Why are name-brand companies happy to be associated with this man who engages in sexual harassment against the president and hate speech against homosexuals on national TV? Is that the image they want associated with their brand?
Why are name-brand companies happy to be associated with this man who engages in sexual harassment against the president and hate speech against homosexuals on national TV? Is that the image they want associated with their brand?
Other urls found in this thread:
Here's the segment in question:
>sexual harassment against the president
Fuck off faggot
Why would family brands like Proctor & Gamble want their name associated with a man who says the president sucks Putin's dick on national TV?
I think at least the company should put out a statement saying that they fully support what Colbert, if they do. Otherwise, they should pull their ads.
>Sup Forums is SJW when it suits their interests
Yea. It's called fighting fire with Fire
I see Colberts internet shill army has arrived. How quickly you pounce when your dear Colbert is threatened. Our resolve is steel, and we will not be swayed by your demoralizing tactics.
Shouldn't you be out stalking Suey Park for Podesta?
Nah, it would just be fun to take away leftists' on-screen security blanket.
What he said is just the pretext for doing that.
have you really not read saul alinsky?
they've won for 40 years by making the right play by their own rules while they are content shitting over those rules
Turning the tactics of the enemy against itself is an effective strategy.
Vox is one of the most Jewish leftist sites out there.
They have turned on Colbert.
The comments are full of leftists telling Vox to leave Colbert alone.
This literally brought a tear of joy to my eye.
>n-n-not my daddy
your ilk already tried this shit
stop trying to silence free speech you utter faggots
At that time, the libbies said he was just being satirical.
I wonder what they will say this time.
>Accusing someone of a homosexual act as an insult is not implying that there's anything shameful about being a homosexual.
>Implying that sucking cocks is a submissive act does not imply that women who suck cocks are submissive.
Calm down, no one is trying to silence anyone. We are just here trying to figure out how Colbert, a white hetero male, gets to stomp all over the rules so many others have to live by on a daily basis, and he gets rewarded for it! It's OUTRAGEOUS!
>make the enemy live up to their own set of standards
we are learning
why fake shit like that?
freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences ;^)
>Don't use guns in war, goy.
Here's the number for Proctor and Gamble: 5139831100
I'm about to call.
He has a point, you know.
OK, I called and got right through to someone. The guy seemed very receptive. He had not heard about the issue. He said Proctor & Gamble did not know that such comments would be made on the show and he asked me if I thought P&G ads should be pulled from the show, and I said yes.
No, it's called hypocrisy.
We aren't getting a software engineer fired or having a student get a failing grade because of their political views. It's completely different. He is an entertainer that is being broadcast on national television and he is supposed to entertain us. We can do what we want to make that happen. Quit acting like we have to accept his position as the host of Late Night as gospel. We can have him replaced, it's perfectly legal and it's designed so that when people have grievances with someone like him they can work to have him removed.
You're trying to take a comedian off the air because he said something raunchy about someone you like. Quit acting like this is anything other than "He hurt my feelings" tactics 101.
Fucking punks.
The classic going in too hard and doubling down. Always ends well.
I'm guessing he's in the pedo clubhouse,and that's why he gets a pass.
but he did hurt my feelings and that's just not ok. why is that so hard for you to understand?
>Sup Forums is SJW when it suits their interests
I think the phrase you're looking for is
>turnabout is fair play
No, we need to start doing the Rules for Radicals ourselves if the left is going to treat them as their gospel; one of the rules is to hold your enemies to their standards. If Colbert is going to run around talking about Trump sucking cocks, we turn it back on them and ask "what's wrong with that?"
