Wake me up
Goodnight sweet prince
What does the ID card do Swedish brother?
>The decision [to check IDs] has been seen as one of the reasons that today fewer asylum seekers to Sweden, since many do not have valid documents.
Read on, they're going to do them at the border instead of en route to the border
The Swedish goverment sounds more fucked than the U.S. government, what happened to the Viking spirit of dominating the world? I'm sorry Sweden.
For real
Where do we even go
Don't apologize. They did this to themselves.
If you read on the article states that border controls will be upgraded
So does this mean I can enter Sweden without showing the border guards my ID?
No it means that you don't have to show id on your way to the border. You still have to show documentation at the border.
No, they copied our shitty American nigger loving faggot loving Jew policies out of admiration for Americans you fucking backstabbing non-Anglo snake. Some of it is their fault but the West copied America and our nigger dick sucking ways. We should have killed all the niggers and jews after the Civil Rights movement but instead we spread our faggot ass cheeks far and wide all around the world.
So basically if you manage to get past the border you can stay forever?
oh fuck I thought the world was fighting back against globalism
Now you won't be able to put them back in due to accusations of racism
Time to blow up the bridge
ID controls are racist!
This one word has been most devastating to us, the savage races usurped everything from us with this one powerful word. It's a word which indicates non-Whites want to kill you, so that is why you get them before they can get you.
Faggots why don't you keep reading? I listened to the press conference just now, they are imposing a 100% border control, meaning wveryone that enters will be checked if they have the tight to enter the country or not, former ID check only checked if tou had a valid ID without looking if you had the tight to enter.
New border control is much tougher than previous ID checks.
The article clearly states that they just won't be checking ID on busses, trains and ferries anymore, they're not completely abolishing ID check, and it also states that instead they will be strengthening their border control.
OP is literally just baiting, ignore this thread.
It's like reverse Arstotzka!
Why not do the ID checks and stronger border control?
That's what I read. Am I failing to see why this is a bad thing?
when are swedes going to start killing their treasonous leaders? its way past the point.
Initiate containment protocol delta Denmark
Full quarantine of the infected area is required. Prepare cleanup crews to sweep up the ashes in a few decades after the infestation has burned itself out.
>No, they copied our shitty American nigger loving faggot loving Jew policies
How is that our fault if someone chose to copy us to be cool??
go suck on ahmed dick brih
"Regeringen har beslutat att ta bort id-kontrollerna på buss, tåg och färjor mellan Danmark och Sverige.
– Vi gör nu bedömningen att kontrollerna kan upphöra den fjärde maj, säger infrastrukturminister Anna Johansson (S).
Samtidigt kommer gränskontrollerna att förstärkas kraftigt."
>The government has decided to remove ID checks on bus, trains and boats between Sweden and Denmark
>We now make the judgement that the controls can stop at the fourth of may säger Anna Johanson (Social Democrats)
>At the same time, border controls will increase massively.
Read before you make threads, actually removing all border control would be political suicide at this point for the Social Democrats.
I've been telling Sup Forums this for years. Stop dancing around that fucking word. Don't ignore it, don't pull a Spencer and say "t-that word is meaningless", stand up and say "Yes, I am racist. What are you going to do about it?" If it is racist to prefer my own people over others, then that is what I am.
Can Swedes own guns? Like Assault rifles?
We actually have a lot of guns per capita, fun fact.
The ID checks were done by the danes anyway, you can't trust the Danes ever.
Same here, I am a proud racist, if you are proud of being racist and don't care the word has less power, because non-White snakes are always trying to make you look like the lying fiend by saying you are trying to hide your racism. You don't nedd to advetise it(especially in Europe and Canada where it's illegal for Whites to be racist) but if you are racist you shouldn't care.
Goodnight rune-coons, hopefully you disappear for good this time
I wish things were different, my friend.
You're not even Anglo shut the fuck up.
Good, you should form a coalition, or militia, if militias are legal in your country, fortunately militias are legal in America.
