Does Sup Forums currently have or has Sup Forums ever had any Jewish friends?
Does Sup Forums currently have or has Sup Forums ever had any Jewish friends?
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1 in high school.
He was really annoying and looked like a monkey.
I met a few Jews in college.
All smart blokes.
Yes, I probably would have ended up being in a r/ship with a Jewish if I didn't end up getting sick, I've overcome that illness, BTW she's a based chick, her parents etc originated from Poland.
No, and I'd wager that at least a few of my friends are secretly refilled and hate Jews too.
No, never.
Only seen one in TV. We dont have many here.
Get out.
I know a gypsy repairman/farmer/artist who's a jew. I mean, unless you think Greenberg is a Protestant name. He is an alright guy, actually much different from the stereotypes.
I'm sure he has super jew family somewhere, but this is the south.
I am jewish
3 or four yeah
i think of converting fairly often just because i want to get in on the secret magical club that Sup Forums says they have
One of my friends has a busted nose, that's the closest I've come to seeing one.
A guy on my baseball team had the last name of Understein. He tried to act black though, so not sure how much jew indoctrination he got at home.
I've literally never seen a Jew IRL
I use to have a jewish girlfriend, then I was redpilled real hard two weeks before the election and broke up with her because I realized she was a dirty kike and a whore
Yes, and they all do the hand rubbing thing.
It was memed into reality
My wife is half Jewish. Her dad looks like the happy merchant meme.
one jewish girl really liked me once
i sort of liked her
she was blond and blue eyed and you would never guess she was jewish
but she was strongfat and my other jewish friend made fun of me because of how much she would hang around
i think about her sometimes. i really liked her personality. but she was built like a tank.
I have a jewish friend who resents his parents for circumcising him and talks to me about all those old jews who got caught lying about being in the holocaust and other various holohoax material kek
Part of the family is Ashkenazim, but I never knowingly see Jews.
Is this a survey thing?
Had one, he was a spurs fan.
He had a big mouth and used his parental gangster connections to give people shit.
No, just curiosity.
Yes had a jewish GF and have some jewish friends. But after getting redpilled I am trying to avoid my jew ex-friends but still like to fuck jew-pussy.
My uncle is Jewish. He bought me a pricey hotel in Fort Lauderdale. This was before the pride weekend so when the day ended I fucking floored it.
I had one as a kid, he stole my piggy bank. Never trusted a jew since
I fucked a jew once. She was attractive, but I also felt like she was going to murder me.
Yes. While I am not a fan of yids the real problem is powerful Jews and Jewish politicians. The common Jew is likely not "part of the game" and is vulnerable to redpilling with proper guidance.
My half-brother is a half-Jew on his mom's side. Cool dude.
No, somehow there are not many in germany :^)
Indeed. Jews are not common in Islamic Caliphates.
I used to work with one. He was really sneaky, but overall good guy. Didn't bother him when we made jokes about all the jewy things he did
Yes, I visited them in Israel 2 times.
Friend of the jews is not puppet of the jews.
60% aller Frankfurter sind Juden du Idiot
>Yes around 6 they are really annoying. They act Jewish without even trying.
I had a Jewish friend in college. Very funny guy that didn't seem to take the religion that seriously. He dated an East Asian chick. 8/10 would shoot the shit with again.
Yes. One. She turned out to be evil.
Yes, in Hungary. He wanted to flee the place due to Jobbik.
Does my lampshade count? I talk to it sometimes.
I had a Jewish roommate and coworker live in my apartment after he ran into financial trouble.
He was a pussy who got lead around by his fugly overweight jewish girlfriend, now wife.
Her family is loaded. Jewish stereotypes are mostly accurate.
You can't be friends with cattle lol
my best friend is 2% jewish and i tease him for it everyday
Yes. They actually make excellent friends on an individual basis. If they know you and like you, they'll help you out big time.
If not, they'll throw you to the dogs in a heartbeat.
Yeah, we were good friends growing, but have lost touch. I hear he works for nvidia now, so maybe he turned evil.
>best friend is a kike
>i used to bully him for being a jew back in highschool
>we join military together
>both join combat medic training program
>he saves my life a couple years later
Best guy I know. I feel guilty every time I come onto Sup Forums. He told me he loved me in a romantic way when we got drunk last week, I pretended I didn't remember because I was super drunk, feels awkward.
>man saves your life
>you don't let him fuck you in gratitude
wow, some friend you are, user.
I honestly considered it out of that alone, but he wants it the other way around. And honestly, he's my best friend, I don't want to ruin that, besides, it probably wouldn't be genuine anyway so what's the point.
I understand user, and I'm just kidding.
Hope you clear this up with him somehow and your friendship survives unchanged - or becomes stronger for it.
/nu/pol in action
Actually a jew at my job lent me $50 once.
>>tfw I only paid him $40 back
I'm spaniard.
I have a big chance to be a cryptojew or have jew alogroup
I met one at a counter protest who was a pretty good goy
My best friend.
