Has anyone noticed how black people are destroying a part of white culture by popularizing metal merch and wearing band shirts or inspired clothes?
Also is metal redpileld?
Has anyone noticed how black people are destroying a part of white culture by popularizing metal merch and wearing band shirts or inspired clothes?
Also is metal redpileld?
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They are pretty much copying wjat white people have created and applying it to hip hop culture
FYI people who dont smoke meth stop listening to metal in their early 20s.
slayer sucks
Neo-classical/Jazz fusion instrumental is best.
You suck, faggot.
In the cities near my town, the niggers still listen to and wear nigger things.
Their first albums are pretty good, and I put the image because slayer tee's are the most popular among normies
Ask him
>tfw you can't take metal band vocalist performance seriously when they deliver the lyrics using utterly silly screaming on top of their lungs with straight face
No i I have not noticed this, nigs are still shucking a jiving like always.
Are you listening to metal or screamo? Theres a difference.
Start with this
Thrash Metal.
In other words "noise"?
No bullshit. There is no organization in that shit. It's like some angry kid slamming down keys on a piano and calling that shit "thrash classical".
Metal venerates drug addiction, alcohol abuse, murder, poor hygiene, nihilism etc
It is far from red pilled.
This. Metal is rap for wiggers.
No you don't know what Thrash Metal is.
only listen to black metal and early death metal...no one can touch it basically
>all genres of metal are the same
ok you must be right
More important why is antifa protesting Marduk?
Bait or not, it's true
Low quality bait. You probably haven't heard thrash metal.
Like, to be honest metal is the closest genre out of all to classical music...
Are you sure? Just because a lot of bands are satanic and you are a christian doesn't mean it does all these things, even if thats what the priest told you.
Also the satanic thing is just what was cool back then, maybe 1% of the bands took it seriously.
It's the abbos.
>destroying something that metalheads are always complaining of being dead for x years anyway
op think's he's a cool guy because he listens to music that not all the normies listen to, probably doesnt even support his local scene, and would probably question a girl on the authenticity of her Pink Floyd shirt, even though they're well known to be entry level hipster garbage
metalheads are almost as bad as juggalos
Cyпep pycки фэнтeзи Блэк мэтaл !!!!!!!!!!!
No this is actual metal music, still not on white people's level. What I'm talking about is black people stealing the style and imagery
it started with kanye, honestly who gives a fuck but he started it. he wore like metalica shirts
You would have a point if this was 1986 and you were only talking about contemporary music. Ambient, Electronica, and any of their sub-genres are raw compositional works with no bullshit. A genre of music based around agression and guitar solos (not to say that there isn't good metal out there) isn't close to "classical" music. The arrangements may have more depth than what's on Billboards 100, but don't think for a second that it resembles true compositional genius.
Oneohtrix Point Never and Wolfgang Voight are modern examples of "classical " music, and I believe that term has lost all meaning
Kek has spoken! I guess..
Metal is for kids. Metal is edgy and immature, sorry, that's the truth. I just listen to Atheist for philosophical lyrics even tho I'm Christian. A very few bands are okay.
Red pilled? Fuck no!
I prefer intelligible lyrics. Amon Amarth is about as far as I'd push it, everything beyond that is just mindless screaming.
Its funny cause im actually watching that lemmy movie
uhh, no.
Metal was the closest genre to classical music, it's not an argument, classical musicians started as metal heads, more often than not.
im the only here who as much as i like metal know that is a perfect veheicle for subliminal messages. so is rap. rock is just wrong. it is hypnotic to the brain more than musical. classical artist knew this and wrote using the golden ratio and and lower hz creating a different intelectual outcome in the briain. peoples evelution is based on their musical taste
Used to be hard into killswitch engage i killed the prom queen and stuff. 10 years later im listening to creedance lol
love to listen some good 'ol cheesy italian power metal. luca turilli is truly genius, when it comes to making power metal
>talking shit about noise
They stole white people culture.
Tgeir all wearing skinny jeans and ironic t-shirts and members only waist high jackets like white kids did 10 years ago
this map is bullshit.
What? That map is bullshit.
this reminds me to punch that failure fucking rich kid faggot from nofx in the fucking face
Здpaвaй Boлгa тaтap
How would I have a point if it was 1986?
All I said is it's good music and black people are stealing the cultural aspect of it. Also it is pretty complex, while you said it sounded like random noise.
how it is bullshit?
Sherri Few is based
Metalhead for 30 years. Metal is not red pilled. They just scream about being cucked
Is that the guy from Goatmoon
Also there are as many bluepilled metal people as there are redpilled
Slayer = intelligible lyrics? Maybe if you're bad at english.
This song is harder to understand than any Slayer song, and the playing is simple and boring.
Дoбpe cъм, eвpeйн.Блaгoдapя, чe пoпитa
Talking about the one you posted
Modern slayer is shit. Only half of the original crew. Jeff and Dave were the soul of the band.
actaully im an idiot it started with those guys from the south
>/pol talking about metal
>no sabaton
What the fuck are you guys doing okay?