No one's feelings are hurt here. We're just doing what the left has done to us for years.
dont be a pussy. yes bashing gays is funny even Milo does it
>Sup Forums has become the jew and I don't like it
That's what you meant to say
You're doing God's work OP
When you defeat your enemies, they win.
hello mr colbert
Part of Alinsky shit was being able to create the rules, you can see Colbert shills doing that in this thread. They are trying to create some kind of false morality that says we can't tell alte nigth host to stfu, when we know they would do it themselves. Why the fuck can't we tell him to shut up?
shills crying , trying to keep us using their own tactics against them is fucking hysterical
oh, if that's the case it may be the end of Sup Forums.
you seem new here. /ptg/ is the containment thread for you, please stay there.
Trumptin is best ship
Actually, it's less of a gay bashing and more of a "trump is Putin's bitch" joke.
Kek. That's my OC.
Here is the CBS advertiser list that I pulled P&G from.
I went with P&G because it's got products that people can easily choose to boycott (unlike pharmaceuticals, for example).
Oh ok. I see.
Ben Carson should be hung from a tree.
Agreed 100%. See en.wikipedia.org
What a homophobic attitude Steven Colbert.
Wtf is that?
That may be true, but how many times have things that we clearly knew the context of been paraded around in the media in a completely different one? Think about how many times Trump said something and then only an out of context soundbite was on the news for weeks.
Again, turn their own tactics against them. Play up the "lol Trump is a faggot" angle instead of the Putin one.
It's a blowjob joke that uses a profane word. Even if he didn't say cock the context is there and I don't want to have to explain that to my christian grandparents when i watch it with them in the nursing home.
I was so triggered I spilt my orange juice and had to call the help to clean it up.
fuck you for ruining our evening and thinking it was ok Mr. Colbert.
Colbert tries to interfere with the sanctity of love between one man's penis and another mans mouth absolutely atrocious.
she is disgusting.
Pampers don't leak though. Huggies is shit.
>oy vey goyim don't use our tactics against us!! Stephen Colbert is one of our best agents!!
Children need to be exposed to the world eventually. Hiding them from everything just leaves them unprepared.
i cant understand how many layers of irony are at play here
No you dumbshit - we are using their own tactics and culture against them. Hopefully that way they can see their own hypocrisy, because they'll NEVER listen otherwise.
What kind of logic is this? It took forever for me to find the "homophobic" part of that comment.
>they've won for 40 years by making the right play by their own rules while they are content shitting over those rules
are people on this thread seriously using sjw tactics because they're offended by colbert? weak
fuck that then you're no better than they are. go be an sjw somewhere else
He played a closeted queer on television for a while.
whats seriously fucking annoying about this, was it wasn't fucking "gay hate speech"
the comment wasn't disparaging gays by any stretch of the imagination, the comment was to imply that putin has trump dominated. if you say somebody is kissing someone elses ass, its like that. nobody would flip out if colbert said something about trump having his tongue lined up to putins fudge factory
I'm using a leftist tactic because I want to destroy leftists and their media.
I'm not really offended. I'm just pretending I am to get my way.
That's what leftists do. They are never really "offended," or "scared," or any of the other internal states they claim to experience.
They just do that to get power. It works. So we will use it to.
This is war. There will be casualties. Don't tie our hands behind our backs. We're in this fight to win, not to be nice.
>rules for thee but not for me
Nah fuck off
Sup Forums is a board of peace and will not tolerate this homophobic speech. Colbert must go
>people actually upset when their own logic is used against them
We told you faggots about this shit before. There is no "fair" in war.
I'm not talking about children I am talking about my Christian Grandparents who are not in good health and just want something to watch in their last days. Instead they are exposed to some vulgar, foul mouthed tirade by a hate filled man who lives for no other reason than to insult our beloved commander in chief. My grandfather is a good man does not deserve this kind of treatment from cable television. You should be ashamed of yourself, who are you to insult and lecture and old man that has raised children and grandchildren on whether or not he can choose who he listens to and watches?
So he was saying that if you suck someone's cock, they have you dominated?
