how do we solve the pitbull problem?
How do we solve the pitbull problem?
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Whats going on in the last one, and why is that guy just standing there recording?
I really like that we have this thread everyday, I just wish we had more material
>a dog breed meant for fighting and killing
>buy said breed
>it bites off your fuckin face
Seems like it's solving itself
I got some more material from yesterday. Pic related are nigbull related dogs which also should get culled.
hate these dogs. vicious cunts. damaged sluts love them for some reason.
this is what happens if you have a nigbull in your house.
Sick of these pointless threads.
For future reference, in case of organic pests and parasites, apply cyanide gas.
lol he showed his weakness and the dog owned the beta
>being a faggot who can't train your dog
Some people shouldn't be allowed to own guns either
I don't think the dogs are the problem, I think it's the owners who are generally niggers, spics, and general trash.
We should cull them first (because the dogs are worth more, honestly) and the see how the situation improves.
yes that proves that shitbulls arent loyal at all, they backstab you as soon they think they can overthrow you.
guns cant shoot by their self.
The cameraman is the last of the people there who should do anything, since he is recording proof of everything so any wrongdoing is documented.
The cucks dog attacks him when he gets downed by a nigger. In this instance I personally would say it's because the cuck cant handle his dog, obvious by his use of the "dog" instead of [NAME], rather than the dog being some kind of pit breed.
This comes from a guy owning 3 dogs, not pits, but still.
Dogs can't shoot things either. Point for dogs.
I can't believe staff's are considered nigger dogs, by appearance it makes sense but I've had them all my life and they've never done so much as growled aggressively at anyone. The pitbull problems can't be ignored, but staffs? I hardly hear of them going on a rampage killing babies.
dont ket niggers own dogs. we would gave a german shepherd problem if the deeply melanated fetishized them instead.
as is the case with most social ills, the root of the problem is generally just too many fucking dumb niggers.
Send them to Africa along with the niggers and watch them be kangz together.
look in this face, dont you see the shitbull genetics?
It's exactly the fact that they don't growl that makes them dangerous.
They are bred to show no signs of attack.
Doggos only respect strength
I would much rather leave a loaded and secured AK in the bed of my newborn son than a pitbull.
What now, cuck?
Of course I do but I mean in terms of the actual reputation staffs have I've just never known them to be particularly aggressive dogs. They hardly ever show up in attacks on the news and I've only ever seen them get violent with other dogs.
I'm sure it's mainly just pitbulls that cause the vast majority of attacks on people and children, pitbulls genuinely are just exceptionally aggressive and I think that shows up quite clearly in statistics. No other dog breed is anywhere near as aggressive as pitbulls, from what I know it's not even close.
>Rottweiler on the list
Serious? I was thinking about getting one and training it to be a guard/family dog. Are they known for having shitbull behavior even if taken care of?
yes they are, not as bad as pitbulls but they are also known for attacking people without reason.
Hello angela merkel
nigbull supporter detected.
Niggers get pit bulls, German Shepherd's the white man's breed. Get one to defend your family and home
Hello nigger. You and your shit tier dog will be culled. Don't you worry. I almost pray for a Chinese takeover so your niglet dog will be oiled alive.
met more decent nigbulls than germans
I've seen owners seriously struggle with their Rottweilers, one of them lunged at my face once (luckily with a muzzle on). The thing is with those dogs; they know how powerful they are. Nothing you do will make them feel small and powerless in comparison to you. If a rottweiler is determined to have its own way you'll have a seriously hard time trying to get it to budge. They will attack their owners if they are really pissed off and from what I've seen it doesn't take much to piss them off. Wouldn't recommend them.
well the problem isnt solved yet.
face it, dogs are pack animals and super attuned to the alphas mood. If the alpha is a cunt, then the pack is full of cunts
Man I see this thread all the time, did you get fucked by a pitbull or something OP?
the problem was created through selective breeding and can be fixed by selective breeding too (sort of).
Works on wild foxes:
I see. That's a shame but I think I'll reconsider. Thanks anons
You just preaching to the choir here, the Sup Forumsack isn't likely to own a pitbull.
