Shall we lift the leaf ban when they get rid of Trudeau?
Shall we lift the leaf ban when they get rid of Trudeau?
>SJW country
>getting rid of Trudeau
Hehehe divide and conquer the Goyim, they fall for it every time. Remember Leafs are your worst enemy!
It all seemed hopeless four years ago for America when Obama was reelected. Then we entered and ear of peak SJW mania from roughly 2013-2016. Trump killed all of that.
*entered an era of peak SJW mania
We'll lift your ban when you kick out half of your country.
But Obama didn't want to ban Muslim hate speech and install transgender bathrooms
Vote for Mad Max
Stop shilling this fag, they're all the same
>don't punish traitors who cuck for us goyim oy vey that might discourage treason
Not really, Mad Max is the only one non-cucked and smart enough to deal with Trump. Trudeau is out of his depth.
gay faggot,
Mad dog mad Max is the future dawg
fuck england and that other gay shit, and fuck you heritagefag
(joo shill detected)
There would have been no America but for Britain. The Founding Fathers were all English and Scottish.
There's no way he's getting another term with the shit he's causing. I rarely hear of support for him anymore.
The Founding Fathers were American.
My ancestors had lived on this continent for 150 years before the Declaration of Independence.
But I think you're right. At the end of the day, to borrow from Clem Tholet, we're all Rhodesians. America is dying like South Africa, and like Rhodesia died before us. Americans of America, until the tide was turned.
Soon we'll just be Anglos of the world. Hopefully eternal Anglos.
back to t_d
>US thinks it's part of the anglosphere
no..we all know who your best (((ally))) is
We had hope in America. On or shortly before the seventh of April, Mossad terrorists, at the behest of the Israeli government, took hostage Barron Trump, his mother, Melania Trump, and Ivanka Kushner and her three mischling children.
Since then, our Glorious Leader has been defanged by the Happy Merchant.
However, people do have hope moving forward. President Trump may find a way to extricate his family from the very serious threats and extortions the Mossad and the American deep state (really the same thing) have upon his families' lives.
I think 2015 was the last current year, personally. Justinian's efforts weren't useless, even if the Empire wasn't quite was it was under Aurelius.
go on
April is the cruellest month. Trump flipped 180 on a bunch of positions right before the Syrian attack.
Look at his face during video of the press conference. It's a defeated man. And his closest allies, like Bannon, who know. This "President Kushner" bullshit is likely an attempt to pin the blame on Kushner and direct attention away from the real Jewish perps.
Jews are in a civil war right now. Jews have limits to their treachery. Kushner's loyalty may not be to Trump or America, but I fucking guarantee he is 100% loyal to Ivanka and the kids. And I'm sure that's part of why Ivanka got the unpaid position at the White House - increased security. But the Secret Service and the NSA and DHS are compromised. They are not safe anywhere.
Kushner is a Jew who realizes that he is literally married to Western civilization. It's been a Jewish strategy to identify with outgroups for their own good, but the outgroups are now far, far more hostile to Jews than whites are. Jews who have realized this and overcome their instinctual fear of Westerners are fighting an intellectual and monetary civil war against Jews who are still scared of The Holocaust II: Spencer's Lisp, or worse, The Holocaust III: Zyklon C.
Beyond that, regarding it being the last current year, I hear "it's 2017" as an argument basically never anymore. People realize their arguments need to be backed up with logic and facts.
My state is bigger than your country... and whiter. Filthy tea sipper
>all this infighting
I've lost some confidence in leafs, but they are still part of the anglo masterrace.
I vote we lift the leaf ban if they remove dudeweedman.
We leafs help power the meme magic. To help... Hope we can count on you Yanks and rebels ... We are gonna need it
Hey dad... I know France is Canada's mom... And I know Ireland is Australia's mom...
Who's my mom?