Why does Sup Forums hate stormfront?
Why does Sup Forums hate stormfront?
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They're just racist, but not in a good comedy relief / red pilled way.
>CLETUS: Only good nigger is a dead nigger!
>WALLY: That's a good one, Cletus!! LOL
Because they come to /pol and shit up the board with low IQ racism and dipshit Jewish conspiracy bullshit. They are almost as bad as Gen Z redditors and the garbage tier threads they bring. Almost.
>Jewish conspirancy bullshit
Stormfront uses the Kekistani flag in their actual rallies.
Ya'll been played by them. In all the lols and keks, you guys became tools of actual racists.
They are cringey and have no sense of humor, they give everyone on the right a bad name. Plus it's a massive honeypot
>Why does Sup Forums hate stormfront?
that's news to me.
Its happening
I am an actual racist, dumbfuck.
>Implying we aren't actual racists
Stormfront is no fun allowed
Pretty much this. There's nothing clever or ironic about it.
At least Sup Forums sometimes makes you wonder if it's satire.
me too. brothers lets racist on!
Because they are cringey faggots.
Proud of my heritage, but if all I had to be proud of is that I'm white, I'd neck myself.
Sherri Few is based
kys kike
they are too cultish. you have to agree with them 100% or else. worse than sjws.
I actually am racist. Fuck niggers and thr ZOG
Because they were so fucking obnoxious aboht the astroturfing on /new/ and shitposted so hard on /q/ that they still shitpost here as /qa/ aside from the beliefs which are fine alot of the stuff we say here would earn us a ban over there nowadays. They have gone pretty soft
As a racially mestizo even I dont hate them, people have a right to be proud of their heritage I just want to contribute in my way to society and eventually die, i dont want to be around other spics i dont want to import them like crazy i dont believe they need extra special treatment and if they do come they should atleast have a skilled job - my father cane here during a housing boom in the GTA and helped build the larger neighborhoods for middle-class whites to get away from the niggers shitting up toronto, which i dont know where they came from but they keep multiplying.
all in all if stormfronters just leave us outliers alone i dont care they have a right to believe what they want and feel.
They tend to be cultureless Americans clinging to white "European" identity and it's pretty pathetic.
The funny thing we here are more extreme then they are. We are also wittier, better looking and can defend our ideals without coming across as some sort of meth induced skinhead.
>They're racist but not in a comedy relief/"redpilled" way.
How the fuck did pol get so fucking soft.
>actual racist are using your memes
> "Implying we aren't actual racist"
Never change Sup Forums
This is the answer why. This entire site is about guilty pleasures, mostly kept in private, and they come here and larp about day of the rope or some shit.
look at his flag its probably a spic
>Jewish conspiracy bullshit
we get it, you don't like reading books
but you should try
I'm not saying I'm not racist but I wouldn't post here if this board if it lacked the same basic sense of humor.
btw >getting btfo by a leaf
wait i thought everyone here hated niggers and kikes too. im so confused now. wtf is going on.
This, pretty much. Very ban-happy.
Just stupidly racist, unironically thinking that anyone who doesn't hate the world is a shill.
The real deal is that any average intelligent person thinks of them as the white niggers.
(((They))) are trying to divide us and these tools are as cancerous as the antifi
We do.
You can be racist and have fun posting at the same time is what Stormfront doesn't understand.
I dont hate stormfront, they are useful idiots.
Germans are the New World Juden
Just listen to this cuckkraut. Sad.
This is what men become when all they are taught of their culture is guilt
>dipshit Jewish conspiracy bullshit.
But THERE IS a Juden conspiracy, you fucking oven dodger!
Neo Nazis are trash. This is a board for conservatives, not genuine idiots.
I wish my grandfather killed more Nazis, honestly.
thank god. i thought i was in the wrong place.
I'll quit memeing for a minute and legitimately answer this.
The basic premise that it's OK to be proud of your race's or nationality's historical accomplishments is fine. I don't hate them per se, they're just horribly (and possibly irreparably) misguided/impractical.
There will never be a white ethnostate in America. That ship sailed a long time ago. Most of the whites here in the US aren't even white enough for them. Anybody advocating this i put in the same category as lolbertarian sovereign citizens who don need no driver's license and can somehow never be legally detained. Pure fucking retardation.
