Guess what side the feminists are on.
Migrant rape story
faceybooks dot com
why are you shitting on migrants, migrants are our guys
>when Sup Forums is unironically more supportive of women's rights than Feminists
We'll never get open borders for Israel, but what if we could fund every Black African Israeli $1000 for having a child. And we support that tax deductible fund! Jew! Raise a Black! Diversity is strength
no joke, this is a great idea.
The "article" linked looks so fake that it makes people think all migrant attacks are fake. I think this is done on purpose.
Here's the non-clickbait story
Throw the feminists on the boats with them when they're sent back.
I'm assuming feminists continue to be self-destructive morons.
I'm surprised countries don't make more use of ingenious non-military attacks like this.
Loaded image on the right, my gf said that most women would find that kinda hot.
Such stories force their viewers to pick one of the two sides - either the one for racism or against it.
In the end it is just manipulation and you fools don't even get it.
Every group has the same goal - to get rid of their traitors/elites and we just keep falling for their tricks
>Guess what side the feminists are on.
They are bunch of self hating people. What side do you expect them to be on? Victim side.When the society you live in is too peaceful for you to be part of the gender that is a victim, then a logical thing is to get more criminals in. Then you can point on the society how much of a victim you are and get those long needed pats on the head and nurturing.
When self cutting is not enough, Go Feminism.
>for racism
Reminds me of the March For Science where no scientists participating, instead it was a bunch of Redditors holding Rick and Morty signs.
forward the idea to the arabs.
We actually love women, we just know when they make their own choices they'll make terrible ones 90% of
The time.
Listen and believe cunts.
Comment how disgusted you are by all this victim blaming
Unironically this
you're next in line for the gas chamber cuck
Good modern women deserve it all
lmao, the nazis raped tons of people and hitler was an incel
Oh shit, western civilisation is over
>this article is racist and islamophobic.
Just let it all burn, the ice age will cleanse Europe of the unworthy later.
She has been attacked by a group of men. What difference does it make that they were migrants? Would the woman be better off if she had been attacked by white men?
>implying women don't deserve equal rights.
It the fucking privileges these cunts want that piss me off
>believe the victim
>rape culture
Oh wait did you say the attackers were muslim? Well forget all that, the cunt is lying, they dindu nuffin.
No one likes oversimplification of history for your own shitty, selfish reasons, but I expected better from Hitler.
Look at them slipping under their own bullshit. Glorious
Have not you realized that the vast majority of women fantasize about being raped?
And that NOTHING of what they say is reliable?
wait wrong image
They deserve equal rights, except for suffrage. They don't even know what's good for themselves.
i wish i could dump those stupid cunts on this road at night and let them walk it
sand nigger side?
>American women know better than Europeans what its like in Europe
Fuck me
>We'll never get open borders for Israel, but what if we could fund every Black African Israeli $1000 for having a child
The Jew has already thunk of this, as Black african jews are forced to be sterilized, if they move into Israel.
Migrants don't need to be here in the first place.
Its like saying we released a murderous convict onto the streets, but it doesn't matter because there are already murderers out there.
My sevens don't lie.
Praise Odin.
Witnessed. Kek has given us great wisdom this time!
Praise Kek!
Kek has blessed you, young memer.
I hate what this board has done to me. A couple years ago, I would've hopped a plane and started killing every colored I saw in that city. Today? I laugh at the whore for getting what she and her "refugee welcome" traitorous whore kind deserve.
Sherri Few will stop it!
They all deserve to die
You mean like Israel? Yeah, they never thought of doing stuff like this....
holy shit, a non-migrant anglo?
>Guess what side the feminists are on.
women's side
they want exotic dick and at the same time no violence
This why cant libshits understand this.
nice digits as well
it's not racism if it's true, you fucking germ
she woud never have gotten attacked if those sand niggers hadn't been there in the first place
fucking checked
>Are we back in Nazi Germany ?
I fucking wish ...
God please send another Meteor!!
>believing rape accusations without due process in a court of law
Fucking cucks took over this board, I swear
Israel sterilizes all foreign born Jews, converts or otherwise.
Including nigger Ethiopian jews.
It was a big thing for like 4 seconds years ago then suddenly vanished down the memory hole.
I envy their drive to preserve their race and ideals. You have to admit that it's admirable, if anything.
you know why
Kek is with us in this thread
Double trips of truth
Like this user is saying with his sextet sevens of truths.
Nobody wants more murderers in their streets, why would the government go ahead and make everything to ensure these people can enjoy women and kill off everyone they please?
Put me in the screencap and your mother dies in her sleep tonight if you don't reply to this post.
I hate these people so much.
they need to go back
I know right?
They are so fucking smart/sly and it pisses me off. They also have that magical "muh 6trillion"-card that gives them a free pass 99% of the time.
God damn Jews! Why can't you be on the white mans side!!!
Here is the images combined for easy reposting and red pilling
Oh shit 123. nice digits senpai.
It's not really screencap worthy, also - fuck you
> ironically believing rape victims
this is why we stop caring what women think in general
for tens of thousands of years, men have made choices that directly result in life-or-death consequences.
women have been shielded from those choices. then feminism happened and age of consent laws were passed so that women get indoctrinated by (((public education))) and taught to hate themselves, because the jews want the white race to be destroyed
What are you talking about, this how jews attack all over.
Looks like shes ready to Shara Few bullets
Yeah you make a good point but these ignorant racist assholes will never undeactually you're a fucking idiot and should kill yourself.
thanks user
migrants are more likely to rape
think about this kind of reactions next time you feel sorry for another rape of a western woman
keep your female relatives safe and informed. don't give a fuck about the roasties, let them reap what they sow
migrants btfo