How did (((they))) manage to sway atheists towards the left...

How did (((they))) manage to sway atheists towards the left? For someone who pretends to be enlightened compared to Christians such as myself, atheist sure are a very libtard bunch in my country, oblivious to the dangers of degeneracy.

To provide some context:
>in our Constitution, marriage is not properly defined
>rather than it being the union between a man and a woman, it is called "the consensual union between husbands"
>a certain traditionalist organization starts organizing protests demanding the constitution to explicitly specify that marriage is the union between a MAN and a WOMAN
>protest gets media attention and starts getting negative exposure from libtard news sites
>atheist snowflakes on kikebook start commenting on the organization's page about how Christians are primitives and bring the good old "everyone should be free to do what they like" argument
>reject any traditionalist view on the matter

Since when did the atheist movement become so leftist? Don't they claim to be so much more intelligent than "primitive close-minded Christians"? Also, do I unfriend the snowflakes?

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It has nothing to do with intelligence. Your only argument against gay marriage is either religion or tradition. Since you can't convince them with religion, you need a pretty good argument for tradition without mentioning the kike on a stick.

>sway atheists toward the left
They were already tilted that way html

An experiment using magnetic fields, and their effects on the brain. One thing they found was that they could turn off someone's religiousity, which made them more pliable to atheism and multiculturalist thought.
When comparing actual atheists, they found that these parts of the brain were already inactive.
Atheism and xenophilia are a sign of brain damage and a malformed mind.

Atheists are self important morons like so many other liberal progressive types. As long as they have other assholes who agree with them they feel validated and intelligent. It's easy to be edgy and stupid.

why did is your constitution like that in the first place? country of gypsy faggots, you're too far gone. firebomb yourselves

How's worshipping that false prophet going?

Because conservatives tend to label atheists as commies. And supporting gay rights isn't necessarily leftist thing.

>As long as they have other assholes who agree with them they feel validated and intelligent

Sounds a lot like religion and politics in general.

It's because the left is a godless group of degenerate sub human filth who think the world operates on their fluffy preconceptions of life.

I feel pretty much the same way about that. I'd gladly bomb ourselves, but then again, with so many commie leaders I am not surprised of this specific example of lack of capability

((they)) are the anti-objectivists

they are determined to pull at the strings of absolutes until humanity is left with nothing but subjective nothingness

race means nothing

gender is a social construct

god is not real

all culture are equal

borders should not exist

art cannot hold objective beauty

there is nothing unhealthy about being fat

sexual restraint and monogamous commitment is meaningless

the nuclear family is unnecessary

Are you seeing a pattern here user? This is a holy war and they are determined to push humanity down to the class of animals in a world of subjective nothingness.

But its a mental disorder
Do we need to have ocd or schizophrenia rights

Are you really that delusional or just trolling? It is religionfags who in an age of knowledge and science try to make everyone live by rules written in ancient jewish tale

One day you will wake up and hear them pushing the agenda that mental illness is a social concept

Being gay IS a mental disorder
Trans aswell

I don't follow Abrahamic religion. Godless implies they hold nothing sacred in this context.

>rules written in ancient jewish tale
what's wrong with that?
we're just meat robots after all.
there is no right thing, there is no wrong thing, no purpose, no design, no grand scheme.
it's all relative, man. just do what makes you feel good

>sexual restraint and monogamous commitment is meaningless

I do agree. However, I just cannot comprehend how do they envision this dystopia they are creating. How do they plan to take control of the chaos they create?

Natural order must be restored

Exactly that's my point
It started with homosexual behavior
Then gender confusion
Next pedophilia
Afterwards schizophrenic people making us say the pink elephants are real

Alright, I'm not even going to argue if it's mental disorder or not. Let them be? They're not dangerous because they are gay. Marriage is very useful for legal and property purposes.

Your opinions are denied for having a European Union flag

A few decades ago the right were like the left are now. Endless moral outrage and demanding everything be banned or censored. Churches occupied the role humanities and socjus university teaches now hold in universities.

As power declined in religion the people involved just jumped onto the social justice movement and went back to their old ways.

>implying that most gays aren't just sexual predators and form no emotional connection
>implying they are interested in marriage as a legal ground and not as a way of self-validation

Why don't testaments work in that case? Let's not dellude ourselves here believing in serious gay relationship.

>what's wrong with that?
>we're just meat robots after all.
>there is no right thing, there is no wrong thing, no purpose, no design, no grand scheme.
>it's all relative, man. just do what makes you feel good
You just need nationalism or anything else to rally behind. People want to be part of a group with a goal.