Hopefully you will check people leaving from Sweden to Norway too, so that your mess doesn't spread to us too
ON the one hand i hate you and your country cause you are fcking arrogant and contributed very little to humanity but still you are the true "ayans" but on the other hand I feel sorry for you
I hope these type of policies stop and free your country :(
Lol They were your Gods for you faggot.
We got plenty of jews of our own here. In fact, the grand witch herself, Barbara Spectre, lives in Stockholm where she runs her jewish lobby group.
>contributed very little to humanity
In total or per capita?
hmm aristotle and many other philosophers called blonde people barbarians
also there are some blue eyed blondes in greece too :)
>Thinking of fleeing like a "refugee".
Talk and no action, nobody is against it.
Can USA add Sweden to the travel ban list now?
Sweden can no longer vet their people.
You're gonna strengthen your border control instead.
Buddy, your government have woken up long ago, but things takes time
>Where do we even go
to war you fagget
Just like the US government absolutely started enforcing the border after Reagan, the filthy fucking kike, granted blanket amnesty? Oh... right.
If you don't see a picture it means the victim was of middle eastern origin, just a quick thumb-rule for you foreigners.
Swedish Government right now: "Fuck it, we might lose power soon. EU is collapsing. Let's make a final push for marxism and corruption of the gene pool. Let everybody in. Fuck ID controls".
The seriousness in this sentence is extremely underrated.
It explicitly reveals they want population replacement.
Good job m8s.
Læs artiklen, det er ikke hvad der er ved at ske
>fly to sweden for vacation
>shoe polish my face
>fake beard
> go to welfare office and get money spent on vacation back
>you can't trust the Danes ever
I once trusted a Dane, and the next morning I woke up with a penis in my anus.
Coincidence? I think not.
Just cut the crap and leave Schengen! I hope SD does this if they manage to form a government after the next election. And fuck the EU in general!
This. Sweden would be natsoc by now if it weren't for american jews.
hol up i think i need more monthly beer money
What the hell, what's the justification for this ? Seriously, what the fuck ?
Reawaken the viking spirit or go take refuge in Finland or Denmark.
this is true
you want to be free sven? then you have to wage war, war against the goverment, it isnt at your side, you simply came to believe all swedes are one, when this is not the case at all. your enemy owns the goverment and wont give it up, ever, you can take that to the bank
they don't have any guns tho
Sherri Few is based
I don't think you should put that kind of task on Swedes if you want it properly done, just as how we shouldn't trust the danes to do the same for us.
You don't really need id-checks though, it's easy to tell the difference between native swedes and new """swedes""" with a glance
>your government have woken up long ago, but things takes time
bullshit. they fucking wish they could go back to the old migration policy, they loved it. Don't trust these carreer politicians for a second they want limitless immigration and would do it if they could get away with it
in sweden there are no recognized racial differences :^)
Yep, your border checks are working out great.
That's just a Side effect of being a kraut
Sorry Sven, here this may wake you up
>contributed very little to humanity
What a perfect time to have this freedom. When your country is overrun with niggers.
No we have border control and removal of individuals but it isn't a prioritized matter, the laws are there, they are just not enforced.
So finally Sweden will be fully invaded. R.I.P Sweden.
Well many of your fellow people act like they have discovered civilization and they are very arrogant. I mean other civilizations like Greek Italian or Anglos don't boast so much and they have contributed more than you :)
12 years old?
I'm pretty sure Sweden is just one big social experiment being run by nwo elites. They will eventually roll this shit out on all western countries.
It proves that niggers from Africa are in fact niggers from Africa, and that they are not Swedish citizens and that they are adults while claiming they are 16 years old.
Also this is fake, they are actually reinforcing border controls.
>Where do we even go
Exactly where they want you to go... Hell.
Sherri Few is Based
RIP in surstromming, Sven. Maybe in the next life you'll be reborn as mud and you'll be doing the raping.
SWEDES. The time has come. Take your place amongst your ancestors. Stand up and be counted. You have nothing more to lose.
kill yourself my dude, all i see in my affluent area is niggers niggers and more niggers, up from no niggers at all
you will swing with the traitors on rope day
I would tell you to come here, but we are also shit
one true answer