They also back the worst of white culture - neo-nazis/biker gangs/etc. They do/sell drugs to white children, destroy white families, terrorize white businesses, make deals with nigger/spic gangs for weapons/drug trade and territory, etc. The kind of degenerate trailer trash we'd all be better off without that pretend to be "all about family". They ought to get reclassified as domestic terrorists just like Antifa or MS-13 or the Crips/Bloods or whatever criminal niggerdom you have in your neck of the woods.
I understand using Germanic nazism's imagery for lulz, but it's massively counter-productive to the goals they purport to have. Normies will never accept that and using it to promote any form of American nationalism is completely out of place with Germanic NS in its historical context.
tl;dr - they're faggots
But it is satire...
>he thinks this is a cuckservative board
you can go worship the jew else where, shapiro
checks out
>Why does nupol hate stormfront?
we hate everything, faget
Because you seriously ruined Sup Forums.
its racism that binds us
> actually believing jew world domination conspiracies
Kikes chimping out hard ITT
Because Sup Forums would like to fix the black community by cutting the gibs off and letting the dumbest of them starve to death, thereby raising the average black IQ. Stormfront just wants to lynch them.
t.increasingly nervous kike
you're definitely confused
I'm ethnonationlist like most of them but it's more of a personalily/culture problem with them
>dump nigger webms in unrelated threads
>will start a 100 post argument with a trolling kangz poster
>have no sense of humor apart lol niggers are dumb amarite.
>don't understand the concept that you cant go full 1488 and expect a normie to listen
Go read what astroturfing is you retarded faggot
this. civic nationalists are beta goys
back to the_D, milquetoast faggots
>we want to fix niggers
no we don't, lmao, we want to not see them when we go outside, or live next to them, or have them make our food. Multiculturism and race mixing is jewish poison.
>the jews are pretending to hate jews to trick you
The shills pretend that anti semitism and "racism" on Sup Forums is satire and a giant joke
They're too autistic and cringy, and Nazis were objectively huge fucking failure yet they shill for them.
That's a honeypot.
Same reason your ID only has one post.
There is a lot of satire here. Obviously that's not the only thing here.
Sup Forums would rather help the black "community" by sending them all back to Africa and letting them fend for themselves. That's also not how you raise IQ. The simple fact is that blacks hit their peak about 350 years ago and have literally nothing to offer.
Please go back to your civic (((nationalist))) area of the internet.
Plebbitor/Nufag detected
They're dumb white trash and the minute they end up in prison (which they inevitably do for peddling meth) they become nigger loving race traitors
lurk moar kike
Echo chamber and nofun stereotyped retards. Sup Forums is unironically one of the most ideologically diverse boards on the internet, even if the majority of us are either trumpcucks or actual nazis they know how to talk and make you laugh.
>you guys became tools of actual racists.
The American right wing identity is people who fuck their cousins and smoke meth. Sup Forums I has more in common with European right wing politics.
A few years ago stormfags were pretty funny
Now they're lame and retarded ( and mostly FBI agents) and most of the "Nazi" posting here is muslims or liberals LARPing
whatever you say, chaim
>think races mingle in prisons
>expect people to take them seriously
Because they're dipshits who make us look bad with their inbred halfwitted rambling. Right wing thought rests on self reliance and cultural superiority, by associating their useless shitbird selves with it they make it less credible and the only thing Sup Forums hates more than niggers, kikes, spics, gooks, and ragheads is white trash methhead retards who fuck up our message by agreeing with us public while being everything we despise.
Literally white niggers
fuck you, you filthy kike
They want all niggers and non whites dead.
I myself want a white nation, while blacks have their black nations and the Asians have their Asian nations. Being a white nationalist doesn't means I hate other races (much) or that I don't think we can't work with others for goals such as global pollution/nature and science.
Stormfront are just a bunch of angry old rednecks posting hitler propaganda
Sup Forums are somewhat smarter, younger, funnier, hipper so they have a chance to make change.
Because they're american cucks who've committed cultural suicide and can't openly display pride outside of Oktoberfest.