So yeah...we're not going to talk about this? Also antifa are now driving military trucks down there.
New Orleans Happening
all funded by kikes
That was just a couple of German bros who wrote that. They weren't saying die whites white, they were saying
>The Whites, The
I saw the US was selling military humvee's for sale to the general public for around $10,000
Not a humvee
I see 'ck people are ungovernable'
Is the word the guy is covering 'black'?
I mean.. by their own standards that's pretty fucking racist isn't it?
Kek thats just an old farmtruck. Probably got it from so e mexicans "buy here, pay here" used car lot.
Watch the videos from this jewbook page.
Wtf even are antifa? Are they anarchists or communists or just anti-fascists (whatever that means)?
Well Bye!
Good luck with the levies!
Katrina 2.0 when?
All three plus unironic anarcho-communists, in the US they seem to be progressive college kids under illusions.
They don't understand ideology, they are virtue signalling libtards
What a rip-off
Ah yes, the elusive "true" communism
That is a very old, very dated 5 ton. Those haven't been operational since like the Clinton era.
College flunk outs larping as revolutionaries have no idea how to maintain or repair it. They probably don't even know how to change the tires.
It'll break down and they'll be shit outta luck with a useless antique truck.
good times. fun to see that the United America I knew as a kid is dead.
Will /leftypol/ really be our allies on TDOTR?
No way, they're first in line
fuck trump and fuck white people
We hate neoliberals, globalists, SJWs and cucks.
Only difference is we view capitalism's effects on human behaviour (for example shallow consumerist culture) for the decline of western culture rather than communist subversion
M-my parents want to plan a trip down to New Orleans because we used to live in Lafayette when I was a little babby and they want to go revisit the old cultural places and shit. They know it's always been a nigger infested poor shithole but they want to just go back and see the old places they visited back then. I told them that even though they know where to go, the place has gotten way worse over the past 20 so.e years since they've been there. Am I right? Is basically the whole city a no go zone nowadays? Or is that just what gets posted here? I know this place has a tendency to exaggerate a little bit...
I don't want to get killed by a negro, guys. They want me to come along.
I also hope they enjoy the fuel bill for that ancient 10MPG guzzler.
>black people are ungovernable
At least we have some common ground.
What about other kinds of (((subversion)))?
>anarchist communist
>wants no government and for government to have total control
Tell em to fuck of with their death wishes.
(but, srsly, I'm talking out my ass now. I've never been to NorLeans. I just assume any majority black area is a no go zone. I has work out well for me thus far.)
Feels like white genocide is coming
New Orleans is sinking man, and I don't wanna' swim
My understanding of "real" gommunism is total abolition of the state, and everybody just works and shares everything. This works under the assumption that people are selfless robots that never commit crime. It might work (badly) for a brief time but it would cycle into kingdoms and feudal societies pretty quickly
>Also antifa are now driving military trucks down there.
>military trucks
Fucking what cunt ?
How the fuck did they get those ?
You can get them around Bragg for like 4k with 2k miles on them. Good luck servicing them though.
I knew a guy around there who was thinking they might make neat-o farm vehicles.
Then he test drove one and tried to get it up to speed and thought about the fuel consumption.
I live outside the city and there are places you should go and places that you shouldn't. Mostly it's neighborhoods, which aren't commercial in anyway, so you'd have no reason to go there other than drugs.
You have plenty of white hipsters to absorb a bullet for you. You'll be fine.
Damn I just graduated last year. I love NOLA but I'm glad I'm not here for this shitstorm. Even last year, people were getting robbed right on campus at gunpoint. Like literally next to their class buildings. Most of this happened at Tulane (I went to Loyola), but that's still pretty spooky.