Why did communism (in the soviet union) starve people?
Why did communism (in the soviet union) starve people?
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Specifically speaking, Stalin starved the Ukrainians because he believed they were holding out on food; Ukraine was the "breadbasket" or whatever of the Soviet Union. If the Ukrainians didn't starve, they were holding out on the rest of the USSR, so then they were traitors. They weren't holding out and a shit ton died. At least, this is my understanding of those events.
Yes. Historians are divided over whether it was intentional is not. Some say yes it was a policy others say it was accidental they were just retarded by trying to convert to communal farms which failed. Holodomor is the famous one where millions of Christians in Ukraine perished but millions of Muslims also died north of the Caucasus and around Kazakhstan. It was a national starvation.
Inefficient central planning and economic allocation caused by an inherently flawed economic system, at least for humans.
You have to give communism credit. In other authoritarian regimes, you have to round up and kill your political opponents. Under communism, you just enact your economic policy and they'll starve on their own
Marx slept all day, borrowed money he never intended to pay back and literally did nothing. Imagine every single person in a country doing this. Now there's no one left to grow food and deliver it.
The Jews wanted to kill millions of white christians.
>they weren't white xD
It's Europeans vs the Jews and their brown hordes, at this point we need all the help we can get.
The calculation problem.
A commie's life is worthless, so communist leaders are free to experiment with retarded economic policies based on ideological dogma. A few millions die? Ooops. Can't make progress social without trial and error. It's easy for reactionaries and conservatives to talk when they never try anything new and exciting!
If you referring to holodomor- it was deliberate strategy to eradicate troublesome Ukrainian population.
If you referring to the rest of USSR history and it's problem with everything from food to clothes - pretty much whole USSR economy was working for military. Add to this central planning, 5-years plans and retarded in KPSS- and here you go
>(in the soviet union)
Hey! Don't leave Chinkland out of it. They starved people, too.
a tiny minority of free farmers produced most of the food
the soviert union sezed their means of production and collectivised it (and killed the minority of succsesful farmers)
the most productive farmers were no longer in charge
production went down
it is acctual quite simple. not all people a equaly productive
Anti white anti christian
>In the soviet union TOP KEK
its kind of a moot point
most of the soviet's "peak" starving years were either
>years in which they were in the civil war
>years in which they were recovering from civil war
>years in which they were in WW2
>years in which they were recovering from WW2
it's not fucking rocket science. the actual economic/political system they were using at the time isn't really relevant. a capitalist russian society could have distributed food marginally better but still wouldn't have been able to avoid mass starvation
It wasn't real communism, look it up. People were starving because bad farming machines and bad weather.
Sherri Few is Based!!
Literally one famine happened in Soviet Union, during Russian empire days people were starving to death all the time. It doesn't matter at all if you don't like USSR, however USSR improved Russia. It pulled it from third world status.
it turns out that if you kill most of the good farmers in your country and can't afford to import food, people starve
Russian science at work
acctualy the biggest wave of starving was 1932/1933 wich was peace time and the pinnacle of stalins campaign to collectivize the peasantry
>10 years later after civil war
>not still recovering from civil war
ok bro,
>Why did communism (in the soviet union) starve people?
Stalin sold off grain supply to fund arms-race against the west.
1933-1917= 10
sue your collage bro
google "when did the russian civil war end", muhammad
This and lots of creative accounting. To ease the pressure on the collective farms, they would post record yields, so targets would rise, the lies would rise, etc. That's what happened in China anyway, which was easily the biggest famine. (Between 20/43 million starved to death)
bullshit the russian empire was rivaling the other empires at the time
This is probably true but they failed to capitalise (kek) on the advances of the 50s and after industrialisation stopped innovating.
They should have seen how innovation was fuelled by consumer demand in the west and come up with a workaround.
East Germany was the most comfortable commie country to live in because of this, however they were saturated with capitalist broadcast media so the East Germans were dissatisfied. If east Germany had been in the Caucasus they might have been happier.
Ironically those not affected by the brutal police state (read Staziland, it is very good) miss the old regime as it did a decent job of providing for all.
>Inb4 commie
I'm not
so it is 11 years still no reason to starve espeachially cause they werent starving before the dekulakization/collectivisation
No, he's right, apart from the cities the Russian Empire was feudalism and starving peasantry, with no infrastructure.
Because the Five-Year Plan involved selling grain and other crops (generally grain) from the peasants to other countries in exchange for industrial tools and other large equipment you can't just generally make when you have like three factories.
This was set up for failure, as Stalin didn't plan for there to be a bad harvest. Since there was a bad harvest, the peasants decided to not sell their surplus crops (because they had to eat), and because there wasn't a surplus. Well Stalin didn't like this, so he forced collectivization. Basically, he marched the army in and told them to give him the fucking bread materials or the peasants get lead.
Over simplified, but yeah that's why fuck tons of people starved
But they were starving, there was no infrastructure or recording of it.
well lenin and stalin took the starving to a whole new level
people in western europe were also in the 1913 to 1915 starving due to the first world war but that was fixxed after the war ended and didn't stay for over 10 years
Everyone who owned any property and had any money was labeled kulak. The kulaks were then sent off or killed. Oh the horrible class of not-worthless-people, off you go.
Thus with all the people running farms gone and the wonderful land dekulakized, everybody starved and died.
Not disagreeing with you there.
pretty much this
kill everyone who knows how to cultivate land probably and wonder when you starve to death
>still no reason to starve
thanks, ill be sure take notes on famine from you when when 2 minutes ago you were convinced the russian civil war started and ended in less than 3 months
>They should have seen how innovation was fuelled by consumer demand in the west and come up with a workaround.
Like China has
Read The Gulag Archipelago.
Why does capitalism (in America) starve people?
Ah well, omelette/eggs right?
But seriously: the famines were due to incompetence and lies.
I still agree with user that USSR improved what was there before, eventually. Russians aren't Europeans. Would they have ended up fractured and exploited like Africa? Maybe not, but possibly not remained as a single landmass as their power in imperial times was limited to the west of the country. Russians need strongmen leaders, if it hadn't been communism it would have been some similar authoritarianism.
Yes good point
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>it bossnt real communism guiis
i mixed the dates of the revolution with the dates of the civil war up sorry
so when nations like greece and yugoslavia recoverd after 1 to 2 years after a major war why reaches russia peak starving ten years after the war?
i am not convinced that the war was the main reason of the starving
Because they botched it, the party became corrupt, totalitarianism was adopted, and everything started collapsing after the first 20 years.
Yeah but I never offered that as the answer. I said incompetence and lying.
USSR was an atempt to implement utopian ideology in country where even theoretically it wouldn't work — Marx predicted communism being possible in industrialised, rich countries like Germany, not agrarian Russian shithole.
Uneducated, paranoid psychopath Stalin was the man who gave shape to all future bloody 'communist' regimes. His USSR was a caricature of what was initially intended: ineffective state monopoly, violent collectivisatuon, reactionary social politics etc. All further 'communisms' repeated Stalin's formula and that is why this word has became something worse than a curse.
because communism sux,
it doesnt, it makes them fat
Shitty central planning.
They didn't calculated the costs of moving agricultural production, to compensate for another hole they had, the USSR was to big for it's own sake, just like the US satellite states are always underfunded or in problems.
cuz the jews had to smash down non conforming whites with fear n violence