>Endless moral outrage
at least we had a basis for it, a worldview that allowed for the existence of objective moral truths. imagined or not, it was at least internally consistent.

how atheists go from quotes like pic related to "racism is evil" is beyond me

>How do they plan to take control of the chaos they create?

They don't. They do this for fun. It's their sick little game. They destroy a people and move on.

For the simple reason that most atheists just like most religious folk, they didn't come to that conclusion by themselves. Why is that important? Because those who blindly adopted atheism are still intellectually as challenged as your run of the mill muslims. They're just as impressionable and just as... due to lack of better words, stupid.

The major difference between a moron atheist and a moron theist is that it's much more likely for the theist to be born into a dulled religion that has most of it's sharper edges (rape and murder for keks) removed over the centuries.
The problem with moron atheists is that they are very vulnerable to new and still volatile religions/cults such as BAMN or just radical [any ideology here]. Not mention retarded shit like satanism/the occult.

>Giving power to the government for them to rule over your private life.

OP, do you ask permission to your landlord if you can jack one off?

>how atheists go from quotes like pic related to "racism is evil" is beyond me
We don't, people who grew up in abusive religions where it was en effort to leave are far right. Younger leftist atheists who never were never involved in religion to begin with adopted social justice and liberalism as their religion.

that's a nice opinion, man.
i don't think this
>People want to be part of a group with a goal.
is true for everyone though.
but we're both equally right, it's all relative, nothing matters.

As a an atheist and a former orbiter of the beta sphere of influence, I can tell you that your observation is correct. It is easy to sway an atheist toward lefty shit. Personally, when I was young an impressionable I allowed the internet and current political climate with Obama and McCain to mold my interpretation of conservatism and Christianity together with racism, "xenophobia" and retrograde ideals. I grew up in rural, conservative southern Ohio, so I saw a lot of the shitty aspects of hillbilly living. After living in the city with the dindus and poos for 5 years and sharing a lease with a half-breed, I can say that reality gave me the red pill. I moved the fuck back.
>young atheists are dumbasses and it's easy for lefty media to construe all conservative christians as backwoods racist retards
>in truth, country Christians are most based Americans

>Christians will beat you up goyim! We will protect you!!!

Divide and conquer while distracting from the fact the enemy of your enemy isn't your ally (Muslims kill atheists).

In the UK it's the religious nutjobs who vote left.

Since communism.
You are Romanian haven't your parents told you what was before 1989?

>people who grew up in abusive religions where it was en effort to leave are far right.
i hear screeching histrionic liberals talk about how awful it was to be raised in a religious household all the time.
what happened to you? father expressed disappointment after learning his son was a homosexual? many such cases!

Because if you can be tricked into not believing in something you can't see (or can see, if you'll just take a fucking trip over to /x/ and learn how to conjure in like 15 minutes), you can probably be tricked into letting nonwhites invade your country and destroy your culture.
See: Sweden

>Atheist are brain damaged
Except finding religion important and having high iq are inversely correlated

its this
most atheist reject religious ''morals''
so go one step over to embrace homos trans etc
then they are over empathic to counter the argument that nogod=nomorals so they fight for the poor and minorities

i think thats it, many more rational atheist dont fall for these obvious traps in reasoning

>false prophet
The only objective measurement of a prophet is how successful he is. In terms of success muhammed pretty successful. Seeing how islam is outliving and overtaking christianity, we could say he is the most successful, therefore the true prophet.

>i hear screeching histrionic liberals talk about how awful it was to be raised in a religious household all the time.
>what happened to you? father expressed disappointment after learning his son was a homosexual? many such cases!
Forced labor, forced to attend church 3 times a week and spend my free time selling their books, not allowed to associate with people from other religions. That's just the minor stuff.

>outliving and overtaking
At no point in history has this happened so he is a false prophet until now

1: niggers
2: go take a look at a list of the people with the highest recorded IQ's in the world

>Forced labor
daddy made you mow the lawn?
rake leaves?

They co-opted the "movement". It was the original SJW takeover: Atheism -> Atheism+

That little + fucked the whole thing within five years. Not that it was worth preserving of course, like you need a club to not believe in organised religion. Yet the point still stands, everything the sjws are doing now they learned by infiltrating and subverting the fedoras.

It's happening as we speak my infidel friend.

Would you consider millions of forced conversions to Islam due to the fear of losing your own life at the hands of sub-human savages a success, roach?

>The only objective measurement of a prophet is how successful he is.
Prophets are supposed to speak gods will and predict the future through prophecy. An accurate english word would be warboss or warlord for what he did. An objective measurement of a prophet would be how much information he passed onto from god that could not have been conceived by humans of that period and if he could predict future events.