Do you think that the millions of women who suck cocks feel that they are dominated?
i dont think you understand whats actually going on here
Can I sue for this? My poor gay/adrogyne/bigender 8 year old son was finally feeling comfortable enough to come out of xis revolving door closet and read Colbert's tweet and now xhe got to put up with this shit ?
I'm scared xhe might think it's no longer cool to gobble a big nob and end up reverting back to the pre-op butch/dyke lesbian box that society has forced him into.
Is there a lawyer that handles these kinds of cases ?
Is there a lawyer
It's about getting rid of Colbert more so than taking specific offense to what he said. We need to bring down their late night TV shows at any costs. It also sows complete confusion amongst the leftists since they are now having to choose sides between "I hate Trump" and "I hate homophobia." Divide and conquer. Finally, it's about deterrence theory. If the right starts going after leftist celebrities they way the left goes after people on the right, then it's mutually assured destruction or both sides must stop.
It's an emaciated zombie thing.
>It also sows complete confusion amongst the leftists since they are now having to choose sides between "I hate Trump" and "I hate homophobia."
Are ameriturds really this stupid?
Serious question.
how quickly and easily you can ruin a decade of libtard pandering
one slip-up is all it takes
America is a country spread across 6 time zones with 340 million people of all many different races, education levels, and backgrounds.
Many people are this stupid, yes. So what is important is manipulating the stupid people to do what we want, without them knowing that's what they are doing.
Haven't you heard? We /the jews/ now.
The left in America has no interest in logic, they are like a collective horde that acts as political and corporate hitmen. They just follow orders. They can, however, be confused by seeing the same talking point over and over again if it contradicts their narrative of the day in a blatant way. Colbert using the performance of a homosexual act as an insult does this.
So whatever the liberal topic of the day happens to be, just ignore it and say you can't believe how outraged you are about Colbert.
>did you see what trump did?
>sorry I can't concentrate on anything right now, I can't believe how fucked up colbert is
>yeah but what about healthcare
>im sorry right now Im just completely wound up by Colbert
Some big names are getting involved in this.
They need to focus though. Bright direct heat on one company first and get them to pull. Then move on to the next, and use the first ad pull as added leverage as you go down the list.
This can be done. It just takes the right number of people making it happen.
1. Leftists do actually get offended because theyre trained to be pussies.
2. Using leftist tactics ensures that you are playing their game, and that only their game will be played. The real goal should be to play our game.
they should be prepared for a bait and switch in case colbert said something like "cup holster", it could be a bait and switch just like the bleeding from wherever by trump
I know they bleeped it, but listen to the audience reaction after.
I'm not sure if he would say that in front of an audience. I'm not sure either way but it's just something to take into consideration.
Ugh, don't use (((their))) arguments and pretend to be offended. It's a weak strategy.
close, it's called being a FLAMING FAGGOT
>Alec Baldwin calls a guy a cocksucker, loses show on MSNBC
>Stephen Colbert calls a guy mainstream doesn't like a cocksucker, zero fucks given
really makes you think
>they shill for a neocon president
>they do it FOR FREE
>implying we wouldn't do anything to impress suey
Do a quick google search of "deterrence theory" and "mutually assured destruction."
Ben Shapiro, though he's a ((())), did this very well back in the day with Truth Revolt organized through boycotts. Also, see
If they're gonna go after orly and Hannity then why not use the same tactics, especially since it is the precedent set by them which is enabling us to do so
My game is to destroy the left and the mainstream media. I think this will help do that.
And I don't think they are really offended when they say they are. And they certainly aren't really "scared" when they say they are. They just use that because if you ignore them, it just heightens their victimization. They play the victim to get power.
Their whole game is about power. My game is to take their power away. Silencing one of their biggest preachers will help.
Is that Chelsea? I want to believe it is, but I remember when she was married and how slim and good she looked. This would be AMAZING if it was her, but google hasn't given me much info that isn't here
Welcome to Sup Forums where we have been turning our adversaries tactics against them for over 100 years!
now GTFO