Press F to pay respects to our fallen brother



>fallen brother
stop larping, nobody gives a shit about a chad

Brown got BLACKED

r9k has been leaking a lot lately

He's white so who cares?

Fucking race mixer.

word, fuck lanklets and fuck chad


The newspaper in Ausitn were demanding violence against frat boys so they will likely go to jail for accessory to murder.

The city newspaper? Or was it a university newspaper?

I swear to god if I don't see outrage on this.

A white guy gets killed in cold blood and this is the response?? A dindu is killed and we have to remember this shit forever?

FUCK The racist that killed this guy, and FUCK THE MEDIA AND FUCK YOU

That's because the ones you remember are usually killed by scared cops that felt threatened over any little thing

Pretty upsetting that Drudge doesn't even have anything about this linked.

Back to r9k, faggot.



Sorry your mommy didn't love you and your dick is still dry, now back to /r9k/


Am I the only one who sees the irony in a black man, last name white killing, a white guy last name brown?

F rest in pepperoni


tell me Sup Forums

did he relax?

because I can't for the life of me present respects for a person who does not respect himself.