Defend this Sup Forums I fucking dare you.
Defend this Sup Forums I fucking dare you
Do the crime, do the time
not gonna defend democrats ruining a fucking city, desu.
saged because shit write up from op.
Defend the EPA? hell no. Trump is shrinking the department.
>Someone knowingly did something illegal and is paying the price for his crime.
I don't see the problem here.
>muh children
Actually, there were a few in the MDEQ that were brought up on charges.
The little shit knew it was illegal he deserves life in jail
USA are unaware slaves getting gradually culled
throwing even more niggers in jail. what's the tweet going to look like when that happens?
>they are poisoning everybody's water
u good bro??
Why do we have to defend it? That shit's been going on since Obama was in office.
No one is fucking innocent of shit.
He's right
>Says the Aussie
Somewhere a kid is in jail over a dime bag of weed. But no one is behind bars for deleting classified emails under federal investigation.
If a kid is in prison for a dime bag if weed, he had other arrests and convictions. Nobody goes to prison for smoking a blunt.
Wait, only children live in flint? How does that city even function?
I remember Tim Poole saying he did a story on the water up there. He tested the water with some scientists and they found nothing strange about it. Never published the story however.
It's a super mutant farm, don't think about it too much or the plot starts to stop making sense.
On dime bags of weed apparently.
He is aware that Flint is run by democrats?
Fuckin' mungoes.
The kid with a dime bag and the Flint officials should be pubished.
What do I win?
I'm not going to touch it because weed should be legal at this point and the Flint thing is such a clusterfuck
People are usually entitled to a trial before they get sent to jail desu.
There is no Flint water crisis that isn't a national issue of having lead pipes. There are many cities that are in fact worse off in this regard but they get none of the media attention.
>somewhere a kid is in jail over a dime bag of weed
[citation required]
The entire government of Flint is black.
if you still had a faceberg half your friends from high school spent time in jail for it.
I just really don't care about black people desu
This. Also
>Living in Flint, Michigan
It's like people don't understand how to elect good government or something.
No one is in prison just for weed. I think PolitiFact did a piece on this. They figured about 2 people in the entire country are actually in prison only for weed.
an entire city of children?
That is mental. Who runs the services and pays the taxes? Do they at least have adults teaching in the schools? What happened to all the parents? That is some Lord of the Flies shit right there.
One backs Narco-state terrorists.
The other caused bad water, which the government is trying to remedy.
You dont go to jail for weed on a first time offense.
You get options a fine, classes, or juvile hall. And propabation.
2nd offense its 6 months.
3rd offense and its any whete from 6 montha to state maximum.
>starts to stop
Thanks Obama :^)
Autism incarnate
There are 4 people facing 20 felony charges who are awaiting trial. What is this thread actually even about ?
>Not buying INFOWARS water filters
filthy casuals
an entire city of children? thats amazing
Plenty of people doing years in prison for weed
Many states have mandatory minimums for weed
1 pound can get you 10 years
>a kid
Most of those "kids" are "foot soldiers" of some deranged adult group using them to make money for them because they know children get their arrest records sealed at the age of 18 and punishments for minors are less severe.
Nope not the case in a lot of states
This. Same thing happened in Atlanta in the 70s/80s.
Isn't that the EPA's fault for commissioning a group that created the mess?
Nope. See
A little mercury poisoning never hurt anyone.
Agreed, but curb your dead nigger enthusiasm.
>Schuette brought 20-year felonies — conspiracy and false pretense charges — against four defendants he alleged conspired to operate the Flint Water Treatment Plant when it wasn't safe to do so. He said the defendants used a phony environmental order to allow Flint to borrow money to proceed with the new $285-million Karegnondi Water Authority pipeline, while tying Flint to the Flint River for its drinking water in the interim.
why are they still complaining about this?
just fucking move if you don't want to drink lead water
when will they realize that the city govt. is just a bunch of niggers?
Like where?
And if you have a state appointed attorney.
No wonder these kids are going to jail.
Completely fucking agree man. Anybody who is still for prohibition of weed is a fucking retard who is to deep into this echo chamber.
the live on corn
Maybe if they actually put the blame on the city officials.
government ausists fuck up
and it the fault of free market
booga booga go back
Children of the kike
the EPA should be defending this since clean water is their responsibility.
check these digits
Because le niggers!!!1! XDDDD!!!1!! It le doesn't le matter if it's le niggers le because le niggers le aren't le real humans!!!1!!! XDDD!!!1!!