There's something in metal that's fundamentally redpilled.
Goofy larp band
The artist I stated write compositions, while metal is primarily based on fucking power chords with a God damned double kick drum.. do you write music at all, or understand musical theory?
Phillip Glass and Steve Reich (what you would call "classical" composers alive and currently working) work side by side and do collaborations with the artists I stated in my prior post. Just listen to them.
The whole alikening metal to classical bullshit was started in the 80's by teenage boys who wanted to berate girls for listening to ABBA and Micheal Jackson.
I'm not trying to claim metal has no artistic merit, and the arrangements can be very impressive, but metal doesn't hold a torch to actual composition work done by artist like Oneohtrix Point Never
because they make so bland and generic sounding metal, just like all the power metal bands that start with "dragon" something
Holy fuck go the fuck back to Sup Forums
t. jew trying to erase one bastion of white identity.
do you know why this picture looks unusual? it's because it is.
I can guarantee that Black Metal is mostly untouched except for some South Americans and Mexicans. Also NSBM is where it's at.
"Let them fall face down
If they must die
Making it easier
To say goodbye
Bright, a white light
If there'd be
Any glory in war
Let it rest
On men like him
Who went to hell and came back
Crosses grow on Anzio
Where no soldier sleeps
And where hell is six feet deep
That death does wait
There's no debate
So charge and attack
Going to hell and back"
This is music about war not that dungeons and dragons shit. Who the fuck larps to this
There are many different subgenres of metal, but I can't think of one associated with poor hygiene. Were you thinking of something specific?
Anyway, you may want to check out unblack metal.
i love how rap acts can get in the rock hall of fame but rock bands will never get into the rap hall of fame
Metal is the white man's music, and more so power and symphonic.
Trash and nu metal fags please kys you're everything wrong with metal
>metal is based on power chords and double kick drums
Except the metal that isn't.
What about Vai, Satriani or Yngwie? Or for drummers Portnoy or Mickey Dee?
It wasn't just a meme, the connection it's real, it's true that metal it's unrefined, but it's also true that many musicians listened to it and played it.
metal was made up by witches
Bro just because he plays fast doesn't make it classical or jazz. Tony McAlpine is a below-average tier 80's shredder.
Behold Jason Becker
Wow bro seems like we really rustled your jimmies. You were the one talking shit about our music, not the other way around.
Probably the reason why the two are compared by the way.
I love metal. Thrash, death, black, heavy, power, progressive. Not the screamo nu-metal crap, though. It is, however, not particularly redpilled. Metal usually has more "meaningful" lyrics than the average classic rock n roll band, but metalheads in general are a pretty socialist community. All for one, one for all, all are united regardless of sex, race, class etc. The subculture of metal is one of conformity in the guise of non-conformity. At best, their rebellious attitude amounts to "the government is evil, there is oppression. inequality and a highly subjective mainstream culture and education in society, and I'm gonna fight this with... hedonism". Not very different from the hippies, the modern ravers, or any counter-cultural pseudo-movement. The only redpilled genre of metal is black-metal, and it has its fair share poseur, sellout bogus. What authenticity the BM movement had quickly lost its fervour in the world-wide scene. I still encounter mostly just redpilled BM fans around here, though.
>t. faggot with weak musical tastes
Go listen to your electronic dancing music, junior.
R&r hall of fame is fake news
>holy fuck just go away while I plug my ears.
Again, I enjoy good metal music, I just want people to stop claiming metal is some sort of refined taste that is objectively the most "genius" music out there. I won't name artist because that'll just piss youfaggots off, but there's plenty of compositional work that's far more relevant than metal that a composer will tell you is a work of classical genius.
If you think metal is "compositional genius" (again, there's very impressive metal works that I enjoy) then it's evident you have no grasp of musical theory
wtf Sup Forums
It actually started with SpaceGhostPurrp and the Raider klan I believe
The sound is bland and it sounds very similar. They have enjoyable songs though.
Can you run that by us again in English, without the faggot-spinkled autist jabber?
you have to be +18 to post here
Listen to it or don't. Fuck these "is this shit redpilled" threads you dumb bitch. If listening to metal makes your feefees hurt because you feel like they are trying to brainwash you, put on your tinfoil hat and listen to Infowars.
You should be able to figure out any of that shit yourself. Quit asking a scandanavian long-exposure Polaroid board stupid shit and use your brain. Fucks sake.
God-tier. Slayer further inspired me to visit Egypt, and Sepultura's Territory video made me visit Israel/Palestine.
Have a (You)
Fuck you ahhaha power metal you mean dragon magic sword mythical spell force metal? Nu metal is far from thrash too buddy
I'm glad there's a level headed user here who is actually talking about the political spectrum of the metal community and not spamming redundant bullshit.
Japs are okay though
>metal is all power chords!
what do you listen to, solely the radio?