FBI translator Daniela (((Greene))) married ISIS terrorist she was supposed to investigate.
FBI translator Daniela (((Greene))) married ISIS terrorist she was supposed to investigate.
how embarassing for the fbi. Wonder what kind of top secret clearance information she gave straight to ISIS. She only got two years in jail when she probably should have gotten a noose.
Pretty funny. What a fucking moron.
Typical chick - always wanting to fuck the criminal alpha.
This is why muslims keep their women heavily under their thumb.
Bumping, why do women do stupid shit like this? Can anyone explain?
Why doesn't anyone of influence state the obvious? Women should not ever have even a crumb of power.
does that count as a treason yet
same in taiwan
I'm pretty sure it does but since she's ((FBI)), they'll count it as multicultural thing.
Public executions when?
Delete this
Does anyone know how we can stamp out the cancer that is Islam and Isis, along with lefties and communism?
No probably about it
women shouldn't have security clearance. It's like the Ali G skit: youtu.be
She got only two years in jail?!? Our country is fucked.
It's not a special case, user. Women gonna women. So who fucktards here still believe equal rights were a right thing?
Well how many more cases are there?
The eternal woman at work, as usual.
Alpha cock women always go for alpha cock
Stop blowing her cover for a stupid bait thread.
Let's just say, every month, alphabet agencies clean up stronk womyn in their organizations
Either a CIA agent or a very desperate housewife.
This story kind of reads like bullshit tbqh.
Doesn't anyone get executed for treason anymore? When exactly did we become such pussies?
I don't think it's a cover if she's fucking married to the guy.
jesus fuck
i should go back and watch it. bet a lot of the "parody" has come true since
that time. what a world.
>letting women doing anything serious
I say around 2001, right around the time 9/11 happened. Fucking politicians.
Good thing she was only a linguist.
It's the Special Agents and Intelligence Analysts that are the important people. But there's also no psychotic breakdowns in a background check if you have yet to have one.
She have a husband now, when he dies, and he will, she will have hundreds of different husbands, everyday, poor vagina ass butthole
Maybe she was just dedicated to her job/character?
>Raised in Germany
makes sense
women's rights is a dumb illusion that blinds the population.
Not too likely. Would you marry an terriost just to catch him? That's going too far into it.
>how embarassing for the fbi
This is what kills me about the story.
What type of work environment is the FBI/Intelligence operating in that someone this involved in the system is going to make this type of decision.
To me it is clear that our intelligence community absolutely must review all personnel, protocols, and culture that created a scenario that made someone who is aware of the nature of ISIS comfortable to make this decision.
Maybe it is time to remove some of these weak links before something really happens due to some whore wanting to have a getaway with some murderers.
Also, please tell me this whore has someone who will follow her for the rest of her life to remind her what a piece of trash she it.
Bumpkins. This is why our nation agencies is a fucking joke.
ITT:Why women's right to employment should not exist
Cucked her American soldier husband.
And it was admirable when they helped us in ww2 but now, it's just bullshit muh feels now.
Traitors die, end of.
Savage men are like crack to women.
I honestly wonder if women have any loyalty beyond themselves and maybe their children if they are responsible.
This is why you dont let "free" women be in charge of security
Do they even have morals?
kekd by ISIS, that's rough
Women turned from hard workers to working only for "MUH Women Gurl power, womyn can do it too!!!1"
>blond woman falling for a german rap terrorist nigger
She was sent to jail she doesnt have cover.
They serve whoever makes them feel best
White cuckolds cant make women feel loved the way real alpha men do
Linguists are not that important in terms of handling high level intelligence. They apply at the administrative level. Don't ask me how I know this.
This has to be some CIA psyops to demoralize the FBI right?
maybe she was forced against her own will? why has no one considered this?
Her husband was one hell of a stupid white cuckold
When did all this all go wrong? When did women start acting shitty?
They seem to be flexible as fuck and only involve something they can exploit.
But are there womyn at higher levels?
Weak mental health, hoes become just as fanatical towards their pimps.
The west truly underestimates how hard the feminization of men is fucking us over.
