immigrant thoughts both decreased. Wouldn't that imply that by being less religious, you become more self-destructive to both yourself and your nation? That would also explain why you think that (flag)
i would love a source on this experiment, not doubting the conclusion one bit though
even is he was as white as a scotsmans legs they would have to make him a nonwhite.
>Jesus in the painting is very obviously Semitic/Levantine
but I guess I shouldn't expect a swede to be able to tell the difference between a white person and a non-white person since your country is filling up with "ethnic swedes" who are blacker than coal in a darkroom
Dumbass. Mary was raped by a northern European auxiliaryin 4 B.C. who was pressed into service of Rome and sent to Judea. Joseph covered Mary's ass because they both would be ostracized if Mary was a rape victim. So Joseph came up with the whole Emmanuel thing. Mary changed her mind later (as pregnant woman are liable to do) and came up with the Jesus thing. Close enough Jospeh decided, they got their story straight and were ostricized by Jewish upper class, but not by Jewish lower class (the first goyim), which were the real customers of Joseph's carpentry business. Jesus = half aryan half Jew rape baby.
Are you serious? I see you did go through with the procedure already.
proof islam is the beast of revelations
who cares what some dicks think he looks like, Hes coming back. The Bible prophesied the Crusades and Holy War. It prophesied the heresy in the catholic church. It prophesied Muslims beheading christians even though its 600 years younger than the quran. OPEN YOUR EYES PEOPLE
Hey guys look at this picture I found of Hillary Clinton
t. Future Guy
But how can you reconstruct the face of someone who never existed?
they would have tried it on you but it would be like unplugging a lamp with no bulb in it
Jesus was born in Galilea not Israel,in Galilea people were a mix of mediterranean and arab,he wasn't aryan master race but he wasn't a shitskin either.
Sage and report.
That Jesus in the image you provided looks much more white than the average American (yeah, it's obvious that you're an American weaboo posting with a Japanese flag). The only semitic thing about that Jesus is the tip of his nose.
And still, you've got zero evidence for Jesus looking like that. It's not similar at all to the shroud of Turin. Just kys pls
how can you be sure he never existed if you don't even know what he looked like?
Jesus was a real historic person, regardless of whether or not you think the supernatural events surrounding his life actually took place.
You misread the article, that's a picture of what Jesus COULD have looked like based on an average of many jewish skulls from the time period. Try harder next time faggot.
>according to reconstruction studies
>of people in the region
>meanwhile literal historical evidence in the form of the writing by governor pontious pilate to tiberius caesar shows that jesus had golden hair and a fair complexion, as compared to his followers, who had black hair and swarthy skin
Really makes you think.
It was an experiment using magnetic fields, and their effects on the brain. One thing they found was that they could turn off someone's religiousity, and make them more pliable to atheism and multiculturalist though.
When comparing actual atheists, they found that these parts of the brain were already inactive.
Atheism and xenophilia is a sign of brain damage and a malformed mind.
Reconstructed from the imagination of a goat herder?
this needs to be made into an infographic for atheism bullying and shitposting purposes
I'm pretty sure the son of God didn't look like DSP
>trying to coerce people into committing suicide
atheistic """morality""", everyone.
ay sexy
It's been debunked a million times, kike.
Ignore the fact that Jews have been inbreeding for two millenia since.
Where's the proof he existed? A book? Will the people 2000 years from now praise Frodo?
I see you've run out of arguments.
Wait, there are contemporary Roman documents? I thought the earliest accounts come like half a century after the crucifixion.
> cant figure out how to quote a post
> using @ like this is twatter
fucking straya cunt.
elegantly shitposted.
you should swim with stingrays.
>Where's the proof he existed? A book?
this is retarded
do you have this same level of skepticism for all historical people?
yes, it's in writings.
not just from Christians though, pagan and jew historians hostile to Christianity and Christ himself spoke of his existence too
>you've run out of arguments
arguments are like morals in that you never had any to start with
how do you not know that he is not himself a stingray?
>Acting like a butthurt kid
Typical Christcuck behaviour. Okay, we're done.
>freezer burn
>jumbo shrimp
oxymorons are fun
In able to carry a cross like he did he would have had to have been pretty hench
>This is the face of Jesus Christ according to reconstruction studies.