He still believes the holocaust happened but that it wasn't 6 million.
jewish best friend, is one of greatest red-pillers in my life. Cooks like a champion and always willing to share.
jewish good friend, cool dude, smart as fuck. Offered to pay me for tutoring, declined because he's a bro.
Had jewish friend back in day, turned tranny, turned megacunt. Zionist shill and anti-race mixing for (((them)))
Basically if they're zionists, bin em. If they're ambivelent, approach with caution. If they're anti-zionists, that's the friend zone, and they're fucking good friends to have.
I don't know any jews, i just hate them because pol tells me to
I know some Gujuratis, they're kind of Jewy
I used to know an older Israeli kike, I even went to his house once. I slowly revealed my power level to him and he got massively triggered once after digging through my FB posts to see that I had posted a Ha'aretz article about Ethiopian women being coerced by Israelis into taking a sterilising shot that makes their bones more breakable haha. This leftist faggot was always talking about how wonderfully multicultural Israel is and all the usual multiculti kike shit.
Half my friends are jewish.
Its pretty awkward.
can confirm, never trust an upper-crust shitskin.
never trust the upper crust of any society, though.
I have a lot of Jewish colleagues. They're all really smart, congenial, much more intelligent than most of the drivel on this board.
desu all the Gujaratis I met look much more like Arabs than other Indians. Not saying they look 100% like Arabs, but they look almost related.
I'm Jewish
Yeah, and he was bordeline autistic and filthy rich
Out of my four American friends, two are Cuban and the other two are Jews. One of them is a really stand up guy and a bro, the other is a scholar and a gentleman, neither are leftards but both are very misinformed about the shit Israel does.
Cancer thread
I have a couple of Jewish friends.
In grade school/high school one of my jewish buddies Dad gave a me a great weekends/holiday part time job. Paid me under the table, taught me a fuck ton about work ethic and business. He was jewey as fuck though and was pretty ruthless in business. People hated him because of his give an inch, take a mile way of doing things.
Had a super Jew gf in highschool. Kept kosher and shit. Publicly, a very "good girl", but privately, pretty quick to get naked. Big tits, but kinda lame in bed
In college my roommate was a California jew, but right wing. He's still one of my best friends. He likes guns, hate liberal, and is ashamed that most modern "jews" identify more as lefties than jews.
In short, while I've known plenty of Jews, and many of the cliches are true, my experiences have been positive.
Another paid shill thread filled with personal stories.
I feel bad for the 13-year-olds here who believe you.
Is it Sup Forums consensus that Ashkenazi Jews are Jews?
I have had Jewish friends. On an individual and personal level Jews are not that bad. The problems arise from what they do as a group or what they do to people they are not connected with.
Hmmmm good question.....I believe the consensus of Sup Forums regarding the Ashkenazi Jews would be that you are a flaming faggot.
I had a Jew friend that found out he was a Jew in his twenties. He thought he'd convert so they got him to sign all these waivers. Next week they all go out for drinks, he gets super wasted and wakes up circumsized with maggots on his healing cock scars. True story.
how can I filter the Assclowns United cancerous faggot who spams his YT faggotry?
This is exactly true for me. His dad was a journalist and a great liar.
yes, a self-loathing degenerate but otherwise fun guy.
looking back he was really, really degenerate. no moral compass or boundaries.
I was on friendly terms with my jewish piano teacher.
Had a jewish acquaintance in highschool, she and her sisters were incredibly good looking.
It was always real before
I used to have a video of jewish settlers jewing palestinians and a kid in the background doing the handrub and laugh thing,but I can't find it.
>any libertarian shit ever
libertarianism is what happens after we purge the trash, so it is as nearly as important of a discussion to a societal maintenance for us whites as it is for us whites to discuss the initial ridding of undesirables.
Yeah i was best friends with one in the 4th grade. We would always play runescape together and he was kind of a mamas boy. His family was pretty wealthy and his dad was a lawyer. They all seemed pretty normal from what i remember but his dad always played his guitar in his tighty whities so i didn't really like going to their house. He moved to california after 6th grade and i never saw him again.
Not very interesting but that's my experience
I used to date a Jewish girl, she was a 7/10. Little chubby bitch. We fucked like rabbits.
Not an Orthodox Jew, but nonetheless she got the big goyim cock in her. She took it raw.
I found out not long after we broke up that she had a fiance. Not surprising as I met her in a bar I used to work at.
Im a jew and my mom only told me about that a few months ago thank god she didn't say it to me earlier if i'd randomly say it in my old school where the majority were muslim they'd probably beat me to death and no i don't have any jew friends
T. English teacher
Had a Jewish professor this semester.
Told him when classes started that I have medical problems which means i might miss a few classes. All my other professors were cool with it.
Miss a few classes, but always get the notes.
Ace the final and email him. He says he didn't want to tell me he was going to drop me after the final because I missed too many classes. Says if I wanted to not be dropped I should've given my information to the disabilities center on campus
Literally Jewed.