Why are jews so satanic? Why can't they be good?
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It's because of the Talmud, which is the Satanic version of the Torah. It comes from Babylon.
The Code of Hammurabi is actually the basis for the tenets of Satanism, such as "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth".
What happened to kikes in Babylon that they turned out so rotten?
Masons are worse. They would love people to blame everything on the Jews.
lol, Masons ARE the jews, man. How new are you?
here is the answer, they are manufactured psychopaths. psychopaths are considered incurable by psychology so they need to be put down to protect infected society. there should be public egzecutions in every city's main market
pro tip: read about infant's psychology because pic is related
Daily Dose:
also sage
to I keep my cock in a sock to keep from going psycho now that the jews fugged it up?
fuck off kike
Evolved and concentrated evil.
Jews are not missionary so we can assume that many bloodlines have been jewish since the time of Jesus. If one generation is 25 years then that means 80 generations in straight line have rejected the truth and goodness.
How do we shine the light of truth on these vermin?
Don't worry, the best thing about the Jew is they never learn from history, they just resent it
They always blame others for their eventual downfall and banishment from the civilised world never seeming to recognise their role in poisoning all that is good and non-Jew because of their incessant greed and degeneracy
If they were really as smart as they claim they would not continually be driven out of countries or slaughtered throughout history
They are not God's chosen people, history shows us they are God's cursed people
They chose the wrong path--
>tfw cut
me 2 brah. we cray now. but look, the faggot also said sage, so kike detected, demoralization campaign shown!
They're fucking disgusting, I HATE them
Masons are a Jewish cover. Fucking read the Protocols of Zion
Fuck Jews
Because when you try to integrate the El Cult into your own power structure, it always takes over.
For obvious reasons when you look into it, the worship of Saturn always produces inhuman monsters. There has never been a successful adoption of El worship that didn't result in treating humans like objects, because that's what El worship entails, basically.
Judaeism is 99% El worship now, despite the original Isis base. Islam is 99% El worship now, despite the Venus base. Christians, I've got some bad news for your Good News.
Go on--
ok, here is some info. the (((jews))) are not jews. jews ARE the chosen people, meant to teach the goyim and help them walk a better path. those who fullfill this are the jews. i mean there are 12 tribes of jews officially, so its not bound to a certain tribe of people. in fact being a jew, i believe, doesnt even need you to practice judaism.
>9Look at those who belong to the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews but are liars instead. I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and they will know that I love you.
Those who tell you they are here to help, to guide you, but do the opposite and in that way claim they are the jews, meant to guide the masses, those are the synagouge of satan, (((them))). The corrupt polliticians, the bought media, and the bankers tellen you their system is needed to keep civilizations alive. those are the people disguising themselves as the jews in that sense that they tell you they are here to help, but are not. many of the (((jews))) are jewish, ethniticallywise, yes, but they are no jews anymore. the synagouge of satan infiltrates, corrupts and then acts like it was the same always (((theirs).
For example "the star of davids" (what i believe) original meaning is the unification of male and female, and by extend generally polar opposites. its basically another version of ying and yang. only later was it used for a symbol of saturn, and judaism. rothschild used it back on his store back then and made it later a jewish symbol, corrupted and then act like it was theirs from the beginning like they always do.
they do this to:
1. make people who find out about it think thats the real meaning and start worshipping their deity as they believe thats what it was all about from the beginning
b) make them turn away from it and even disregarding the positive expects instead of only the corrupted things
III: rechannel their prayers/thoughts/energy to their deity.
The same was done to judaism, and many have been corrupted
Saturn was worshipped in many forms. el, moloch, satan, baal, cronus, the black cube being its symbol. here is a redpill:
satan quite literally rules this world, as stated in the bible, wether he exists as an enthity, or a symbol, and its our test to overcome his rule and resist him.
6 is the number of man, and his weakness. greed, egoism, egocentrism, all the materialistic desires, and i believe of this plane existence in general. 666 is going over the top with the materialistic desires, pursuing and desiring only those and making you follow the path of satan.
Through these weaknesses, and temptations satan rules this world. Satan originally means "obstacle", and everyone had his own satan. a person that tempted him, some addiction, a sin he would like to commit or what ever. later on then satan became an enthity. he was to test humans and if iirc he was the one killing the first born in egypt. then people came to think "if satan works for god, and satan does evil, than god is evil too" and thus they rewrote him once again to being an enemy of god.
Satan, as i believe, is a mere symbol for the material world, for the time that passes and the death this causes. symbolized by the black cube, the 3 dimensions which binds us here and is the root of our weaknesses and fears as we always fear time is running out, that we can die, so we have to ensure our survival on cost of others. (((they))) worship this world, the earthly pleasures and do anything to have as much of it as they can. they worship satan. they put the material world over the spiritual one, the below over the above, and to do that further (((they))) try to reverse the natural order of all things. make good evil, and men into women. you can see (((thei))) perversion everywere.