My argument against gay marriage is that gay culture is degenerate and hedonistic, in which if you let gays on their own, they'll literally kill themselves through drug abuse and STDs. They have no inhibition and are more open to pedophilia and other hedonistic pleasures.

For most it starts off in their crotch. All most all religions have rules that state don't let your crotch rule your life. They wanna fuck but the church says no. So they tell the church to fuck off.
Later to rationalize their choice they bring out the inconsistencies in religions because "I wanted fuck but she wanted to wait for marrage, there fore there is no god" reason sounds childish.
Most atheists I have met are miserable. I guess it makes sense if this life is all there is and only a few people can be happy in this life, you would be miserable too.

nigger countries are religious af
i think haiti is number 1 in church attendance in the world, and they eat dirtcrackers

>highest iq in the world
circumstancial evidence, talk in averages like you do when implying nigs are dumb

>highest iq in history dont believe dumb things
Newton believed in alchemy and the occult

>highest iq were christians
they were theist or at most believed in a creator not necessarily a god, which is perfectly reasonable

>daddy made you mow the lawn?
>rake leaves?
No the church made me spend my childhood walking around trying to sell books, then maintain and clean their properties. All unpaid of course. They kept telling us it was the end times and armaggedon would occur soon to manipulate and scare us.

Crhistian right tries to tell people what to do, they go left.

SJWs/progressives tries to tell people what to do, they go right.

never have happened my optimistic friend
maybe the second you get near US blows you into oblivion
certanlly in your lifetime it will not happen so keep calm

>there is no right thing
Just immediately kill yourself. Our purpose is to increase our chance of survival.

Degeneracy is the reason humans are doomed to fail.

>Between husbands
Wouldn't that technically mean ONLY gays can marry?

to fail at what?

Well, referring to a heterosexual married couple would be done as husbands in Romanian and other latin languages if I'm not mistaken. But yeah, it really ambiguous and should have been worded properly years ago.

Being open minded is for children who are still learning and fools who refuse to learn.

>nigger countries are religious af
that was my point, they do tend to be more religious, but they're not brain damaged, they're just niggers
so when they're lumped in with the rest of us, they're pulling the average down.

but either way, you can be low IQ and not brain damaged.
in fact, these niggers are accomplishing their "sole purpose of existence" according to the atheistic worldview (see pic here: )

whereas being an atheist is a detriment to fertility, it lowers ones darwinian fitness.
being of higher intelligence making you an atheist or vice versa wouldn't matter if it's a barrier in accomplishing your one task in life, it being a barrier to the most important biological imperative makes it a disorder.

>predict the future through prophecy
So a good prophet should be more successful than bad ones. That's what I said.
>millions of forced conversions
If that were true balkans would be muslim now.
>sub human
If you were defeated by sub humans, what would that make you?

Pakistani is just one example of the work of your savages. Please tell me how they weren't forcibly converted. Oh, wait, you are a roach who repeatedly failed to sieze the sweet EU land they desired. Sit down mongrel.

I'm a fencesitter about religion because it can't be proven either way and I want to boot out all nonwhites

Christians are pretty xenophilic too. as long as the shitskin follows the bible they're fine in most Christians eyes

>according to the atheist worldview
>we are machines made to pass dna
have you seen how humans reproduce we are not ''made'' to make copies
evolution perfected us for species continuation not copying abilities
we will in less than 100 years not even need sex to reproduce

if our species survives longer is for nonreproducing high iq and not for 10child having monkeys, there is darwinism for you

All of the things you listed are why things go to shit except
>God isn't real
Actually nobody knows either goddamn way

God installs morality. Because the law is from God, it is timeless and since God is infallible so is the law.

Remove God and instead law comes from men. Men are not timeless so the law must change with the liberalization of time. Men are fallible, so the law must be fallible as well therefore it is alright to disobey it.

Atheism is the softening of morality. Morality from God is eternal and unbendable. Morality if men softens as men soften. It is bendable to suit ones needs politically.

God has no politics. God is.

This is why after the French revolution the jew have been pushing atheism upon the European nations.

Because a nation without divine morality is easily subverted.

>also atheist worldview
implies only no god and nothing else
being atheist says nothing about your opinion on human condition or purpuse

>Actually nobody knows
how do you know?

