Come home libertarian man
No. Society is already plagued by decadence.
druggies should be shot desu
can't tell if T I C C
there is nothing wrong with weed, and I say it as a fascist who never smoked a single cigarette in his life
Why does capitalism always lead to degeneracy?
The love of money is the root of all evil.
Weed isn't a drug you fuckin retard.
I never left
libertarian > right-wing
>this is what stoners actually believe
plus 90% of weed smokers are communist/anarchists/leftist shits
Ciggarettes ruin the aryan master race.
I totally disagree, all drugs are technically bad and the world would be a better place without any, the measures against them is another topic, a world without retards is also a better one but i don't expect to kill them all.
From a pragmatic who loves drugs.
I agree. Stoner culture gives pot smokers a bad name. It's embarrassing. I keep my weed-smoking proclivities to myself so I don't get associated with the faggit communists.
I would not call the weed exactly a ''drug'', but obviously if someone smokes excessively, it will be bad just like every single thing in this earth
Make the weed legal, tax it, the state gets profit which can be destined to a good purpose like education, social security...
>weed on flag
>not weed and guns
fake libertarian girl
less degenerate than amphetamines like your fuhrer
this. fuck weed and fuck lefties.
seems like the right is missing a big opportunity to get some monies for its battle on the basis of 70 year old propaganda.
She's spunky u mountain negro
Can't stand degenerate potheads
I feel like gen z is incapable of understanding what libertarniasm really is all about because they never lived in le 90s
>druggies should be shot desu
I agree.
weed is good. haters cant handle it, thats all.
Okay then faggot. If you have ever done any of the following:
>Perscription meds
>fast food
Then you are a drug addict that needs to be shot.
come home to where? Germany?
That is the dumbest thing I've read today
If you seriously think weed is bad because the dumbass leftists glorify it to death, then you are literally just as retarded as they are. You have the mentality of a child who would blame a fucking plant for someone acting like a retard, rather than blaming the retard for being a retard.
Check em'.
Everything you take into your body, except food and water, is a drug.
Those numbers.
because it gets peverted. Capitalism as it was intended should be the love for, and striving after, property. This way everone would get what he wanted without jewcucks hoarding all MY PEOPLES money