(((jews))) not jews
Says the German.
Whoa that's some (((alister crowley))) tier kikeshit mane.
>Why can't they be good?
Because they aren't goyim.
just (((coincidence))). the other spike by the way lands on the C.H.I.L.D. center, it just wasnt displayed on my map so i didnt see it, just a walmart in the area. only later saw that with the child center
Revelations 2:9
I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
Because we worship the cube goyim!
>why can't satanists be good guys?
Here's some Alister Crowley shit. He decided to make his own additions to this book on Jewish Mysticism and Demonology.
The Goetia: The Lesser Key of Solomon
Yep. Modern Freemasons are Isis Ra El Reborn, not the original.
(((They))) are The Men of the New Covenant, and although there are a lot of jews involved, the driving force for global domination is in fact, uh, us, the Eternal Anglos. Henry VIII kickstarted that particular movement, and co-opted all manner of guilds into service. Hey, who doesn't want to rule the whole world, right? Freemasons were one of these guilds already LARPing with Egyptology, so there was a massive overlap with symbolism.
500 years or so later, they have almost achieved their blueskies goal. Not too shabby. Do the Men of the New Covenant believe their own "religion"? Nope. It was originally Osiris Isis Horus, an insult directed towards the Vatican "We know your mumbo jumbo is re-packaged ancient egyptian fertility worship". The Golden Dawn retains this configuration.
It didn't become Isis Ra El until Elizabeth I's court. And to be entirely fair to our beloved overlords, the El cult didn't start to take over entirely until William of Orange empowered the City of London above and beyond all else, and thus began the decline of the project into avarice instead of lofty ideals of perfect culture.
Never include El in your masterplan; it is too tempting to just kick back and rake in money.
>although there are a lot of jews involved, the driving force for global domination is in fact, uh, us, the Eternal Anglos
funfact: all the celebreties and ruling elites are related to each other. the red carpet on which they walk is the representing the bloodline they ride on to success
I believe it. It's trans-national, despite its origins.
Look at the most recent addition to (((the family))): out of nowhere it suddenly became London - New York - ... Dubai. Someone finally cut the arabs in.
check out kazachstan. there is some really weird shit going on too.
that city looks like the one paradisic city they use in a dystopian story to say "see, we dont have it that bad"
In 2011, a the language of secret manuscript was cracked with the help of an AI developed by the University of Southern California.
Copiale cipher and A Secret Society You've Never Heard Of:
I love those mad dictator follies. Turkmanbashi is the overlord to study for maximum hilarity.
Interesting. There does appear to be several players on the board, several of whom are concealed. One very interesting theory is a breakaway odessa-style group counterfeiting currency like the nazis did to us Brits in WW2.
It's MotNC vs Rome for the most part, with the Dragons in the East who don't seem to be playing to win any more. And then there are one or two fascinating hidden players.
The secret society is the Oculists.
Hang on, we know about these guys. They met in utter secrecy to study the then-mystery of vision, and came up with a very accurate depiction of rods and cones, as well as the understanding that the brain flips the incoming light data? A rare example of a "modern times" mystery school.
Oculists, Masons, illuminati are all controlled by the kikes and based on their Babylonian mystery religion.
I'm of Jewish ancestry but even I'm disgusted and revolted by that practice. People that do that should be locked in a cell, and ones that do it "because God told them" should be locked in a padded room like we'd do with anyone else trying that shit.
Yeah they were obsessed with optometry and had secret rituals pretending to be eye doctors.
Who do we know that has eye defects?
Not having moral constraints is more profitable?
>Jewish ancestry
>Judaism is a religion, not some fucking genetic marker, you kike disinformation hawker
Don't try and curry favor with me Jew.
His Untouchable status is a mystery, certainly.
Given how many people European countries have assassinated for far less direct meddling, let alone Russia or America, he's protected by something important it seems. He's not even that rich in terms of the Big Boys, so it's not his money that keeps him from being offed.
Or maybe they're just waiting for him to die? Their plans are longterm, after all.
Nicely put friend.
>7 zones
Old habits die hard. You can see the "occult" influences. "Indigo is totally it's own colour, shut up".
Iridology appears similar to Reflexology. Very interesting.
AHHHH they're obsessed with eyes!
Watch this on the secret Oculists society and the Copiale Cipher that was broken in 2011 by an AI
holy shit the alphabet-- how about the greek alphabet?
check this demonic kike shit out--I think it says "winer" as in anthony winer-- right next to the kike illuminati eye..