>implies only no god and nothing else
but there are many things logically from that premise

for example, If God does not exist, then objective moral values and duties do not exist

I've never seen anyone who claims that God isn't real provide proof he isn't
I've never seen anyone who claims God is real provide proof he is

If someone knows the answer for sure they sure aren't telling anyone. This is why my opinion on gods existence is being open to both possibilities

>moral objectivism is necesary
you can, nontheless, ground your morality in something other than god and objectify it
like continuation of the species, or social order

>religious objectivism meme
this is tiresome your god given ''law'' is not consistent even between 2 ppl in the same church sitting across each other

Even if that's true forced conversions are an invention of christians. Muslims can't come near of christian's genocide of pagans.

The US based version of a Christian is right wing. European Christians are passive-egressive leftist cucks.

It's interesting. Atheists overwhelmingly voted for Hildabitch, upwards of 70%.

They're just overwhelmingly obese, pimpled fedoras at this point. I think as you become more right wing and red pilled, you begin to hold Christianity with greater reverence and respect, and are much more likely to identify with it.

>If someone knows the answer for sure they sure aren't telling anyone
maybe your epistemology is just garbage, and it keeps you from realizing it

>like continuation of the species, or social order
>this is tiresome your god given ''law'' is not consistent even between 2 ppl in the same church sitting across each other
what's meant by "objective" isn't its universality, it's about ontology, moral realism:

>Moral realism: (objective morality) the meta-ethical view that there exist such things as moral facts and moral values, and that these are objective and independent of our perception of them or our beliefs, feelings or other attitudes towards them. Therefore, moral judgments describe moral facts, which are as certain in their own way as mathematical facts.
these values would be true or false regardless of whether or not anyone knew or could articulate what they were, so showing that people differ in their interpretation of them doesn't negate it.

you could be number 1 by now
false prophet not killing infidels loses again

As a far right conservative Atheist, I've wondered that myself.

>Borderless society
If my end goal is to make the government more secular, why would I want to bring in more illegals (Christians) and Muslim refugees?

>There is no god
So our morals must be examined on the basis of merit and backed by ethics.

>Welfare and public education
These should be handed out with a "return on investment" mindset. Should a 38 year old single mom get aid when she will only have a few years to pay into social security? Regarding education, fields that pay well should get more government financing for Americans.

Your fucking flag screams that you are a leftard.
Faggots are not to be given blessings ,it's not normative and it crumbles the Foundation of Civilization.
Let them be ,yes,let them be sinful behind their doors,but the moment they seep their propaganda on the streets,then it has to stop.

>secular morality

Because the main argument that the Right has for "traditional values" is that the Jew on a stick says so.

>moral facts come from belief in god
i am little swayed but still dont buy it wholesale
how come many religious ppl justify the death penalty?
cant you define what ''society order'' means and create moral facts from it, the definition if accepted as part of the ''social contract'' would be applicable to anyone living in that society and thus that society's moral would be objective

this is regardless my stand on weather or not objective morality is necessary or even useful

By his logic, killing fetuses is no worse than killing babies... THEREFORE MURDER. How can he possibly fuck up this badly?

>My argument against gay marriage is that gay culture is degenerate and hedonistic
Gay marriage has nothing to do with "gay culture", as you define it. There is no evidence that gay marriage being banned prevented drug abuse, STDs, pedophilia, etc.

>if you let gays on their own, they'll literally kill themselves through drug abuse and STDs
So? Why interfere with natural selection?

this, /thread

My argument against gay marriage is that gays don't contribute enough to raising the next generation of Americans, therefore, shouldn't benefit from filing jointly.


god this not-an-argument is so petulant and above all obnoxious.

firstly, it's meaningless to point to the one of dozens of moral authorities we claim to have on Earth. there is not one thing that dictates your moral authority is more valid than some poo in loo in india's moral authority except that both of you will say simultaneously "But mine actually is the true moral authority". it's fucking hot air until you can either establish enough dominance that everyone agrees, or that you can prove it. otherwise you're a canoe in an ocean of people with canoes each independently yelling about their moral authority.

secondly, humans exist in two different capacities. the first capacity is a straight survivalist. the second capacity is a person part of a social order. interestingly, morals stop impacting a person when they are trying to survive. if you are on the brink of death and come across another person, christian/islamic/jewish/taoist/whatever, you are going to kill that person and take his food or make him food (or at least try anyway). funny enough, a christian's morals actually create a parallel with generic social morals. why? because christianity took generic social morals that every society had been following and adding a backstory.

humans in a social order already knew what was beneficial and harmful to a society. they knew that most people probably wouldn't murder someone else, but that's why we needed a law and an enforcement. in the end, most people are built with some level of cooperation because it's an evolutionary trait that allowed us to build to what we are now. that rough guideline of behaviors is the precursor to what we call morality now, which is a set of guidelines that point to a behavior that is ultimately beneficial to living in a collective.

also we had been forming groups and jotting down the same laws since well before the 10 commandments or any dictate from God on what morality is.