Wrong, it's the face of an average dude at the time in that region.
>atheists literally think everyone looks average and the same
It doesn't matter what he looked like, if it did the Bible would mention it.
Christcuck is not an oxymoron, where did you get that idea from? See pic related.
no, there are no contemporary roman documents.
only "copies" which are much later forgeries by christians describing jesus in glowing and reverential terms which no roman would EVER have done when discussing a notable member of a subjugated people, unless it was a slave they were trying to sell, a girl they planned on fucking, or a gladiator who won them lots of money in the arena.
here is an example of the claimed "original sources"
so we must surmise that jesus is a brown haired blonde man with blue eyes, no, i mean grey, no i mean no comment...
it's bullshit.
Who cares how jesus looked like ?
He is our savior
cuckoldry is adultery.
adultery is strictly forbidden in our holy scriptures.
most cuckold fetishists are atheist swedes
>floating artillery range
sandnigger christ ftw
sweet mother of god, youre right!
This is if i recall correctly a composite of like 5 different skulls that were randomly found in the same region.
He lives
christianity and islam and judaism all descend from the same fucked up tribe of child killers who were sent to babylon as punishment.
fuck them all. They hid greek philosophy from the world once they could and when we finally managed to let it resurface we invented the modern world.
Tim to get empirical and stop with this stupid fucking fairytale bullshit.
jesus went to the temple and beat the shit out of all the jewing Jews there and flipped over their money changing tables and tossed them the fuck out.
whereas you are opening your collective asshole to let the penis-cased wooly gollywogs of the darkest jungles pour in and leave your mothers, sisters and daughters twisted and slowly mottling in piles of rocks with fistfuls of muddy leaves stuffed in their torn and now ice-cold vaginas
I really hate all this christ-cuckery on the right. fucking crypto-jews
>They hid greek philosophy from the world
what are you referring to exactly?
>stupid fucking fairytale bullshit.
calm down, no need to be so histrionic
yes, yeshua was YOKED
and he never skipped leg day.
>cuckoldry is adultery.
>adultery is strictly forbidden in our holy scriptures.
It's not supposed to be taken literally you autist.
>most cuckold fetishists are atheist swedes
Source: your ass?
>stop with this stupid fucking fairytale bullshit
Unironic Christians are sadly too retarded to realize it's a fairytale, no matter how hard you try to convince them. They are diametrically opposed to logic and sense.
Thanks for the kek, japan
Don't be racist.
We must come together, all Christians and love one another.
>to realize it's a fairytale
prove it.
this is different from saying "i do not have enough evidence to say whether or not it's true."
you are saying you know it to be false
>logic and sense.
let's hear the logic sense and reasoning behind your claim
Either Philosophy > Christianity or Philosophy = Christianity
but never Philosophy < Christianity.
Prove to me that the flying spaghetti monster doesn't exist.
Christianity is pretty much religious Platonism, so it's the continuation of Greek philosophy.
Jesus looked like any other Jew of the day, makes perfect sense
Prove to me that Bigfoot and the Lockness monster aren't real, you fucking retard.
>asking me to support a claim to knowledge that i did not make
really seeing your "sense and logic" here
I'm Christian Identity but if Jesus was brown he would rape a little Aryan girl, I can just see him now calling all the Whites a bitch ass racist cracker with all his brown homies.
Loch ness*
>asking me to support a claim to knowledge that i did not make
Oh, so you can't prove that these beings don't exist? Then there's as much proof of them as of God.
The racial demographics can change drastically in decades. This has been witnessed in modern times.
Take Detroit for example. Today it is over 90% non-white. Would you claim Detroit, Michigan was built by black people when it was over 90% white five decades ago?
Just because the middle east is filled with mixed raced whites, also called Arabs, doesn't meant it was 2000 years ago and it wasn't.
>Oh, so you can't prove that these beings don't exist?
>Then there's as much proof of them as of God.
how does that follow? complete non-sequitur, you're embarrassing yourself
Then I'd hail Odin. But where the Gods fail us Philosophy is sure to gaurentee us spiritual fulfillment.
>36 Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.
you don't go around picking fights but if one comes to you, you win it.
Good thing White Christians didn't always listen to this and went to war and colonized the world.