>the Sup Forumsack isn't likely to own a pitbull
you must be new here, in this threads are tons of shitbull defender and owner.
stop making the same thread everyday
go back to fapping idiot
We've been invaded by reddit recently.
The ratio of attacks, and furthermore lethal attacks, is a negligible proportion of the overall pitbull population. If "nigbulls" were committing crimes at the rate niggers do, with an incarceration rate filling the pounds as fast as our prisons this thread might have a point. Instead let's discuss how to get rid of niggers as they seem to be the real thorn of the issue.
People who unironically use this argument are the biggest idiots on the planet.
Inanimate object vs a live one. Nice fallacy you have there.
People always blame the attacks on poor ownership, but truth is a pitbull can snap on anyone at anytime and their owners are too braindead and retarded to know that. Those dogs are killers. Not your "super smart super loyal friend" get a retriever or lab for that.
Sherri Few can solve it with her AR15
>be like sandnigger you hate
>live long enough to become villain
>kill Doggo with extreme prejudice by the Qur'an teaching
German Shepherd's aren't as good as they were due to shitty breeding, a good alternative is the american bulldog
>playful, good temperament
>working dog, very strong
>burglars will take a mile detour around your house
>literally only comes in white/white&brown coats
True modern white man's dog.
Every thread I've seen of shitbulls there is at least one faggot on full defense force for these dogs. It's honestly pathetic to watch some user show pics of his "sweet heart" and saying she'll never attack me ect. Some people are destined to die by them.
Akita are loyal and protective, nowhere near the aggression of pits
>source: owned 3 akitas
And stop samefagging too
> a good alternative is the american bulldog
neck yourself.
my grandparents had a staff
he was a friendly little buddy and never showed signs of aggression
By killing everyone who thinks pitbulls are a problem
no hurry just wait until it maul your grandparents to death.
quick question, does anyone know if there has been a recorded case of an attack by a Newfoundland dog?
also the province of Ontario passed a Pitbull ban awhile back. don't know if it is still enforced. but we all know how well banning something works
>ban assault dogs
Why do you Internet niggers act surprised when somebody records a fight but doesn't stop it? Why would I stop a fight between strangers? Why put myself in danger to stop an asswhooping that may be deserved for all I know?
our little buddy already died due to his old age
its just mauling your great grandparents in heaven
you might be interested to know that Dachshunds the worlds most aggressive dogs followed closely by Chihuahuas lmao.
luckily the grandparents are still alive tho'
ban them and grandfather the current ones but force them to be spay/neutered
we tried that already
but a dachshund or chihuahua cant maul little kids to death.
nationwide, not just ontario
No but theres this
11-stone family dog hailed a hero after saving girl from the sea in dramatic beach rescue
>HUGO the Newfoundland rescued a young girl from the sea on a family holiday in Devon with his owners, the Brown family from Burnside.
Simple. Just ban assault dogs. Luckily I live in a cunt where assault dogs are banned.
I have a rottweiler mastiff mutt, and she is the sweetest dog I have ever owned.
Although the rottweiler aggression could have been curbed by her mastiff side, as well as a good upbringing.
I thought that dogs are haram in your country muhansammad.
>modern day german
>caring about genetics
fucking finns, impossible to kill. you guys hoarding the tree of youth or something?
multiple cities have tried, including winnipeg and montreal
was able to find 1 attack from 1912
newfoundlands are the true breed that is mans best friend. the most docile mellow breed that routinely save people from drowning
no idea why people want pitbulls which were bred for fighting and then wonder why they get mauled.
tl;dr also fake news.
like i said, you need to do it nationwide for it to work
ignorance is bliss
There was probably something mentally wrong with it. A lot of small dogs suffer from it.
other dogs can and will attack people, but look at the statistics. 95% of dog deaths caused by other dogs are by nigbulls
t. someone who's never owned an ambull
oh, it's this thread again..
mate I dont think anyone on here owns shitbulls
Introduce a new law:
anyone who wants to own a pitbull has to spend a week locked in a 2metre square cage with it.
Administer a variety of stress-inducing activities to build a strong level of bonding between man and beast, and insure the animal is stable before releasing it into the public domain.
How do we solve the recurring pitbull post problem?