Negative Income Tax

Is there a meaningful difference between it and Basic Income? Would you support a Negative Income Tax if not Basic Income?

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So assuming £17600 is an annual living wage, someone who made £10000 would be taxed on all their earnings at -76%?


I despise the thought of rewarding no effort.

people should want to get better. If you make being poor too comfortable, there isnt enough incentive to better yourself.

make being poor miserable.

Wow I'd drill the fuck out of that oil

>a Negative Income Tax
not sure if retarded or trolling, well done

I would agree with you in a world where pay is proportional to merit. We do not live in such a world. In fact, nepotism/networking is more likely to get you a desirable job than a good GPA in a hard major.

There are different methods or models, but that's one way to view it.
Not trolling, it's a serious idea and proposition. See above. Even an economist as respected as Milton Friedman wanted to pursue the idea.

This. Any form of social welfare is bad and brings out the worst in people.

Parasites need to die off.


Spoken like a true left. Kys.

Merit is rewarded. The thing is: Most people don't know what merit is and assume "hard work needs to be rewarded".

The free market does not care about how hard you work. It only cares about how much value you're creating.

>make being poor miserable.

not all pay is proportionate, but the majority is. Sure the one new guy got hired because his dad is a member at the same country club as the owner, but the rest of the new hires were hired based on merit.

And that guy who got the preferential hire? If he doesnt pull his weight, he will be let go. I have seen it several times. It is usually preceded by a phone call to his dad, but those preferential hires do get let go.

Fuck you and your retarded questions, do your homework yourself.

Who is this dark skinned white chick?
>Would you support a Negative Income Tax if not Basic Income?
Sounds like welfare to me.

Why is she wearing leather boots in the water? Aren't they going to get ruined?

>roided up nigger

Negative Income Tax is welfare by another name.

i do support a percentage based negative income tax to get rid of welfare, example:
0 ... 0
500 ... +500
5000 ... +3000
10000 ... +1500
50000 ... -2000

Depends on the leather(real or not) and whether or not they are for style or to actually be used...other that wrinkles I've never had water "ruin" leather shoes or boots

You guys are probably right. I'm just jaded since I haven't been able to find a job since I graduated in the physical sciences a year ago. I get $1500 a month in welfare that I'm investing into my medical school application process.

you might have to move for a job man. I did. I live in South Carolina, but I have no family here. I wanted to stay in Ohio, but no jobs man.


Just cut through the mess: fix a 3% taxation rate, 6% rate of interest on credit, 3% return on investments. No more fucking about. No need for a massive fucking civil service to administer shit. No need for corporations or individuals to fuck about easing tax burdens. Controlled usury. Everyone knows where they stand and what is expected of them in perpetuity.

Yeah, money and location are becoming less and less important to me. At this point, is medical school doesn't work out, I'm going to teach English in Thailand for a few years while I study coding.

I'd rather wage war on inflated prices so that even the poorest can sustain themselves and muh wealth distribution is never an issue

be careful in Thailand. I had a friend who went over there to teach and became involved with a girl, and then she brought in her "pimp" or whatever, and basically tried to extort my friend. He ended up having to bail out and come home before working his contract off.

I guess a girl lying about her age (telling you she is of age, while being younger) is a thing, and my friend didnt want to go to Thai prison.