Is dating a black girl the ultimate redpill, or the blackpill as I'd like to call it?
The white man takes what belongs to him.
Black women are sweeter, more feminine and more submissive to white men.
Is dating a black girl the ultimate redpill, or the blackpill as I'd like to call it?
The white man takes what belongs to him.
Black women are sweeter, more feminine and more submissive to white men.
Fuck off, Shariablue.
whites btfo! how will they ever recover?
>More feminine
Americans hate.
Europeans love.
Racemixing is inherently wrong.
Canada is europe
This thread again.
This is a slide thread.
sage goes in all fields
she's not all that black
an sa ge
>X women are
Since when should anybody listen to someone else's relationship advice? You virgin chocolate nigger.
Gross Korean wiring for Brock and (((them)))
Not sweeter
Not feminine at all
In no way are they submissive
Black women commit more crime than white men.
Piss off nerd virgin go try to get Chelsea elected
>Black women are sweeter, more feminine and more submissive to white men.
Is funny because they are actually the complete opposite! Haha!
What the fuck are you talking about? Even if I would be the last man on earth I wouldnt fuck a niggress
>Is dating a black girl the ultimate redpill, or the blackpill as I'd like to call it?
>The white man takes what belongs to him.
Don't talk that way about my beautiful waifu belgian scum!
Enjoy the AIDS
Well, yeah, you obviously have to be a human being to date a white man, but doesn't mean that it's not wrong, plus the videos of the white male black female were videos recorded with the plan on putting them online. Obviously they're gonna be the "perfect couple" on a video for their youtube channel lol. Don't fall for this white genocide promoting propaganda.
>no ass
what's the point?
Maybe if they didn't smell like food 24/7
always posting some quadroon.
>race mixing
fuck off, jew
>more femenine
fuck off
>more submissive
you fucking idiot, I've dated over 15 black women and got two pregnant. in no way, shape or form is a black woman more submissive. they try to control every aspect of the relationship probably because they're used to being wrong dumb fucking men (black guys) and it leaks unto us white.
I'm on child support for one who is actively trying to ruin my life because I won't be with her and she's a jealous cunt. she already got in a fight with one of my past ex's.. Jesus Christ. fuck share blue, liberals, Democrats. you ruined my life with this kike propaganda machine.
Based Sotomayor calling out single mothers fucking up their kids, he needs to team up with Stefan Molymeme and start a single mother holocaust.
I dated a black girl for 3 years, would recommend.
fuck off shaniqua
why do black models who look like THAT never go nude?
Dat ass though
Dumb thread but if she looks like your pic then you'd be crazy to turn it down
They just smell of coconut butter all the time could be worse.
I've dated a couple negresses...would date again without hesitation was amazing
>Based Sotomayor
>Promoting race mixing
wot u on about? He's telling black men to date white women and white men to date black women you fucking retard
>the white man takes what belongs to him
Doesn't mean I'm willing to swim in shit just because I shat it out. sage
I was involved with a black/latina mix girl from my building for about 3 months. I was about 10 years older. We went out dinner/etc only a few times. Our whole relationship involved her coming by my apt around 11pm with some weed. It seemed that she had some real emotional/family problems but i never bothered her about them. Her big turn on was slow anal with some dirty talking and the hair on my chest/face. Watching TV with her on my lap she'd run her hand through my chest hair for the longest time. My chest would get numb. A tad odd but I didn't care.
Our relationship didn't develop enough for any of her craziness do become a problem.
Lela Star has mental problems. SHe is 90% plastic now. It's really sad because she was beautiful before it.
look at a map
Nice to look at, weird to touch. Mussles too hard
he is holding an extended magazine on a revolver stupid nigger
why would you want to date someone who is unemployable and on welfare?
that's the joke
fucked a kenyan, pussy stank. not sure whether i should date a niggress again. also, mutilated pussy is a fucking turn-off.
if the kids were white then yeah
but.. :(
i like black girls dont get me wrong but i would not like my boys
Its OK to have a harem of minorities
Every white Guy should have a harem of minorities and a bisex white wife to exploit the harem and make babies with
>Black women are sweeter, more feminine and more submissive to white men.
Obviously you've never been with a black girl.
Well, considering white women are beyond saving i can kinda agree with you. Still, im more on the asian then blacks. White women can fuck off and die for all i care
I think he's talking about those fresh off the boat, not the americaniggers. Some of them seem to have a less shitty personality than most white women.
I'd never fuck a nigger. Belgian cuck.
>racemixing is repilled
Where is that leaf?
Redpill is that black men are insecure about black women wanting white men over black men.
Niggers HATE IT
Date a cute shy black girl, they are loyal and pretty submissive. They are nothing like the typical loud nigress sluts.
too muscular and has an absolutely shit personality.
WTF I LOVE NIGGERS NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is well known that black women are superior
no just a connoisseur of BLEACHING
>tfw no gf
The ultimate bleakpill
That's a big girl.
dont expect any blow jobs
They are the same color as poop.
Black pill, get it, because they're NIGGERS
>having big black lips
>not giving blowjobs
> is getting herpes and gonorrhea the ultimate redpill
I'm in a relationship like this but that's OK because femdom is my kink. I keep my black mistress happy and we both get what we want out of it.
depends on how black they are. if theyve got nappy afro hair theyre too black for me. if they have curly hair im in there though.
>tfw no light skinned queen
I would totally casually do it if there was no AIDS and if no one knew about it
Kill yourself nigger
almost seem mad about something Yannis?
you can still vote for Golden Dawn
fresh off the boat from africa, huh, kid.
you only have that one note?
You are so boring and pathetic I bet if you killed yourself right now nobody would notice or care. It takes a special kind of sperg to obsess over sheboons
The first generation African chicks can be, but American black women are ape-tier
race mix
>nobody would notice or care
are you talking about your own life now?
No I don't think so. Ethnical purity should come first in seeking a mother for your children, happiness second.
Fuck off
How can you be so fucking stupid you impregnate two nigresses? Non-white women are for sex only, not spreading your seed. You have literally added 2 niglets to the world.
It's a betrayal. And nigger women are about the ugliest thing on the planet
This is what happens when the faggot mods don't delete crap threads. The mentally ill thirsty virgins and the nigger shills chimp out
>implying you wouldn't
nice digits senpai
damn shes smokin fine
I think they purposefully keep it around to piss stormweenies off. There's some weird denialism in Sup Forums where they act like they wouldn't fuck nigresses just on principle.
This one is pretty gross, to be honest. Disproportionate as fuck.