Can someone explain how you can be both a nationalist and a globalist?
Can someone explain how you can be both a nationalist and a globalist?
Other urls found in this thread:
When you are a shill for the Globalist Machine you will say anything
You love your country and your planet, do you mean?
Nationalist for Israel
Globalist for US
you could be a global nationalist, like me
Hello shareblue, making the daily dollar today are we?
>nationalist globalist
aka neo-con
>everyone who is against trump is a shareblue shill
How much does Donald Trump pay you to make this post?
>Shill thread?
Shill thread
Do not forget to sage guys!
Haha these pictures always give me a laugh
, surely the average pol user isn't that inbred
You do some things that are pro-nationalist and you do somethings that are pro-globalist.
For example, destroying organizations North Korea, Syria, Iran, Russia that endanger the world but not necessarily America.
But also, building a wall to increase jobs and keep the illegals Mexicans out.
Trump is moving more towards the center probably for political reasons.
If you actually were from Britain, then you'd be earning your daily 'shilling' then
haha yeah don't forget to support the most jewish president of all time praise kek
Are you really this fucking stupid or just pretending?
hello the_drumpf, you will think youre welcome here ?
You can't be both a globalist and a nationalist. Nationalism is basically tribalism over a large area. Civic nationalism is fake and for fags, it has to be ethno-nationalism with blood and soil for it to have some chance of working.
Who the fuck says that
How's the patria?
When you run for president of a country then sell it out to china
Love the place you are born, the motherland that connects you since birth. At the same time, a player of global market and participate in the world economy and wishes it to grow steady and prosperous.
That is what being a Nationalist and globalist is.
Remember, there's always two side of the coin. There's the good and bad on every fraction.
Trumpcuck delusions are real
Sup Forums has been taken over by shills, I see.