Sherri Few is based!
Take the redpill
And people wonder why we don't take the "intelligence community" seriously.
There is a percentage of women who are pathologically attracted to criminals (even serial killers).
There is not much we can do about it.
Save the jews you get this shit.
"We are Romeo Jihad! We got one more song!"
(Romeo Jihad is merely an opener)
Sure they can, you just have to bloody their face.
>letting women have responsibility
Yeah exactly. That's why you don't see many women staying with one guy in today's society, they exploit guys for money, food. In yesteryear society, women would've been outcasted and condemned for life. But now, it's like it's okay :^), it's just that a women needs to "explore". Explore what? Cheating on people?
As soon as they were given the freedom to.
>an autistic Mongolian basket weaving board can probably do better than our intelligence community
My point is that the FBI has people working on intelligence related to ISIS who are physiologically compromised to the point of willing and going through with marrying an ISIS member.
This is not like she post a pro-ISIS comment on her social media. She married a fucking ISIS member!!!
Hybristophilia. Look it up, shits fucked and explains way too much.
This is the German rapper Deso Dogg:
Women can not be trusted.
Sluts gonna sloot
More news at 9
Cunts belong in the kitchen, this isn't a chauvinistic slur but sociological and biological fact virtually all cultures across every period if history knew
Everythin else leads to all kinds of fuckery
This guy...
Fucking rap. I wish it never existed, it's what was also a part of problems in our society.
Criminals can be very manipulative, especially if they participate in propaganda. Special Agents and Intelligence Analysts go through intense training preparing them for this sort of subversion.
But how many of them exist on higher clearence?
>They serve whoever makes them feel best
>They serve whoever makes them feel best at any given moment.
A lot of females just can't help themselves. Feelings make decisions for them as if feelings were an impersonal outside force and beyond their own control.
Why do you think we have such a long history of "patriarchy"?
They need to go fucking back to the kitchen, but how do we do that in the western world without people screaming about it? I mean the slightest thing sets feminism off, imagine if we went 360 and said all women are not allowed to have rights anymore.
you would know
giving women a position that requires protecting americans
>women then sleep with the enemy
>Hybristophilia is a paraphilia in which sexual arousal, facilitation, and attainment of orgasm are responsive to and contingent upon being with a partner known to have committed an outrage, cheating, lying, known infidelities or crime, such as rape, murder, or armed robbery
>"Some believe they can change a man as cruel and powerful as a serial killer.
>"Others 'see' the little boy that the killer once was and seek to nurture him."
>Breivik 'gets love letters from 16-year-old girls'
It's over famalam
We can't go back and that's why we're doomed
Our Civilization is at it's downfall and theres nothing we can do about it, like dozens before us.
History unfolds in cycles
Women are fucked in the head, plain and simple.
Well hold on, think back to cavemen days. It's probably been biologically programmed to go with the strongest, not the smartest. It's would explain why here in the USA women treat men like shit, meanwhile in china and Japan, they uphold their husband with the highest respect.
it's no surprise, joining the fbi is pathetically easy. i'm a CPA working in forensic accounting and have about 6 more months before the process is over. any shitty accountant can get a job with the fbi as long as they can pass the polygraph
and then there's the people who join after fighting in a desert for israel
I gotcha.
I am just saying that I hope the liberal politically correct trash we see in politics has not completely infected the IC.
I want the IC to be cold heart machines who are top of their game and not fucking weak minded whores chasing some ISIS dick.
>we're doomed
If the forest is going to burn down, let's try and plant the seeds for the next one.
Women only want equality if it benefits them only.
They want all the cushy jobs and give men the shit ones
They want equality but freaked out about drafts
They want equality but the moment the man gets half of everything like seeing the kids they freak
They should hire me
I'd take them both out
Stop fucking with diversity quotas and hiring some real fucking Americans that are disciplined and ready to kill
Dude, I believe there's still time. Maybe the next hitler will rise up again and this time, is not a total retard and gases all muslims and Jews as well sluts.
how I like my isis
>She only got two years in jail
Treason. Aiding and bedding the enemy.