which specific political ideology / movement resembles this the most?
>capitalist free market
>anti globalist
>anti immigration
>anti socialist / communist
pic not
which specific political ideology / movement resembles this the most?
>capitalist free market
>anti globalist
>anti immigration
>anti socialist / communist
pic not
Other urls found in this thread:
>capitalist free market
>anti globalist
pick one you drooling retard
kill yourself you fucking retard
american paleoconservatism, look into the john birch society
>not being a National Libertarian
Rake yourself, fag.
they are not mutually exclusive concepts you fucking leaf
you can't be claim to be an advocate for free markets if you support trade tarrifs and protectionism
kill yourself you retarded swedecuck
retarded ideology for fedora'd internet special snowflakes that doesn't exist in real life
yes they are you fucking idiot.
Protectionism is a mutually exclusive concept from free markets lmao, read a fucking book you moron
You are very retarded if you think free markets can exist with prohibitive anti-globalist tariffs, read a fucking book about international supply chains you fucking NEET loser faggot holy shit