Anyone give a shit? Flint's just full of niggers anyway.
Then why haven't there been any arrests for literally poisoning the water supply?
>My country is a 3rd world shithole
More news at 11.
Okay Kim.
I agree, lock up the Democrats who caused the crisis.
Kek it would be the nigger mayor anyway. I'd be ok with that but I'm sure he dindu nuffin
>black city council takes money for new pipes and uses it to build basketball stadium
>it's racism
If there's so many people using weed, why don't people just organize a mass protest demanding weed be legalized?
I mean 1/3 of Americans have smoked it at some point. Are they really that lazy/apathetic about the issue?
There's countless celebrities who are glorified for smoking it. There's even an entire subculture dedicated to weed. Why the fuck aren't they going out and asking Congress to just change the law already?
Get rid of the EPA
Problem solved
but i we jailed the nigger democrats who poisoned children in flint, you would call us racist
>juvenile hall isn't jail
No I agree Obama's EPA knew of the problem and failed to notify proper local authorities, instead understated that problem while focusing their dept resources on "global warming".
why doesn't david love file a lawsuit or something, instead of whining like a little bitch boy over twitter?
>an entire city of children
Interesting choice of words.
yes, the black mayor deserves to rot for letting it happen
Somehow Michael Moore's gravy sweat tainted the water supply.
Or you could be a nigger and run from the police and try and fight and have a stolen gun stuffed down your pants and eight thousand traffic tickets you haven't paid
>Defend this Sup Forums I fucking dare you.
I won't. Government clearly doesn't have authority under US constitution to ban drugs.
Banning alcohol took a constitutional amendment then another to unban it.
None was ever passed for weed.
Poisoning people wittingly with lead is clear NAP violation.
Its what happens when you elect liberals. They steal everything and blame whitey.
What about the blacks who live in Flint, and its black government, do they have zero responsibility for this "crisis" that occured over fucking years?
The only issue with Flint is the same issue with all black majority areas, the suffering of whites who have to live under black rule
>defend this
Yeah sure, no problem. Flint is a raging shit hole, no tax payers want to live there. Flint can't pay its bills. The rest of Michigan has to pay for them. A welfare city. Used Detroits water treatment plants, got BTFO'd. Started to use its own. Dumped some draino in the pipes to clean em out. Proved a little corrosive. Got some higher than allowable lead in drinking water. Fact is, there are as many lead pipes in my Michigan city, if not more, than there are in Flint. Lesson here is; Don't become the murder capital of America and expect white people to hang around, waiting to get shot in the head. There, problem solved.
Off topic, but I'll play. Michigan is legal medical marijuana, and there are cities here, including mine, that have decriminalized small amounts of weed. It's actually a big weed growing state. You get a medical card, and you can legally smoke all you want. Negro was just using the good old straw man.
Steal a coin and you are a thief.
Steal the whole treasury and you are a conqueror.
Fact is that republitards are, actually, retarded.
Why would I defend democrats?
No one poisoned it. Niggers in Detroit were just too greedy to give niggers in Flint clean water.
>steal a coin and you are a nigger
>steal a whole treasury and you are a jew
>implying they are
I live in Texas, a state with one of the strictest MJ laws in the union. The only two people I know who got busted for weed were carrying a brick of it (which suggests intent to sell), and selling it out of their driveway (which IS selling).
I've had friends get caught with joints, worst the police will do is stomp it out and tell you to gtfo.
It's a misdemeanor if they do decide to be a hardass, which means you're getting a hundred dollar fine or jail.
And, hey, County's a party. Prison and getting a felony is where it's really life-fucking.
So, yeah, unlikely some poor (probably African) kid is rotting in jail for a dimebag. Flint was a dem-run shithole that had shitbags at the front, and everyone failed to do their jobs. It's a shit situation all around, no one thinks it was right.
The amount of people actually trying to defend this is sad.
When did Sup Forums become full of neoliberal bootlicking boomers?
I would love to lock up the entire Democratic Party in flint.
That's what happens when governments facilitate monopolies.
it seems to me medical marijuana isn't enough for most people
pol is concerning themselves with flint
I agree the democrats on the Flint board should be thrown in prison
The entire Flint city council should have went to jail, but I guess there are enough niggers in prison. What DID they do with the money???