Why don't you go and jump from a local McDonalds ,burger.
Jew on a stick said not to do so,so why don't you do the exact opposite and show us how rad and cool you are.
Praise lodin

Why do childless couples benefit from it, then?
And why not let them adopt children?
>inb4 gay parents are worse than heterosexual parents
Gay parents are better than no parents.

Married couples don't always benefit from filing jointly.

yeah if the no parents thing wasn't a thing i'd be against it. but as it stands gay parents will be better than orphanages and social services.

social services seriously ruin minds.

the gays jewed you for tax evation
in countries with no marital benefits gays dont care about marriage

by the original law logic only gay parents should be allowed to marry
and divorce should cost them all the benefits they got, also any fault on the child should cost them
this is only logical

> in which if you let gays on their own, they'll literally kill themselves through drug abuse and STDs. They have no inhibition and are more open to pedophilia and other hedonistic pleasures.
And... how do you back this claim up? You realize no liberal will believe you on the spot if you say that.

i'd back that claim up with Ancient Greece.

>firstly, it's meaningless to point to the one of dozens of moral authorities we claim to have on Earth. there is not one thing that dictates your moral authority is more valid than some poo in loo in india's moral authority except that both of you will say simultaneously "But mine actually is the true moral authority".
wouldn't it have meaning if one of them is actually the true moral authority?
i'm talking moral ontology, not moral epistemology
>if you are on the brink of death and come across another person, christian/islamic/jewish/taoist/whatever, you are going to kill that person and take his food or make him food (or at least try anyway)
not necessarily
>funny enough, a christian's morals actually create a parallel with generic social morals. why?
because they're right
>humans in a social order already knew what was beneficial and harmful to a society.
>also we had been forming groups and jotting down the same laws
maybe the barest of bare minimums, not even "don't kill eachother for no good reason" is universal

I'm an atheist, I'm not for gay marriage for completely different reasons. Yours seem quite bad. Specially since you would have a hell of a time proving all you have said to a reasonable degree. Individual cases of the failures that extreme libertine behaviour produces are not a good argument to restrict freedoms of individuals to be as degenerate as they want. Just as regular murders and gun accidents aren't just enough to justify to restrict freedom of individuals to collect and hoard gun-shaped matter be it dangerous or not.

I could tell you what made me think negatively about gay marriage. But frankly, I think you need to understand it on your own.

This will be harsh, but try to formulate your argument as if you weren't an hypocrite that wants something to be his way at all costs and it will come up naturally. There are things that you will have to give up in exchange, but I mean, If you want to convince atheists, there are not many other ways.

Most of them seem to be all full of themselves to the point they can't fathom being wrong about some political position. Which is particularly ironic, considering they should be rejecting dogma instead of creating new ones.

If they raise 2 kids, then let them file jointly. Married couples without kids shouldn't have this luxury.

It benefits couples where 1 income earner makes significantly less in most cases. 2 working people making tons of money shouldn't benefit from filing jointly.

Tying tax breaks to raising children would increase our shitty birthrates.

>moral facts come from belief in god
not what i'm saying
>how come many religious ppl justify the death penalty?

>cant you define what ''society order'' means
>create moral facts
>if accepted

>this is regardless my stand on weather or not objective morality is necessary or even useful
think about how useful the (unprovable) belief that the external world is real, and not just a mental construct is

i don't get the leap between
>secular morality
and literally posting insane people. leftist cultural marxist nonsense is a sign of insanity.

socially speaking the primary population of a society (which would almost always be the naturalized population unless you let in hundreds of millions of immigrants) should never be encouraged not to have children. we should replace our population and more if we want to grow, but at least replace it. having an ideology in which killing babies is "OK!" is detrimental to the future of our society. our babies, being the dominant culture, are the builders and maintainers of this successful society and need to continued for our society's health.

i can say this easily looking at this argument for 5 seconds that it's rubbish. almost every religion's moral code was built using a template of our socialization. liberals have gone so insane in their anti religious crusade that they are now defying the natural order.

>i don't get the leap between >secular morality and literally posting insane people
then you understood my post

Their "banning and censoring" was trying to reban the things that had already been banned for centuries, and had only recently been embraced. (Very few counter-examples, such as prohibition.) It just seems like everything to you, because your world revolves around porn.

that made more sense in my head, at work, can't concentrate on shitposting and work at the same time